7th是什么意思 7th的中文翻译、读音、例句


7th是什么意思 7th的中文翻译、读音、例句






a. 名词:

- I came in 7th in the race.(我在比赛中排名第七。)

- She graded the 7th-grade papers.(她批改七年级的试卷。)

b. 形容词:

- This is the 7th attempt to fix the problem.(这是修复问题的第七次尝试。)

- They arrived at the 7th hour.(他们在第七个小时到达了。)

c. 副词:

- He finished 7th in the race.(他在比赛中排名第七。)

- She arrived 7th in line.(她排在第七位。)


“7th”也可以与其他词组合使用来表示某些具体含义。例如,“7th heaven”是一个习语,表示极度的幸福和满足。其他例子包括“7th chord”(音乐术语,指的一种类型)和“7th inning stretch”(美式棒球术语,指比赛进行到第七局时的休息时间)。


- She was in 7th heaven when she received the news of her promotion.(当她得到升职的消息时,她非常开心。)

- The guitarist played a beautiful 7th chord progression.(吉他手演奏了一个美丽的七进行。)

- Everyone stood up for the 7th inning stretch.(每个人都起立进行第七局休息。)

- She scored a goal in the 7th minute of the game.(她在比赛的第七分钟进球了。)

- This is the 7th time I have told you to clean your room.(这是我第七次告诉你清理你的房间。)




例句:Georges Mandel, deported to Germany to be executed, was killed on 7th July, 1944. (乔治·曼德尔 被押往德国听候裁决, 1944年7月7日被处死。)


例句:Now this is the 7th experiment, here is the record for the last few tests! (现在正在进行第七次试验 这是前几次的实验记录)


例句:Hostilities will begin on December 7th exactly as scheduled. (攻击行动决定在12月7日展开 照计划进行)


7th一般作为名词使用,如在May 7th([网络] 5月7日)、it'th([网络] 就这样)、no'th([网络] 不,)等常见短语中出现较多。

May 7th[网络] 5月7日
it'th[网络] 就这样
no'th[网络] 不,
Th[医] 钍(90号元素)
th'[网络] 钍(Thorium);酪氨酸羟化酶(tyrosine hydroxylase);甲状腺激素(thyroid hormone)
th'are[网络] 是的
i'th'[网络] 短时热电流;额定短时热电流;原来您也有犯错误的时候
loved'th[网络] 亲爱的
o'th'[网络] 生焦率
Rd Thabbr. radiothorium


1. Hostilities will begin on December 7th exactly as scheduled. (翻译:攻击行动决定在12月7日展开 照计划进行)

2. Fulvio lmbriani, have been arrested on the 7th of this month. (翻译:伊布莱尼 弗尔维奥, 在本月7日已被逮捕)

3. If I'm still alive the 7th day 24 days remain (翻译:如果我还活着的话 第 7 日,还剩 24 日)

4. The members just found a new bunker on the 7th fairway the next morning. (翻译:只是第二天早上球员们 The members just found a new bunker 发现第七道旁边多了条沟 on the 7th fairway the next morning.)

5. Holmes was executed at Moyamensing May 7th, 1896. (翻译:1896年5月7日 Holmes在Moyamensing被处死)

6. She was on the corner of 23rd and 7th avenue, heading into the subway. (翻译:她在第7大道和23大道的交叉口 She was on the corner of 23rd and 7th avenue, 往地铁站走 heading into the subway.)

7. It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. (翻译:人们认为茶是在公元6世纪和7世纪传到韩国和日本的。)

8. This is, um, April 7th, about 10:30 a.m., this is Sandy Hill Pittman, reporting for NBC Interactive Media and we are officially at Everest Base Camp! (翻译:现在是4月7日上午10点30分 This is, um, April 7th, about 10: 30 a. m.)

9. The missing evidence from the Christian presence in China in the 7th century. (翻译:即一度失落的关于徒曾 在7世纪的中国存在的证据。)

10. On October 7th, police searched the Milan headquarters of il Giornale. (翻译:10月7日,搜查了《意大利日报》的米兰总部。)

11. Here we are in the 7th inning, two out, Maury Wills on first. (翻译:现在第七局 两人出局 莫里·威尔斯上一垒)

12. The 7th, the 5th Panzer, 6th SS Panzer and the 15th. (翻译:第七,第五装甲,党军第六装甲与第十五军团)

13. This could never have happened before the stupid 7th tier reorganization. (翻译:在那的第七阶重组前 这是不可能发生的)

14. Yeah. 7th Street and 9th Avenue. (翻译:没错 第七街和第九街 Yeah. 7th Street and 9th Avenue.)

15. These Nara temples were first built in the 7th and 8th centuries. (翻译:这些庙宇是最早建造的 早在7、8世纪的时候)




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