underused是什么意思 underused的中文翻译、读音、例句


underused是什么意思 underused的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:underused是一个形容词,表示某物被使用得不够充分或频繁。它指的是某物的潜在价值没有得到充分的利用。

2. 词性:形容词

3. 词组搭配:underused resources(未充分利用的资源)、underused talent(未充分利用的人才)、underused capacity(未充分利用的产能)等。

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:/ˌʌndərˈju:zd/


1. There are many underused resources in the area that could be harnessed to generate economic growth.(该地区有许多未充分利用的资源,可以利用它们来刺激经济增长。)

2. The stadium is considered underused since the team moved to a new location.(自从球队搬到新场地以来,这个体育场被认为是未充分利用的。)

3. The company should hire more staff to ensure that its underused capacity is fully utilized.(公司应该雇用更多的员工来确保其未充分利用的产能得到充分利用。)

4. The government needs to take action to encourage the development of underused land in the city.(需要采取行动,鼓励开发城市中未充分利用的土地。)

5. The school’s underused library is a wasted opportunity for students to learn and expand their knowledge.(学校未充分利用的图书馆是学生学习和扩展知识的一次浪费机会。)




1. The park is beautiful but underused, with only a few people visiting it each day.(这个公园很美,但是很少有人来,没有得到充分利用。)

2. Many people believe that the potential of renewable energy is still underused.(很多人认为可再生能源的潜力还没有得到充分利用。)

3. The library has an underused section on poetry that deserves more attention.(图书馆有一个鲜有人问津的诗歌专区,值得更多的关注。)




例句:I refer specifically to a kind of humor that is unfortunately underused. (我特别想到一种幽默, 这种幽默,很不幸地,尚未得到充分利用。)


1. No wonder the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology found immunotherapy to be seriously underused . (翻译:这也难怪美国过敏、气喘及免疫学会发现,免疫疗法的应用情况相当不理想。)

2. For Rimal social media are still underused, especially in linking large groups of people with common interests. (翻译:对于Rimal而言,社会媒体仍未得到充分应用,尤其是在将具有共同兴趣的一大群人汇集在一起这方面。)

3. For Rimal social media are still underused, especially in linking large groups of people with common interests. (翻译:对于Rimal而言,社会媒体仍未得到充分应用,尤其是在将具有共同兴趣的一大群人汇集在一起这方面。)

4. Now I keep thinking this would be a great name for an indie rock band, but developers generally use it to refer to underused parking lots -- and suburbia is full of them. (翻译:我一直想,对一个独立的摇滚乐队 这会是一个很棒的名字. 但开发商一直用它来 指未充分利用的停车场. 市郊到处是这样的停车场. )

5. The TSA cannot continue diverting resources into underused PreCheck lanes while most of the traveling public suffers in unnecessary lines. (翻译:运输安全管理局不能继续将资源分散到未被充分利用的预检通道,而同时,大多数旅客却要排着不必要的队。)

6. We are, you are, the most underused resource in health care. (翻译:我们是,你们是 医疗事业里最没有被充分利用的资源。)

7. Helena Bonham Carter as the villainous Bellatrix Lestrange is a shining but underused talent. (翻译:海伦娜·邦汉·卡特演绎的反角贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇光彩熠熠但颇有些大材小用。)

8. Now I keep thinking this would be a great name for an indie rock band, but developers generally use it to refer to underused parking lots -- and suburbia is full of them. (翻译:我一直想,对一个独立的摇滚乐队 这会是一个很棒的名字. 但开发商一直用它来 指未充分利用的停车场. 市郊到处是这样的停车场.)

9. However, VTE prophylaxis continues to be underused even after physician notification, especially among Medical Service patients. (翻译:然而,即使内科医生通知的VTE预防也是使用不足的,特别是在医疗卫生机构病人中。)

10. We are, you are, the most underused resource in health care. (翻译:我们是,你们是 医疗事业里最没有被充分利用的资源。)




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