prrs是什么意思 prrs的中文翻译、读音、例句


prrs是什么意思 prrs的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义和意义:PRRS是指猪繁殖与呼吸综合症(Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome),是一种由病毒引起的猪类高度传染性疾病,严重影响了养猪业的发展。


1. PRRS virus infection can lead to reproductive failure and respiratory disease in pigs.(PRRS病毒感染会导致猪类繁殖和呼吸系统疾病的失败。)

2. The economic impact of PRRS is significant, with losses estimated at billions of dollars annually.(PRRS的经济影响显著,每年损失数十亿美元。)

3. Vaccination is an effective way to control PRRS in pig populations.(疫苗接种是控制猪群PRRS的有效途径。)

4. PRRS has become a major challenge for pig producers worldwide.(PRRS已成为全球养猪业者面临的重大挑战。)

5. The PRRS virus can survive for several days outside the host, it particularly difficult to control.(PRRS病毒可以在宿主外生存数天,使得控制工作尤为困难。)

2. 病因和传播途径:PRRS病毒主要通过呼吸道和粪口途径传播,还可以通过母婴传播、直接接触等途径感染其他猪。


1. PRRS is caused by a virus belonging to the family Arteriviridae.(PRRS是由属于Arteriviridae家族的病毒引起的。)

2. Pig-to-pig transmission of PRRS virus is the major route of infection in swine populations.(猪与猪之间的PRRS病毒传播是猪群感染的主要途径。)

3. Nursery pigs are particularly susceptible to PRRS infection due to their developing immune systems.(由于其发育中的免疫系统,育种猪特别容易感染PRRS。)

4. The introduction of PRRS into a susceptible herd can occur through the movement of infected pigs or contaminated equipment or personnel.(PRRS的引入可以通过感染过的猪的运输、染的设备或人员进行。)

5. PRRS virus can persist in pigs that have recovered from the infection, it difficult to eradicate the disease.(PRRS病毒可以在康复的猪身上持续存在,使得根除疾病变得困难。)

3. 临床表现和诊断:PRRS病毒感染的猪会出现发热、呼吸急促、流鼻涕、咳嗽等症状,严重的还会导致流产、死亡等后果。诊断PRRS可以通过实验室检测病毒、抗体或临床表现等方法。


1. Clinical signs of PRRS may vary depending on the strain of the virus and other factors, but typically include fever, respiratory distress, and reduced feed intake.(PRRS的临床表现可能因病毒株和其他因素而异,但通常包括发热、呼吸困难和食欲减退。)

2. PRRS is often difficult to diagnose based on clinical signs alone, and laboratory tests such as PCR and ELISA may be needed to confirm the presence of the virus or antibodies.(仅仅凭临床表现往往难以诊断PRRS,可能需要进行PCR和ELISA等实验室检测来确认病毒或抗体的存在。)

3. In severe cases, PRRS infection can cause abortions, stillbirths, and high mortality rates in pig populations.(在严重病例中,PRRS感染可导致流产、死胎和高猪群死亡率。)

4. Early detection and prompt treatment are important for reducing the impact of PRRS on pig production.(早期发现和及时治疗对于减轻PRRS对猪生产的影响很重要。)

5. PRRS is often part of a complex of respiratory diseases in pigs, and a comprehensive diagnostic approach may be needed to identify all the contributing factors.(PRRS通常是猪体内一系列呼吸道疾病的一部分,可能需要进行全面的诊断以确定所有的影响因素。)

4. 防控措施和治疗方法:PRRS的防控措施包括加强外来猪的检疫、减少人员和设备的交叉染、改善饲养条件等。目前还没有特效治疗方法,但可采用抗生素、免疫增强剂等辅助治疗。


1. Biosecurity measures such as quarantining new pigs and disinfecting equipment can help prevent the introduction of PRRS to a herd.(隔离新猪和消毒设备等生物安全措施可以防止PRRS引入养殖场。)

2. A PRRS vaccine is available, but its efficacy can depend on the strain of virus and vaccination protocol used.(有PRRS疫苗可用,但其功效可能取决于所使用的病毒株和接种方案。)

3. Management practices that improve pig nutrition, reduce stress, and enhance immunity can help mitigate the impact of PRRS on pig health and production.(改善猪的营养、减少压力和提高免疫力的管理措施可以帮助缓解PRRS对猪的健康和生产的影响。)

4. In the absence of a specific treatment for PRRS, supportive care such as fluids and antibiotics can help improve outcomes for infected pigs.(在没有特定PRRS治疗的情况下,提供液体和抗生素等支持性护理可以帮助改善感染过的猪的预后。)

5. The prevention and control of PRRS requires a coordinated effort involving all stakeholders in the swine production chain, from farmers to veterinarians to researchers.(预防和控制PRRS需要协调所有养猪业链中的利益相关者的努力,从农民到兽医再到研究人员。)


prrs的读音:[pi: ɑ:r es]


1. PRRS是一种由病毒引起的猪病。

2. PRRS可以影响猪的和呼吸系统。

3. 这个猪场最近出现了PRRS疫情,导致很多猪死亡。




例句:The singularity of a 6-PRRS parallel robot is studied based on Jacobins matrix. (基于雅可比矩阵研究了一种6-PRRS并联机器人的奇异性问题。)


例句:PRRSV seroconversion and viremia typically occur during the nursery phase of production. (PRRS病毒血清转换和病毒血症通常发生在生产育苗阶段。)


例句:Once again the facts say that commercial companies almost always end up with all of their farms + ve for diseases like PRRS and Mycoplasma. (事实再一次说明商业公司几乎最终都会因为诸如蓝耳病和支原体病毒等疾病问题而终止。)、猪繁殖与呼吸综合症

例句:Damage to defenses of lung leads to serious bacterial lung disease, especially if in combination with viruses such as pseudorabies and PRRS. (翻译:肺部防御系统的,尤其当病毒如伪狂犬病和蓝耳病,同时侵入时,引致严重的细菌性肺部疾病。)


prrs一般作为名词使用,如在PRRS([网络] 猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome);耳病;猪繁殖与呼吸综合症)等常见短语中出现较多。

PRRS[网络] 猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome);耳病;猪繁殖与呼吸综合症


1. Once again the facts say that commercial companies almost always end up with all of their farms + ve for diseases like PRRS and Mycoplasma. (翻译:事实再一次说明商业公司几乎最终都会因为诸如蓝耳病和支原体病毒等疾病问题而终止。)

2. Damage to defenses of lung leads to serious bacterial lung disease, especially if in combination with viruses such as pseudorabies and PRRS. (翻译:肺部防御系统的,尤其当病毒如伪狂犬病和蓝耳病,同时侵入时,引致严重的细菌性肺部疾病。)

3. The key point preventing PRRS is to strengthen rearing and management, and to adopt compositive preventing and controlling measures. (翻译:猪蓝耳病的预防关键要加强饲养管理,采取综合防控的措施。)

4. In thymus, the PRRSV positive cells most often were seen in the medulla, but few positive cells were present in the cortex. (翻译:腺中PRRS病毒多出现在髓质部,皮质中有少许细胞呈阳性反应。)

5. In 1996, PRRS virus was isolated in China by Harbin Vet. Res. Inst. (翻译:1996年哈尔滨兽医研究所在中国首次分离到篮耳病病毒?)

6. However, it was recently reported that EU genotype PRRSV was positive by RT-PCR from submitted clinical samples suggestive of PRRS. (翻译:然而,近来国内有报道称从临床病料中通过RT-PCR方法检测到了欧洲型PRRSV的存在。)

7. In lung, the cytoplasm of alveoliar macrophages in alveoliar septa and endothelial cells in the capillary contained PRRS virus. (翻译:肺脏阳性信号主要分布于肺泡膈间质的巨噬细胞以及血管内皮细胞。)




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