shutters是什么意思 shutters的中文翻译、读音、例句


shutters是什么意思 shutters的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思:Shutters指的是窗帘或百叶窗,通常用于遮挡窗户,控制光线和防止气候影响。

2. 形状和尺寸:Shutters可以是单幅或者多幅构成,可以是木制、金属、塑料或者复合材料。它们的形状和尺寸可以根据窗户的形状和尺寸进行定制。

3. 功能:Shutters可以控制光线的进出,保护隐私,降低噪音,保护窗户免受风暴和其他天气状况的伤害。

4. 风格和设计:Shutters有着不同的风格和设计,包括传统的木制百叶窗、现代的窗帘百叶窗、法式窗和水平板窗。

5. 用途:Shutters可以应用于家庭、商业和工业场所,如住宅、酒店、办公室、餐厅、商店和学校等。


1. The shutters on the window are closed to keep the room dark. (窗户上的百叶窗关闭了,使房间变得较暗。)

2. We need to replace the old shutters on our house with new ones. (我们需要用新的百叶窗更换房子上的旧百叶窗。)

3. The company's office has wooden shutters that match the décor of the room. (公司的办公室有与房间装饰相匹配的木制百叶窗。)

4. The French-style shutters on the restaurant's windows add charm to the building. (餐厅窗户上的法式百叶窗为建筑增添了魅力。)

5. The industrial building has shutters that can withstand harsh weather conditions. (工业建筑物有能够抵抗恶劣天气条件的百叶窗。)


读音:英 ['ʃʌtəz] 美 ['ʃʌtərz]


1. He opened the shutters and looked out at the garden. 他打开百叶窗,望向花园。

2. They closed the shutters to keep out the sun. 他们关上挡板门,挡住阳光。




例句:He was busy battening down all the shutters and doors. (他正忙着用板条钉牢所有的百叶窗和门。)


例句:I might be able to reach the engine and stop the train by crawling along the side of the cars on these shutters. (去吧 请你们等一等 我说,我可以爬到车头去)


例句:And as I walked through the village, I could feel hundreds of pairs of eyes watching me from behind doorways and curtains, from behind shutters. (当我穿梭在这村庄里的时候, 我觉得有上百双眼睛在门背后、 在窗帘后、 在百叶窗后 关注着我。)


例句:Miss Stoner, would you be so kind as to go into the room in which you are now sleeping and bolt the shutters. (翻译:斯通纳 请你到你现在睡的房间去 闩上百叶窗)


shutters一般作为名词使用,如在lifting shutters(提升式百叶)、revolving shutters(卷帘窗;卷帘窗)、roller shutters(卷帘)等常见短语中出现较多。

lifting shutters提升式百叶
revolving shutters卷帘窗;卷帘窗
roller shutters卷帘
rolling shutters卷帘窗;卷帘门
sliding shutters推拉百叶窗
venetian shutters定百叶窗,遮阳窗
liquid crystal shutters[网络] 液晶快门


1. And as I walked through the village, I could feel hundreds of pairs of eyes watching me from behind doorways and curtains, from behind shutters. (翻译:当我穿梭在这村庄里的时候, 我觉得有上百双眼睛在门背后、 在窗帘后、 在百叶窗后 关注着我。)

2. Miss Stoner, would you be so kind as to go into the room in which you are now sleeping and bolt the shutters. (翻译:斯通纳 请你到你现在睡的房间去 闩上百叶窗)

3. For the stars close their shutters and the dawn whitens hazily. (翻译:星星们已将百叶窗关闭,黎明披着白色的纱朦胧地来临。)

4. Gentlemen, might I request that you close the shutters, please? (翻译:先生们 我能请您关上窗吗? Gentlemen, might I request that you close the shutters, please?)

5. The price went up to seven shutters and two jam sandwiches because Elmer now also be able to write pee boy on the business card. (翻译:代价已上升到七个烟头... 和两个果酱三明治 从那天开始)

6. (Camera shutters clicking) (翻译:Brava先生 等一下 - Brava先生)

7. I want you to close these shutters behind us... and I don't want you to open them again, until I tell you it's safe. (翻译:我们进去后你关上这些门 除非我示意一切安全 否则不许开门)

8. Cracks of light filtered through the shutters. (翻译:一束束阳光透过百叶窗照来。)

9. Oh, they've done the shutters. It's like kind of an I Remember Mama touch. (翻译:噢 他们已经装上了百叶窗 有点像我记忆中妈妈的感觉)

10. These slatted shutters can be modulated and allow for un-interrupted air circulation. (翻译:这些板条百叶窗,可调制,并允许未中断的空气流通。)

11. He fastened back the shutters. (翻译:他把活动护窗拉开系紧。)

12. ♪ and close the shutters ♪ (翻译:{\fn华文楷体\fs12\1cH0080FF\i1}♪闭上窗户♪)

13. Well, it isn't the Watermill Inn, but let's get a look at the view. [He opens the shutters. ] (翻译:嗯,这不是磨坊旅馆,可是先让我们瞧一下窗外的风景吧。[他打开百叶窗。]。)

14. My world was a beatific pleasure ground in your hand. Nobody could put up the shutters except you. (翻译:这个世界是你手中的幸福游乐场,除了你,谁都不能叫它打烊。)

15. There were so many of them and they were trying to pry the shutters and banging on the sidings, screaming at me. (翻译:当时来了好多人 他们试图撬开窗扇 猛敲侧壁 大吼大叫)




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