veiled是什么意思 veiled的中文翻译、读音、例句


veiled是什么意思 veiled的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:veiled指的是被面纱、遮盖物等遮蔽的,隐蔽的,暗示的。

2. 词性:veiled是形容词。

3. 常用场景:veiled通常用来形容人或事物隐藏或掩盖着或真实意图的状态。例如:a veiled threat(隐晦的威胁),a veiled insult(含蓄的侮辱),a veiled accusation(隐晦的指控)等。

4. 词组搭配:常用的词组搭配包括:veiled reference(含蓄的提及),veiled message(隐含信息),veiled criticism(含蓄的批评)等。

5. 相关短语:与veiled相关的短语包括:veiled threat(隐晦的威胁),veiled insult(含蓄的侮辱),veiled accusation(隐晦的指控)等。

6. 发音拼写:veiled的发音为/veld/。

综上所述,veiled是一个形容词,指的是被遮蔽、隐蔽或暗示的状态,常用来形容人或事物隐藏或掩盖或真实意图的情况。常见的词组包括veiled reference、veiled message和veiled criticism等。发音为/veld/。




1. She spoke in a veiled tone, hinting at something she didn't want to say directly.(她用含蓄的语气说话,暗示着她不想直接说的事情。)

2. The truth was veiled in secrecy, and it took a long time to uncover.(被隐蔽在秘密中,花费了很长时间才被揭示。)

3. The actress arrived at the event wearing a veiled hat, adding an air of mystery to her appearance.(女演员戴着一顶遮蔽帽子来参加活动,为她的出现增添了神秘的气息。)




例句:Apart from Auld Lang Syne on your Oxford days and a veiled hint that he might be KGB, that was it? (你们一起回忆了在牛津的美好时光 他还暗示自己可能是克洛勃 没了吗)


例句:Is this a thinly veiled excuse to flirt with me? (因此我演算为什么不 试你的墙壁? 这是薄戴面纱的借口 和我忽然弹出?)


例句:Perhaps it's your thinly veiled racism and patronising misogyny that she finds offensive; I can sympathise. (也许正是你毫不掩饰的种族主义和高人一等的对女性的厌恶,让她感到受了冒犯;我都能感受到这一点。)


例句:There must exist, beyond mere appearances . . . a 'veiled reality' that science does not describe but only glimpses uncertainly. (翻译:在表象之下,必定存在…某种科学无法表述,仅仅不确定地瞥见的‘隐蔽的实在’。)


veiled一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在thinly veiled(露骨)、veiled accusation([网络] 掩饰的指责)、veiled accusations([网络] 掩饰的指责\n(veiled accusation 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

thinly veiled露骨
veiled accusation[网络] 掩饰的指责
veiled accusations[网络] 掩饰的指责\n(veiled accusation 的复数)
veiled cell隐蔽细胞
veiled plate[网络] 遮光板
veiled plates[网络] 遮光板
veiled puff[医] 微哑吹气音
veiled wool搭并羊毛


1. Perhaps it's your thinly veiled racism and patronising misogyny that she finds offensive; I can sympathise. (翻译:也许正是你毫不掩饰的种族主义和高人一等的对女性的厌恶,让她感到受了冒犯;我都能感受到这一点。)

2. There must exist, beyond mere appearances . . . a 'veiled reality' that science does not describe but only glimpses uncertainly. (翻译:在表象之下,必定存在…某种科学无法表述,仅仅不确定地瞥见的‘隐蔽的实在’。)

3. Suddenly I saw in front of me Lady Alroy , deeply veiled and walking very fast. (翻译:突然我看见阿尔罗伊夫人在我的前面,蒙着厚厚的面纱,走得很快。)

4. It took quite a long time for Poetesses to awake from being veiled and express themselves by poems. (翻译:女性诗人以诗的方式言说和寻找自我,经历了一个由蒙蔽到觉醒的漫长历程。)

5. Capable of descending to a depth of3,000 feet the sub can take scientists into worlds that still today remain veiled in mystery. (翻译:可以下沉到3000英尺的深度 潜水艇带着科学家来到 至今仍披着神密面沙的世界)

6. And he says, "I was just thinking that maybe we could take care of it here in Fargo," which everyone, including the audience, interprets as a veiled bribe. (翻译:然后绑匪说,“我在想 或许在法哥镇这个鬼地方我们俩得共同保管这个”-- 每个人,包括观众 都理解为含蓄地提出贿赂 )

7. So the puzzle is, why are bribes, polite requests, solicitations and threats so often veiled? (翻译:所以我们说的谜题就是:为什么贿赂 礼貌的要求、恳请、威胁经常要遮遮掩掩的?)

8. No one knew whether she had deliberately shielded her eyes from death or if the river current had simply veiled her face. (翻译:没人知道这是因为她害怕看见自己的死亡而故意蒙住自己的双眼还是由于河水的流动自然而然地让睡衣掩盖住了她的脸蛋。)

9. Mancini also issued a thinly-veiled threat to his employers that the arrival of any new faces would prompt his immediate departure. (翻译:曼奇尼还向他的雇主表示了委婉的一点威胁,那就是任何新面孔教练的到来将导致他的直接离开。)

10. She remains a mystery, veiled by a mosquito net, obscured, unknown. (翻译:她依然是一个谜 被纱帐掩盖着 模糊 未知)

11. NA: As you know, the image of a lot of Yemeni women is a lot of black and covered, veiled women. (翻译:NA: 正如大家所知, 许多也门妇女的形象都是身着黑衣、 佩戴面纱。)

12. And he says, "I was just thinking that maybe we could take care of it here in Fargo," which everyone, including the audience, interprets as a veiled bribe. (翻译:然后绑匪说,“我在想 或许在法哥镇这个鬼地方我们俩得共同保管这个”-- 每个人,包括观众 都理解为含蓄地提出贿赂)

13. Soon fireworks lighted the sky, veiled women ululated from balconies, men danced atop burned out vehicles, and grinning soldiers stuck flags in their rifles. (翻译:很快烟花点亮了夜空,蒙着面纱的妇女站在阳台欢呼啜泣,男人们在烧毁的汽车顶跳舞,咧开嘴微笑的士兵将国旗固定在手中的上。)

14. In 1987, her thinly veiled autobiography "Postcards From the Edge" became a best-seller. It was adapted into a 1990 movie starring Shirley MacLaine and Meryl Streep. (翻译:1987年,她丝毫不加掩饰的自传《来自边缘的明信片》成了一本畅销书。这本书后来还于1990年被改编成电影,由雪莉·麦克雷恩和梅丽尔·斯特里普主演。)

15. Now, I'm just one walker that's stood way up and looked way down across plenty o' sights in all their veiled and nakedest seasons. (翻译:现在的我就是个一路前行的人 望着沿路周遭的各种景色 阅读着它们在葱郁和枯萎季节的不同)




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