fall是什么意思 fall的中文翻译、读音、例句


fall是什么意思 fall的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和意思:


2. 用法和句型:


- Fall down: 跌倒,摔倒

- Fall off: 掉落,减少

- Fall in love: 坠入爱河

- Fall apart: 瓦解,崩溃

3. 常见搭配:

- Fall asleep: 入睡

- Fall behind: 落后

- Fall out: 吵架,脱落

- Fall short: 不够,不足

- Fall to pieces: 成为碎片

4. 常见用法:

- Fall season: 秋季

- Fall colors: 秋季颜色

- Fall foliage: 秋叶


1. The tree leaves will fall to the ground in autumn. (树叶在秋季会落到地上。)

2. I almost fell down on the wet floor this morning. (今天早上我差点在湿滑的地板上跌倒了。)

3. The temperature will fall below zero tomorrow. (明天的温度会降到零下。)

4. I fell in love with her at first sight. (我一见钟情于她。)

5. We need to hurry up, or we'll fall behind schedule. (我们需要赶快点,否则就要赶不上进度了。)





1. The leaves fall off the trees in autumn. (树叶在秋天落下来。)

2. She slipped and fell on the icy pavement. (她在结冰的人行道上滑倒了。)

3. The stock market fell sharply today. (股市今天大幅下跌。)

4. The old building finally fell down after years of neglect. (这座老建筑在多年的荒废后终于倒塌了。)

5. He fell into the trap set by his enemies. (他落入了敌人设下的陷阱中。)

6. I think I'm falling in love with him. (我想我正在爱上他。)




例句:The government had to fall. (Football. The government had to fall.)


例句:How hard is it to fall in love? (# How hard is it to fall in love?)


例句:# If you fall I will catch you (# If you fall I will catch you)


例句:? So I might fall far like the stars in heaven tonight ? (翻译:So I might fall far like the stars in heaven tonight)


fall一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在fall a(n. (Falla)人名;(西)法利亚;(英、法、意)法拉)、fall at(在…时变成某种状态)、fall by([俚语]突然来访)等常见短语中出现较多。

fall an. (Falla)人名;(西)法利亚;(英、法、意)法拉
fall at在…时变成某种状态
fall by[俚语]突然来访
fall for上当, 听信; 爱上
fall for it易受骗上当,轻易相信
fall in for得到,受到
fall in with偶遇, 同意
fall into落入, 陷于, 开始, 分成, 属于, 注入
fall of[网络] 坠落;树叶都吹落了


1. # If you fall I will catch you (翻译:# If you fall I will catch you)

2. ? So I might fall far like the stars in heaven tonight ? (翻译:So I might fall far like the stars in heaven tonight)

3. ~ It takes a muscle to fall in love (翻译:It takes a muscle to fall in love)

4. Let me know if I let it fall along a back road somewhere (翻译:Let me know if I let it fall along a back road somewhere)

5. How do you fall off a bridge like that? (翻译:How do you fall off a bridge like that?)

6. For lo, beneath Judge Jeffrey's feet - you fall! (翻译:- you fall! You fall!)

7. I don't know what to tell you. (翻译:就这样被丢弃在路边 fall by the wayside.)

8. Maybe some graphic novels. Bands like Fall Out Boy and the Green Days. (翻译:或者漫画小说,Fall Out Boy乐队,Green Day乐队。)

9. Can fall mountain with fall sea (翻译:可以将落山跟落海 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Can fall mountain with fall sea)

10. (Erika singing) Do a plie and never fall (翻译:Do a plie and never fall 行礼时不可跌倒)

11. She and I are gonna be married this fall. (翻译:She and I are gonna be married this fall.)

12. {i1 cH30D3F4}Even the best fall down sometimes (翻译:* Even the best fall down sometimes *)

13. ♪ Why do we fall in love so easy? ♪ (翻译:♪Why do we fall in love so easy♪)

14. The machines will fall tonight. (翻译:The machines will fall tonight.)

15. After all, not all the men you fall for can turn out to be sociopaths. (翻译:not all the men you fall for can turn out to be sociopaths.)






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