schmale是什么意思 schmale的中文翻译、读音、例句


schmale是什么意思 schmale的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性及词义方面


2. 用法及搭配方面

'schmale'是一个德语词语,英语中并不常用。但是,在某些情况下,可以与其他词汇搭配使用,如'schmale Reifen'(窄轮胎)、'schmale Türen'(窄门)等。

3. 常见误用方面



1. Die Straße war so schmal, dass nur ein Auto durchfahren konnte. (The road was so narrow that only one car could pass through.)

2. Auf der Seite stand ein schmales Regal mit vielen Büchern. (On the left side, there was a narrow shelf with lots of books.)

3. Das schmale Gitter hält die Vögel sicher in einem bestimmten Bereich. (The narrow fence keeps the birds safely in a certain area.)

4. Er hat Schwierigkeiten, durch die schmale Tür zu gehen, da er sehr groß ist. (He has difficulty getting through the narrow door as he is very tall.)

5. Das schmale Bürgersteig macht es schwierig für zwei Personen, nebeneinander zu gehen. (The narrow sidewalk makes it difficult for two people to walk side by side.)



1. Die Straße ist sehr schmal. (这条街道很窄。)

2. Der schmale Weg führte uns in den Wald. (这条 schmale 路领我们进入了森林。)

3. Sie trug einen schmalen Rock und eine Bluse. (她穿着一条窄裙和一件衬衫。)



例句:MorF male or Female? (男性还是女性? )


例句:A gang of bachelor male langurs has come to challenge the resident alpha male. (一群单身的雄性长尾叶猴 前来挑战这块领地的雄性首领)


1. This male snake, 12 feet long, met another male king cobra. (翻译:我们看到这条12英尺长的公蛇遇到了另一条公蛇, )

2. Basic hardware knowledge, can read SCH. (翻译:基本的硬件知识,能看懂原理图。)

3. I ah, I am Zhang Xiong, the male of hero 15 years old now (翻译:the male of hero 现在十五岁 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}15 years old now)

4. The highest ranking male is the alpha male. (翻译:在群体里级别最高的那个雄性就是雄性领袖。)

5. 5mm barrel power plug-to-USB a male adapter. (翻译:5 mm barrel power plug - to - USB a male适配器。)

6. So is the killer male or female? (翻译:杀手是男还是女呀? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}So is the killer male or female?)

7. The killer is male....fe...female... (翻译:{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}You can share the info. The killer is male... .)

8. Jean Marie, is that male or female? (翻译:Jean Marie,这是女人还是男人的名字?)

9. The male on the right is individually the strongest male. (翻译:最右边的这只雄性黑猩猩, 是他们当中最强壮的雄性。)

10. If the sand temperature is high, they will be female, if it's low, they will be male. (翻译:会决定大多数幼龟的性别 {\3cH202020}will determine the of most of the hatchlings. they will be male.)

11. Someone bets that in Ferrari you will become more popular than Sch. (翻译:有人打赌说在法拉利你会比舒马赫更受欢迎。)

12. A married male is a lost male... (翻译:对她们来说,一个已婚的雄性, 就意味着一个迷失的雄性)

13. Or was it a female and a male? (翻译:一女一男 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Or was it a female and a male?)

14. Male - an animal , but not evil , male - an animal ! (翻译:男人 - 一种动物,但不, 男人 - 一种动物!)

15. The office is sending me overseas. (翻译:[Male Announcer] This is the B.)




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