dissent是什么意思 dissent的中文翻译、读音、例句


dissent是什么意思 dissent的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, 'dissent' can be approached from different aspects:

1. Definition: Dissent refers to a disagreement or opposition to a prevailing idea, belief, or policy. It can be used as a noun or a verb.

2. Synonyms: Some synonyms to dissent include disagreement, objection, opposition, discord, and dispute.

3. Context: Dissent can be used in different contexts, such as politics, law, religion, education, and social movements.

4. Importance: Dissent is an essential part of democracy and a healthy society. It allows for different perspectives to be heard and for progress to be made.

Example sentences:

1. The judge dissented from the majority opinion and wrote a hing dissenting opinion.

2. The students expressed their dissent with the school's new dress code by wearing black armbands to school.

3. The activists were arrested for their dissent against the government's environmental policies.

4. Despite facing opposition and dissent from within her party, the prime minister managed to push through her new policy.

5. The company's executives discouraged any dissent from their employees by enforcing a strict code of conduct.




1. Dissent is an important part of democracy, allowing people to voice their opinions and challenge the status quo.(反对是的重要组成部分,使人们能够表达他们的意见并挑战现状。)

2. Several members of the board expressed dissent with the proposed plan.(董事会的几位成员对所提出的计划表示了反对。)

3. The judge's dissenting opinion argued that the majority's decision was unconstitutional.(法官的异议意见认为多数人的决定违宪。)




例句:Judge Kozinski is a leading conservative, appointed by President Ronald Reagan, but in his dissent he came across as a raging liberal. (柯辛斯基法官是重要的保守派人士,由当时的美国总统罗纳德·里根任命,但他的这一异议看似完全是一位愤怒的自由派。)


例句:Managing dissent is about recognizing the value of disagreement, discord and difference. (管理异见就是 认识到让各种不同声音, 不同意见 百家争鸣的价值性。)


例句:But the CCP also decided to make its officials more professional and allow for dissent and debate within the party. (但中国党还决定提高其官员的专业水平,允许抒发不同意见和展开辩论。)


例句:Dissent would now cast a long over the Church. (翻译:非议之声从此在教会 投下长长的一道阴影。)


dissent一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dissent circuit([计] 否决电路)、dissent from(不同意,与…意见不合)、judicial dissent([网络] 司法异议)等常见短语中出现较多。

dissent circuit[计] 否决电路
dissent from不同意,与…意见不合
judicial dissent[网络] 司法异议
vote of dissent[法] 不同意票


1. But the CCP also decided to make its officials more professional and allow for dissent and debate within the party. (翻译:但中国党还决定提高其官员的专业水平,允许抒发不同意见和展开辩论。)

2. Dissent would now cast a long over the Church. (翻译:非议之声从此在教会 投下长长的一道阴影。)

3. We can combat groupthink by nurturing authentic dissent. (翻译:为了对抗这种思维,我们可以培育权威的不同意见。)

4. And therefore, over one dissent, it is the court's judgment that the defendants are to be released from custody at once (翻译:本庭诸法官中, 只有一位持异议 因此本庭裁决 被告立即当庭释放)

5. He wouldn't have granted the cart, and he had a very interesting dissent. (翻译:其中一位是官斯卡利亚,他不同意使用代步车 他反对的理由很有意思 )

6. Dissent was not tolerated because, Ferguson claimed, he did not have the time to deal with it, especially during a match interval. (翻译:在那里,反对意见是绝对不能容忍的,因为弗格森称他没有时间去处理它,尤其是在比赛中场休息时。)

7. When everyone is equal as people of the Great Qing there will be no dissent against Your Majesty (翻译:如果天下人只有一个身份 都是大清的子民 那就再也没有反对皇上的声音)

8. It has somnolent universities, little history of individual dissent and no recent parliamentary tradition. (翻译:它有资源枯竭的大学,持个别政见的历史极少还没有近代的议会传统。)

9. Still, he uses the Juche ideology of self-reliance to justify his rule and crush all dissent. (翻译:他却用自力更生的主体思想 治国与铲除异己)

10. He wouldn't have granted the cart, and he had a very interesting dissent. (翻译:其中一位是官斯卡利亚,他不同意使用代步车 他反对的理由很有意思)

11. Never has this dissent been as emotional, as intense, as is the dissent against the war in Vietnam. (翻译:也从未有过像反对越战这样 如此激动 如此强烈的反战情绪)

12. Fashion can give us a language for dissent. (翻译:时尚,能够成为 我们表达不同意见的语言。)

13. But you don't see that there's a fundamental hypocrisy of you asking for the right to dissent and somebody else getting a death threat? (翻译:-不,我不代表真理 但你没有看到一种根本性的矫饰 你要求持有异议的权利)

14. How do I register my dissent? (翻译:我要如何表达自己的异议? 用旗语? How do I register my dissent?)

15. Basically this was also a major outbreak, a culture of dissent, a culture of basically non-conformism, which was not known before. (翻译:这场也是一次重大的突破,形成了一种多元的文化 一种不服从统一的文化 一种我们之前闻所未闻的文化)






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