vermin是什么意思 vermin的中文翻译、读音、例句


vermin是什么意思 vermin的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. vermin control 鼠害/虫害控制

2. vermin infestation 虫害侵扰

3. vermin extermination 灭鼠/灭虫

4. vermin outbreak 虫患爆发

5. vermin repellent 防虫剂

6. vermin trap 鼠夹/虫夹

7. vermin-borne diseases 由害虫传播的疾病


1. to be infested with vermin 被害虫侵扰

2. to exterminate vermin 灭鼠/灭虫

3. to control vermin 鼠害/虫害控制

4. to repel vermin 驱虫

5. to trap vermin 夹虫/夹鼠

6. vermin-free 无害虫的

7. vermin-infested 虫患严重的



1. My kitchen was infested with vermin, and I had to call an exterminator to take care of them. (我的厨房被害虫侵扰,我不得不叫灭虫工来处理。)

2. The vermin control company came to spray our yard for mosquitoes and ticks. (鼠害/虫害控制公司来喷洒我们的院子,以防蚊虫和蜱虫。)

3. We set up vermin traps to catch the mice that had been getting into our pantry. (我们设置了鼠夹,以捕捉一直潜入我们食品储藏室的老鼠。)

4. Vermin-borne diseases such as Lyme disease and West Nile virus can be transmitted to humans. (莱姆病和西尼罗河病毒等由害虫传播的疾病可以传染给人类。)

5. The city is dealing with a vermin outbreak that has affected many neighborhoods. (该市正在处理一次造成多个社区受害的虫患爆发。)

6. Peppermint oil is a natural vermin repellent that can be used in place of chemical sprays. (薄荷油是一种天然的驱虫剂,可以代替化学喷雾。)

7. The vermin-infested building was eventually condemned and demolished due to public safety concerns. (由于公共安全问题,虫患严重的建筑最终被宣布危房并拆除了。)




1. The farmer used pesticides to control the vermin infestation in his crops. (这个农民使用杀虫剂来控制作物上的害虫侵袭。)

2. The city council hired exterminators to get rid of the vermin in the building. (市议会雇佣灭虫人员来清除建筑物内的寄生虫。)

3. He regarded his political opponents as vermin who needed to be eliminated. (他认为他的对手是需要被消灭的讨厌人或动物。)




例句:May I just point out, in regard to special exemptions it's widely known, I've heard the opinion expressed myself that there are 80 million good Germans and each one knows his "decent Jew," even if he regards all the rest as vermin. (我发表一下我的观点 关于众所周知的 特别豁免的问题 这是我听来的一个我很赞成的观点 有八千万善良的德国公民)


例句:Keep calling me vermin, tough guy! (你再叫我小畜生试试看啊 傻大个! Keep calling me vermin, tough guy!)


例句:Some took refuge in the cities of the shemlen, living in squalor, tolerated only a little better than vermin. (有一些人逃到了麻瓜的城市里,生存在肮脏而艰苦地环境下,被人们像害虫与歹徒一样对待着。)


例句:A greatly frightened Kudus almost fainted. An itchy sensation went down his digestive track and the vermin had gone into his stomach. (翻译:段誉吓得几欲晕去,但觉咽喉、食道自上向下的麻痒落去,蜈蚣已钻入了他肚中。)


vermin一般作为名词使用,如在vermin control(un. 害物防制)、vermin damage(虫损)、vermin exterminator(灭虫毒剂)等常见短语中出现较多。

vermin controlun. 害物防制
vermin damage虫损
vermin exterminator灭虫毒剂


1. Some took refuge in the cities of the shemlen, living in squalor, tolerated only a little better than vermin. (翻译:有一些人逃到了麻瓜的城市里,生存在肮脏而艰苦地环境下,被人们像害虫与歹徒一样对待着。)

2. A greatly frightened Kudus almost fainted. An itchy sensation went down his digestive track and the vermin had gone into his stomach. (翻译:段誉吓得几欲晕去,但觉咽喉、食道自上向下的麻痒落去,蜈蚣已钻入了他肚中。)

3. I took revenge on the officer, and on Ohrim, the vermin. (翻译:我会找那个官员报仇, 还有那个害人精奥利蒙)

4. This was the food safety issue. The open wrappings could allow flies or vermin into the packages of bread. (翻译:这正是食品安全问题的所在。这些外包装敞开的面包会招来苍蝇和害虫的光顾。)

5. Is there some semantic problem, or do I understand you to mean that you do not care that the pitiful Sentinels will be crushed like vermin? (翻译:是语义上出了问题,还是我理解的那样,你是说你并不介意那些可怜的哨兵们像虫豸一样被碾得粉碎吗?)

6. For years I told myself that the world Had thrown me in with these vermin. (翻译:这几年来我不断告诉自己 命里注定要跟这些寄生虫纠缠了)

7. Well... one of the Pawnee located a band of the vermin camped down the river. (翻译:嗯,一个波尼族斥候发现一群败类 在河流下游扎营)

8. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. (翻译:不过,不惮于重提昔日烦恼的他 依然活力盎然... ...决心铲除那些腐化堕落的毒虫 他们是作恶的先锋... ...他们代表了对自由意志 肆无忌惮的恶意)

9. There's disease... vermin, starvation... and a cold, a cold death. (翻译:那里有疾病 害虫 饥饿 和寒冷 极致的寒冷)

10. They see you as vermin, to be gotten rid of as soon as possible. (翻译:你们这班贱民是众臣的眼中钉 你们这班贱民是众臣的眼中钉)

11. There's no sign of vermin. No droppings, no scent. (翻译:一切都很干净,没有寄生虫、 没有了老鼠。)

12. The room was crawling with vermin. (翻译:这房间里虱蚤横行。)

13. But taking 10 minutes to get to the Jardin des Tuileries where the largest concentration of the winged vermin may be found reduces there to one, the Gare du Nord where he will be just in time to catch the 11:04 train to Berlin. (翻译:但能让他花个十分钟跑去杜乐丽花园 去找那群长著翅膀的寄生虫 就只有一种可能, 巴黎北站)

14. This vermin speaks of affairs he knows nothing about! (翻译:这个小畜生在! This vermin speaks of affairs he knows nothing about!)

15. And spread like vermin out of control? (翻译:难道不会蔓延开来吗? 难道你们真想遍地无状态?)






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