package是什么意思 package的中文翻译、读音、例句


package是什么意思 package的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:'package'可以作名词或动词来使用,作为名词时,指的是产品或物品的包装;作为动词时,指的是将产品或物品打包、封装、装箱等操作。


- Could you please help me to package these gifts nicely?

- This package contains three books and a CD.

- The package arrived at my doorstep this morning.

- The company offers a wide range of packaging solutions for its customers.

- I need to package this product before sending it to the customer.

2. 缩写词:'PKG'是'package'的缩写,用于售卖产品或物品时,通常会标明每个包装内含有多少个产品或物品。


- The toothbrush is sold in a package of three.

- The candy is available in both individual packets and a larger package.

- The shampoo and conditioner come in a package deal.

- The software can be purchased as a single download or in a packaged CD format.

- The snack mix is sold in a resealable package.

3. 相关短语:'package deal'是一个常用的短语,表示一系列产品或服务的组合销售,通常比单独购买更经济实惠。


- The hotel offers a package deal that includes a room, meals, and activities.

- The travel agent put together a package deal that included aire and hotel stay.

- The spa offers a variety of package deals for massages, facials, and other treatments.

- The website has a special package deal for customers who purchase both products together.

- The car dealership offers a package deal that includes a car, insurance, and maintenance.

4. 相关动词:'unpack'是'package'的反义词,指的是将产品或物品从包装中取出;'repackage'则表示重新打包或重新封装。


- After receiving the package, I unpacked it to see what was inside.

- The customer returned the product because it was damaged during shipping, so we had to unpack it and inspect it.

- The company decided to repackage the product to make it more appealing to customers.

- We had to repackage the chocolates because the original packaging wasn't suitable for shipping.

- The gift shop repackage the souvenirs to make them more attractive to customers.




1. I need to send this package to my friend in Canada.


2. The software package includes several different programs.


3. We offer a variety of package deals for our customers.





例句:You have a package for me. (你这里有我的包裹 You have a package for me.)


例句:This trip is not a common package tour. ({\1cH00FFFF}我们并不是一般的旅行团)


例句:The package is waiting to be collected. (这包裹在等人领取。)


例句:So we package our activism and we package our message in art. (翻译:因此我们提炼出精华, 以艺术的形式展现出来, )


package一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在direct package(直接邮包)、economic package(经济政策方面整套措施)、domestic package([网络] 内销包装)等常见短语中出现较多。

direct package直接邮包
economic package经济政策方面整套措施
domestic package[网络] 内销包装
disclosure package披露方案
discrete package分立封装
drive package动机构
employment package[网络] 聘用条件;一揽子就业政策
empty package空管,空筒
emulation package仿真套装软体
entire package[医]全包装


1. The package is waiting to be collected. (翻译:这包裹在等人领取。)

2. So we package our activism and we package our message in art. (翻译:因此我们提炼出精华, 以艺术的形式展现出来, )

3. The package is on the plane. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs20\2cHFFFFFF\b0}那个背包就在飞机上 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\2cHFFFFFF\b0}The package is on the plane.)

4. The configuration is then mapped to a variable in the child package, or to the property of an object in the child package. (翻译:然后将配置映射到子包中的某个变量,或映射到子包中某个对象的属性。)

5. Hey, got a package for you. (翻译:有你的快递 Hey, got a package for you.)

6. They are a beautiful sentences ... in a nice package. (翻译:这是一个漂亮的短语... 在一个漂亮的包装。)

7. - Package for Robert Garfield. (翻译:-·加菲尔德的包裹 - 我就是 -Package for Robert Garfield.)

8. I did. I then noticed a package with a shipping label. (翻译:接着我就看到一个贴着发货标签的包裹 I then noticed a package with a shipping label.)

9. So I can find the package. (翻译:这样我才能找出包裹 So I can find the package.)

10. Miss Scott! Miss Scott, your package. Your package has arrived this morning. (翻译:吹疭﹋吹疭﹋ ︽︽さぱと╄笷)

11. Dom, you have a package out here. (翻译:Dom, you have a package out here. 唐, 你的包裹)

12. If unsupported data sources are included in the package, an error message will be received when trying to publish the package. (翻译:如果包中含有不受支持的数据源,在尝试发布程序包时会收到一条错误消息。)

13. In the Package field, enter servlets. (翻译:在package域中,输入servlets。)

14. It was in the package that came through the Sprawl last week. (翻译:它就在上星期于贫民区查获的包裹里 It was in the package that came through the Sprawl last week.)

15. This package is for you. (翻译:这份包裹是给你的。)






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