unifying是什么意思 unifying的中文翻译、读音、例句


unifying是什么意思 unifying的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:


2. 用途:


3. 效果:


4. 示例:


1. Unifying the various departments within the company was the key to its success.

2. The government's plan to unify the healthcare system has been met with mixed reactions.

3. The organization is committed to unifying different communities through cultural exchange.

4. Our goal is to unify the different software systems used by our company, so that we can work more efficiently.

5. The unifying power of music can bring people together from different walks of life.


1. 让公司内各个部门实现统一是该公司成功的关键。

2. 计划将医疗保健系统统一起来,但其遭到了不同的反应。

3. 该组织致力于通过文化交流来统一不同的社区。

4. 我们的目标是将公司使用的不同软件系统统一起来,以便我们能更高效地工作。

5. 音乐的统一力量可以将来自不同背景的人们聚集在一起。




1. His speech aimed at unifying the diverse opinions within the group. (他的演讲旨在统一小组内的不同意见。)

2. The company is working on unifying its various business lines. (公司正在努力将其各种业务线整合起来。)

3. The treaty was signed with the aim of unifying the two countries. (该条约的签订旨在统一两个国家。)




例句:The proposal includes unifying street trees, public realm, streetscape , transportation links, and a library roof garden. (本概念规划包括:街景、公共区域、交通枢纽、统一的街道树木和一个屋顶花园。)


例句:Nisia meeting found the base of the church by unifying the doxy. (尼西亚会议通过义进而奠定了会的基础。)


例句:That could upset talks between Greek - and Turkish-Cypriots aimed at unifying the island. (这将打断希腊裔和土耳其裔塞浦路斯人的和谈,和谈旨在统一塞浦路斯岛。)


例句:Do you swear to commit yourself to the teachings of the Holy Mother Church and to look upon the good of the kingdom, unifying and pacifying them? (翻译:您能否发誓遵守教堂的戒律 以王国的福祉为己任 统一各邦 安定国家?)


unifying一般作为名词使用,如在unifying composition([计] 一致置换合成)、unifying force(统一力)、maximal unifying generalization(最一致概括)等常见短语中出现较多。

unifying composition[计] 一致置换合成
unifying force统一力
maximal unifying generalization最一致概括
unifying composition operation-复运算


1. That could upset talks between Greek - and Turkish-Cypriots aimed at unifying the island. (翻译:这将打断希腊裔和土耳其裔塞浦路斯人的和谈,和谈旨在统一塞浦路斯岛。)

2. Do you swear to commit yourself to the teachings of the Holy Mother Church and to look upon the good of the kingdom, unifying and pacifying them? (翻译:您能否发誓遵守教堂的戒律 以王国的福祉为己任 统一各邦 安定国家?)

he insisted on telling me once again about his unifying theory of life. (翻译:我想躺下好好感慨一把人生无常... 这家伙却老掰扯他的人生哲学)

4. Venezuela devalued the bolivar for the second time in a year, abolishing a preferential rate of 2.6 bolivares to the dollar and unifying the official exchange rate at 4.3. (翻译:委内瑞拉贬低玻利瓦尔汇率,这已经是一年中的第二次。这次废除了原来1美元对2.6波利瓦尔,并将官方汇率定在1美元兑换4.3强势玻利瓦尔。)

5. If you succeed, it will be instrumental in unifying the North and South Korea. (翻译:如果你成功的完成任务 将会对韩半岛的统一产生很大影响)

6. UHC serves the health goal well as a unifying concept, a platform for the integrated delivery of health services, and one of the most powerful social equalizers among all policy options. (翻译:全民健康覆盖能有力地促进卫生目标,这是一个整合性概念,是综合提供卫生服务的平台,在所有政策方案中,它也是实现社会公正的最强大工具之一。)

7. A unifying trait among these hackers was a strong sense of curiosity, sometimes bordering on obsession. (翻译:这些黑客的共同点是都具有极强的好奇心,有时甚至到达痴迷的地步。)

8. Only 1800 strands are required to rise above this form of extreme polarity, and then one is faced with unifying the next set of poles. (翻译:只需要有1800股来超越这种极端极性的形式,然后你就面临去统一下一套极性的问题。)

9. Now, that was actually a very unifying petition in many ways. (翻译:从很多方面来看, 那是一句非常有凝聚力的谴责。)

10. On Nurhaci and the Emperor Taiji's Tactics of Unifying Nationalities in the Heilongjiang Area (翻译:论努尔哈赤、皇太极统一黑龙江地区各民族的策略)

11. A true BHAG is clear and compelling, serves as a unifying focal point of effort, and acts as a catalyst for team spirit. (翻译:真正的BHAG是清楚的和令人注目的,它是人们努力的聚焦点,并且是团队精神的催化剂。)

12. We are dancing in our goldfish pond. (翻译:为什么你让我告诉议会和媒体 这个统一法案 Why did you encourage me to saythat unifying the administration)

13. And you may be aware of this or not, but there was a World Cup this year, and Colombia played really well, and it was a unifying moment for Colombia. (翻译:你们也许知道,今年有世界杯, 哥伦比亚的成绩非常出色, 这正是团结哥伦比亚的绝好时机。)

14. For we embrace Prozium in its unifying fullness and all that it has done to make us great. (翻译:因为我们可以完完全全地注射波西安 它的效果使得我们日益强大)

15. Well, Tolstoy spent most of his life searching for a unifying theory, a single key that would unlock every door. (翻译:托尔斯泰穷尽一生... 研究一套通用埋论 一把能够打开天底下所有门的钥匙)






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