bee是什么意思 bee的中文翻译、读音、例句


bee是什么意思 bee的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 单词含义:

'Bee'这个单词的主要含义是蜜蜂,通常是指黄蜂、蜜蜂等采集花蜜、传播花粉的昆虫。在某些场合,'bee'也可以指比赛、等,例如拼字比赛就被称为'Spelling Bee'。

2. 构词方式:

'Bee'这个单词是一个单音节词,构成方式为'b'音和'ee'音。此外,'bee'也可以作为一些缩写词的一部分出现,例如'BCE'(Before Common Era)和'CBeebies'(一家英国儿童电视台)。

3. 用法:


4. 相关习惯用语:

Bee's knees:表示某个事物非常出色,也可以表示某个人非常出色。例句:“This pie is the bee's knees!”(这个派太出色了!);“She is the bee's knees of the company.”(她是公司中最出色的人。)


1. There are many bees in the garden, buzzing around the flowers.(花园里有很多蜜蜂,在花丛中嗡嗡作响。)

2. Sally won the first prize in the spelling bee competition.(萨利在拼字比赛中获得了第一名。)

3. The workers are all as busy as bees today, trying to finish the project on time.(工人们今天都像忙碌的蜜蜂一样,努力地在工期内完成项目。)

4. The man was stung by a bee while he was walking in the park.(那个男人在公园里散步时被蜜蜂蜇了。)

5. BCE stands for 'Before Common Era'.(BCE代表'公元前'。)

bee的中文翻译是“蜜蜂”(mì fēng)。



1. The bee was buzzing around the flowers.(这只蜜蜂在花丛中嗡嗡作响。)

2. Bees are important pollinators for plants.(蜜蜂是植物的重要传粉者。)

3. The beekeeper carefully tended his beehives.(养蜂人仔细地照顾着他的蜂箱。)




例句:Well, it'sa doo-bah-dee-doo Yes, it'sa doo-bah-dee-doo lmean a doo-bee doo-bee, doo-bee doo-bee, doo-bee-dee-doo (哦真真嘟吡嘀嘟 这世界嘟吡嘀嘟 充满了嘟吡嘟吡,嘟吡嘟吡)


例句:Do you have a Bumble Bee pacifier? (Excuse me. Do you have a Bumble Bee pacifier? 非得大黄蜂的?)


例句:Does it have to be Bumble Bee? (Does it have to be Bumble Bee?)


例句:We know that what's going on between the bee and that flower is that bee has been cleverly manipulated by that flower. (翻译:我们知道蜜蜂和花之间的关系 就是蜜蜂被花聪明的控制了。)


bee一般作为名词使用,如在eastern bee([蜂] 东方蜜蜂)、dumble bee([网络] 蜂蜜蜜蜂)、field bee(外勤蜂)等常见短语中出现较多。

eastern bee[蜂] 东方蜜蜂
dumble bee[网络] 蜂蜜蜜蜂
field bee外勤蜂
German bee[网络] 德国蜜蜂
giant bee岩蜂
golden bee黄金种蜜蜂
guard bee守卫蜂
hive bee=honeybee
honey bee蜜蜂
house bee巢蛾蜂;内勤蜂


1. Does it have to be Bumble Bee? (翻译:Does it have to be Bumble Bee?)

2. We know that what's going on between the bee and that flower is that bee has been cleverly manipulated by that flower. (翻译:我们知道蜜蜂和花之间的关系 就是蜜蜂被花聪明的控制了。)

3. If you act like that bee acts (翻译:*如果你像蜜蜂那样 If you act like that bee acts)

4. You want to watch the rest of the spelling bee? (翻译:你想要看剩下的拼字比赛吗? You want to watch the rest of the spelling bee?)

5. -Don't say the Bee Gees. -They were called Little Feat. (翻译:不要告诉我是Bee Gees 它们叫Little Feat)

6. I was in Colorado, in the middle of a spelling bee. (翻译:在科罗拉多州, 在场拼音考试中... ..)

7. That's one secret I'll never tell. (翻译:大连跳跳 沉诗落静 Bubble Bee HOLAH Msuper 小筐爱老婆 校对:)

8. I'm here to meet your father. (翻译:-我来会你父亲 -教父? word by BEE)

9. - You wanna go after the queen bee herself? (翻译:你要调查那个蜂王? {\3cH202020}You wanna go after the queen bee herself?)

10. Bzzz...... little bee. (翻译:嗡嗡嗡……小蜜蜂。)

11. Plant bee-friendly flowers, and don't contaminate these flowers, this bee food, with pesticides. (翻译:种植蜂类友好的花类, 并且不用杀虫剂染这些 是蜂类食物的花朵 )

12. several feet away from you and watch the spelling bee. (翻译:Several feet away from 一起看拼字比赛 you and watch the spelling bee.)

13. Christine, bee, hurry up, will you? (翻译:Christine, B, 你们快点好吗?)

14. It has to be the Bumble Bee. (翻译:是啊 It has to be the Bumble Bee.)

15. I checked some of the information was that bee pollen is a fine, public bee, queen bee their food. (翻译:我查了一些资料有人说花粉是幼蜂、公蜂、蜂王们的粮食。)


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