rutas是什么意思 rutas的中文翻译、读音、例句


rutas是什么意思 rutas的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性:'rutas'是一个西班牙语的名词,意思是“路线”,也可以作为缩写词表示“Reunión de Usuarios de Tecnología de Alcatel-Lucent en España”,即“阿尔卡特朗讯西班牙用户技术会议”。

2. 用途:这个词可以用于描述旅行、导航、交通等领域,也可以名词缩写用于指代会议或活动。

3. 同义词:路径(path)、道路(road)、线路(route)、会议(conference)、聚会(gathering)。

4. 异义词:鲁塔斯(Rutas),这是一个波兰语姓氏。

5. 示例句子:

1) The hiking trail's rutas are clearly marked, it easy for tourists to follow.


2) We need to find the best rutas to avoid traffic on our road trip.


3) Rutas, a meeting for Alcatel-Lucent technology users in Spain, will be held next month.


4) He's planning to attend the Rutas conference in Madrid later this year.


5) The Rutas gathering brought together technology enthusiasts from all over Spain.






1. Las rutas turísticas en la ciudad son muy populares entre los visitantes extranjeros.

英文翻译:Tourist routes in the city are very popular among foreign visitors.

2. El conductor del autobús nos explicó las diferentes rutas que podíamos tomar para llegar a nuestro destino.

英文翻译:The bus driver explained the different routes we could take to get to our destination.




例句:A few years ago, I felt like I was stuck in a rut, so I decided to follow in the footsteps of the great American philosopher, Morgan Spurlock, and try something new for 30 days. (几年前, 我感觉对老一套感到枯燥乏味, 所以我决定追随 伟大的美国哲学家摩根·斯普尔洛克的脚步, 尝试做新事情30天。)


例句:I felt it was a rut, that ended inevitably in death. (我觉得那是个惯例,会不可避免地以死亡结束.)


例句:When they're in rut, they're similar to seals in the way, like, a seal has to open its nose to breathe. (它们的时候,很像海豹 海豹需要张开鼻孔呼吸,在这方面 )


rutas一般作为名词使用,如在genus rutas([网络] 鲁塔属\n(genus ruta 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

genus rutas[网络] 鲁塔属\n(genus ruta 的复数)


1. When they're in rut, they're similar to seals in the way, like, a seal has to open its nose to breathe. (翻译:它们的时候,很像海豹 海豹需要张开鼻孔呼吸,在这方面 )

2. Once a talent gets in that Mocambo- Romanoff rut, you're through. (翻译:当一个天才陷入莫坎伯·洛马诺夫定律的时候 你就彻底了解啦)

3. Rut is one of the primary damage of the asphalt highway, it imperil the pavement and compromise the security of driving. (翻译:车辙是沥青公路主要病害之一,路面,危害行车安全。)

4. Because it's by challenging the way things are always done is that we are able to break out of the rut that we're in and create innovative solutions to problems of today. (翻译:只有挑战我们一贯做事的方法 我们才能从抱残守旧中解脱出来 才能想出具有创意的办法 解决今天的问题)

5. She has a point. You're in a rut, my friend, and you know it. (翻译:她观点鲜明,你则墨守陈规 朋友啊,你也心知肚明)

6. Trying to break out of that rut of just... waking... (翻译:很想打破这样的生活常规... 工作...)

7. You want to bounce back quickly. Get out of that rut. The quicker the better. (翻译:但你应该尽快振作起来,跳出那消沉的生活,越快越好。)

8. You know, changing jobs can be a blessing in disguise. It gets you out of a rut. (翻译:换工作能给你带来好运 它可以使你摆脱厄运)

9. Because it's by challenging the way things are always done is that we are able to break out of the rut that we're in and create innovative solutions to problems of today. (翻译:只有挑战我们一贯做事的方法 我们才能从抱残守旧中解脱出来 才能想出具有创意的办法 解决今天的问题 )

10. I've seen them get in a rut like you before, but they come back. (翻译:别人以前也像你一样 但他们最后还是会回来)

11. We need to look for something else, and we've gotten ourselves a little bit into a rut. (翻译:我们需要寻找一些其他的东西 而我们之前有些作茧自缚了)

12. Today, while riding a dirt bike, it caught a rut and went into a wheelie. I then veered into a fence. It was electrified. (翻译:今天骑摩托的时候,轮子轧到水沟,前轮离地,然后我就撞在一个通电的栅栏上。)

13. I gave up my job because I felt I was stuck in a rut. (翻译:我放弃了我的工作,因为我觉得那种生活呆板无聊。)

14. The fact is, you guys, you got stuck in a rut. (翻译:事实是,你们这些家伙,你得到了停滞不前的。)

15. But they use their tails a lot, especially in rut. (翻译:不过它们常用到尾巴,特别是在的时候。)






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