bruciare是什么意思 bruciare的中文翻译、读音、例句


bruciare是什么意思 bruciare的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an , an explanation of 'bruciare' from at least 4 aspects based on research as a language tool.

1. Definition: 'Bruciare' is an Italian verb that means "to burn," "to scorch," or "to singe." It can be used in various contexts to describe the process of burning or charring something.

2. Etymology: The word 'bruciare' comes from the Latin word 'comburiare' which means "to burn up." It has been used in the Italian language for centuries and has been assimilated into other Romance languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

3. Usage: Bruciare is commonly used in Italian cooking to describe the process of searing or charring meat or vegetables. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the feeling of being burned out or exhausted.

4. Related Words: Some related words to bruciare include 'fuoco' (fire), 'ceneri' (ashes), 'fiamme' (flames), and 'incendiare' (ignite).

Example sentences:

1. Ho bruciato il pane nel tostapane. (I burned the bread in the toaster.)

2. La pelle si è bruciata sotto il sole caldo. (My skin got burned under the hot sun.)

3. Il fuoco ha bruciato la casa in pochi minuti. (The fire burned the house within minutes.)

4. Non voglio bruciare gli spaghetti, devo stare attento al tempo di cottura. (I don't want to burn the spaghetti, I have to be careful with cooking time.)

5. La passione che avevo per il mio lavoro si è bruciata dopo aver lavorato troppo. (The passion I had for my job burned out after working too much.)




1. Ho bruciato il pane perché ero distratto. (我烤焦了面包因为我分神了。)

2. Non bruciare la carta, la puoi ancora usare. (不要烧掉那张纸,你还能用。)

3. La casa è stata bruciata completamente. (这房子已经被彻底烧毁了。)




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