optimizer是什么意思 optimizer的中文翻译、读音、例句


optimizer是什么意思 optimizer的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'optimizer'是“优化器”的英文单词,指的是一种算法或软件,可以通过优化模型参数来提高模型的性能,例如提高模型的准确性或降低模型的计算时间。

例句1: The optimizer algorithm can enhance the accuracy of the machine learning model.(优化器算法可以提高机器学习模型的准确性。)

例句2: The optimizer software can minimize the computational time of the deep learning model.(优化器软件可以最小化深度学习模型的计算时间。)

2. 类型:优化器分为多种类型,如梯度下降法、Adam优化器、RMSProp优化器等。这些优化器具有不同的优缺点,可以根据不同的情况选择适当的优化器。

例句3: The Adam optimizer is a popular optimization algorithm for deep learning models.(Adam优化器是深度学习模型中常用的优化算法。)

例句4: The Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer is a widely used optimization algorithm in machine learning.(随机梯度下降(SGD)优化器是机器学习中广泛使用的优化算法。)

3. 作用:优化器可以通过调整模型的参数,提高模型的性能和准确性,并且防止模型过度拟合。

例句5: The optimizer can prevent the model from overfitting by adjusting the regularization parameter.(通过调整正则化参数,优化器可以防止模型过度拟合。)

例句6: By using the Adam optimizer, the deep learning model can converge faster and achieve better performance.(使用Adam优化器,深度学习模型可以更快地收敛并实现更好的性能。)

4. 参数:优化器通常具有一些参数,如学习率、动量、权重衰减等,调整这些参数可以影响模型的性能和收敛速度。

例句7: The learning rate of the optimizer should be appropriately set to ensure the model convergence.(优化器的学习率应该适当设置,以确保模型的收敛。)

例句8: By adjusting the momentum parameter of the optimizer, the deep learning model can converge faster and achieve better performance.(通过调整优化器的动量参数,深度学习模型可以更快地收敛并实现更好的性能。)

5. 应用:优化器是机器学习和深度学习中非常重要的组成部分,可以应用于图像识别、自然语言处理、人工智能等领域。

例句9: The RMSProp optimizer is widely used in natural language processing tasks.(RMSProp优化器广泛应用于自然语言处理任务中。)

例句10: The Adagrad optimizer is effective for image recognition tasks.(Adagrad优化器对于图像识别任务非常有效。)




1. 这个优化器能够自动调整参数,使得神经网络的表现更好。

This optimizer can automatically adjust the parameters to improve the performance of the neural network.

2. 为了提高搜索引擎在移动设备上的速度,我们需要使用一个更加高效的优化器。

To improve the speed of the search engine on mobile devices, we need to use a more efficient optimizer.




例句:Further, the solidDB query optimizer recognizes the different nature of the in-memory tables by estimating execution costs in a new way. (而且,solidDB查询优化器通过以一种新的方式估计执行成本,判别内存中的表的不同性质。)


例句:The DB2 optimizer is not all-controlling. (DB 2优化器不能控制一切。)


例句:Ideally, the optimizer would identify the most efficient access plan possible, but this goal is often impractical. (在理想情况下,优化程序将尽可能地找出最为高效的访问计划,但这一目标通常是不切实际的。)


例句:Information returned by sys. Dm_db_missing_index_details is updated when a query is optimized by the query optimizer, and is not persisted. (翻译:由sys.dm_db_missing_index_details返回的信息会在查询优化器优化查询时更新,因而不是会持久化的。)


optimizer一般作为名词使用,如在disk optimizer([计] 磁盘优化程序)、global optimizer([网络] 全局优化器;全局最优解;通用优化程序)、JPEG Optimizer([网络] 图片压缩软件)等常见短语中出现较多。

disk optimizer[计] 磁盘优化程序
global optimizer[网络] 全局优化器;全局最优解;通用优化程序
JPEG Optimizer[网络] 图片压缩软件
Memory optimizer[网络] 内存优化;记忆优化
peephole optimizer[计] 窥孔优化程序
query optimizer查询最佳化器
disk file optimizer[计] 磁盘文件优化程序
hardware microcode optimizer硬体微码最佳化器
record current optimizer记录电流优化器
source program optimizer[电] 源程序最优化


1. Ideally, the optimizer would identify the most efficient access plan possible, but this goal is often impractical. (翻译:在理想情况下,优化程序将尽可能地找出最为高效的访问计划,但这一目标通常是不切实际的。)

2. Information returned by sys. Dm_db_missing_index_details is updated when a query is optimized by the query optimizer, and is not persisted. (翻译:由sys.dm_db_missing_index_details返回的信息会在查询优化器优化查询时更新,因而不是会持久化的。)

3. Predicates with concrete values are important for the optimizer to be able to use available distribution statistics. (翻译:为使优化器能够使用可用的分布统计信息,带有具体值的谓词极为重要。)

4. The IXAND access request element directs the optimizer to use index anding to access a table. (翻译:IXAND访问请求元素要求优化器使用index anding访问表。)

5. When cursors generate a keyset for a result set, the query optimizer estimates the number of rows that will be returned for that result set. (翻译:游标为某个结果集生成键集时,查询优化器将估计为该结果集返回的行数。)

6. If the best indexes do not exist, the query optimizer generates a suboptimal query plan, but still stores information about these indexes. (翻译:如果不存在最佳索引,则查询优化器将生成非最佳查询计划,但会存储有关这些缺失的最佳索引的信息。)

7. The optimizer's estimate could be very close to the actual value as long as the data distribution has not changed since the last RUNSTATS. (翻译:只要数据分布自上一次RUNSTATS以后没有改变,则优化器的估计可能非常接近实际值。)

8. The optimizer uses MAGIC values as a last resort when it is unable to accurately predict the selectivity of a predicate . (翻译:当优化程序不能准确判定一个谓词的选择性时,它的最后一个手段就是利用MAGIC值。)

9. Unlike APC and Wincache, it is only an opcode cache and optimizer, so it does not contain the user cache components. (翻译:不同于APC和Wincache,它仅是一个操作码缓存和优化器,因此它不包含用户缓存组件。)

10. After QRW optimization, the DB2 optimizer gets involved. (翻译:在QRW优化之后,DB 2优化器就会介入。)

11. It is not an optimizer, compressor, or token reducer, and it is not able to flush a browser's cache. (翻译:它不是优化器、压缩器或令牌回收器,它不能刷新浏览器的缓存。)

12. Due to the interplay of these diverse independent factors, in rare instances, the optimizer might select less than optimal execution plans. (翻译:在这些不同的独立因素的相互作用下,优化器可能会选择不太优化的执行计划。)

13. You can create, save, and reuse external optimizer directives. (翻译:可以创建、保存和重用外部优化器指令。)

14. The output of the optimizer is a query execution plan, sometimes referred to as a query plan or just a plan. (翻译:优化器的输出称为“查询执行计划”,有时也称为“查询计划”或直接称为“计划”。)

15. The DB2 optimizer is not all-knowing. (翻译:DB 2优化器不是无所不知的。)




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