drifter是什么意思 drifter的中文翻译、读音、例句


drifter是什么意思 drifter的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释:'drifter' 可以表示漂泊者(n.),无所事事的人(n.)或漂移车手(n.)等等。


- He spent his whole life as a drifter, never settling in one place for too long.


- Don't be a drifter, you need to have a plan and work towards your goals.


- He's a professional drifter, known for his incredible car control and daring maneuvers.


2. 源起背景:'drifter' 最初是指在渔业中,那些漂浮于水面的渔网,后来引申为指那些游离于社会边缘的人群。


- The drifter in the park looked like he had no place to go.


- The drifter found himself constantly moving from place to place, never feeling completely at home anywhere.


3. 相关词汇:类似的单词或者短语有 wanderer(漫游者)、abond(流浪汉)、roamer(漫步者)等。


- The wanderer traveled the world for many years before finally settling down.


- There's a certain romanticism associated with the life of a abond, but in reality, it can be a very difficult existence.


4. 常见用法:'drifter' 这个词大多用于形容人,但也可以用来形容事物。在口语中,也可以把 'drift'(漂移)作为动词,表示车辆或物体沿着曲线或弧形移动(常用于车赛或者汽车文化)。


- The drifter walked aimlessly through the streets, lost in thought.


- The boat was caught in the drifter, and we had to wait until it was freed before we could continue our journey.


- He carefully controlled the car's drift around the corner, trying to maintain as much speed as possible.


以上是 'drifter' 这个单词的4个方面的解释和5个实际应用的例句。




1. He was a drifter who never settled down in one place for too long.(他是一个漂泊者,从未在一个地方停留太久。)

2. After losing his job, he became a drifter and traveled around the country.(失业后,他成为了一个流浪者,四处旅行。)

3. The old sailor was a seasoned drifter, having spent most of his life at sea.(那位老船长是一位经验丰富的漂流者,他的大部分生命都在海上度过。)




例句:- A fine American drifter. (正派的美国流浪汉啊 Feine amerikanicher Streuner. 问他有没有钱 Frag mal, ob er Geld hat.)


例句:Mark Daniel Curtis recounted as a drifter was questioned by police from Glenn the Tuesday morning for breach of Molly Vernon. (马克. 丹尼尔. 库特尔因涉嫌格伦.)


例句:Surf zone currents over irregular bathymetry: Drifter observations and numerical simulations (不规则水流碎浪区的海洋测深技术:浮标观测和数值模拟)


例句:- Unattached drifter Christmas. (翻译:unattached drifter christmas?)


drifter一般作为名词使用,如在drifter bar(= drill column)、drifter drill(风钻钻机)、hammer drifter(柱架式风钻,架式凿岩机)等常见短语中出现较多。

drifter bar= drill column
drifter drill风钻钻机
hammer drifter柱架式风钻,架式凿岩机
hydraulic drifter液压凿岩机
rotary drifter旋转架式钻机
sailing drifterun. 漂网帆船\n[网络] 漂网小渔船
salmon drifter鲑流网渔船
trawler drifter拖网兼漂网渔船
hand held drifter重型手持式凿岩机


1. Surf zone currents over irregular bathymetry: Drifter observations and numerical simulations (翻译:不规则水流碎浪区的海洋测深技术:浮标观测和数值模拟)

2. - Unattached drifter Christmas. (翻译:unattached drifter christmas?)

3. Porter, he was at work when this, uh, this drifter, (翻译:波特出去干活的时候 有一个叫戴洛的流浪汉)

4. Take the story “The Life You Save May be Your Own,” where the one-handed drifter Tom Shiftlet wanders into the lives of an old woman named Lucynell Crater and her deaf and mute daughter. (翻译:以《你救的可能是 你自己的命》这个故事为例, 故事中,单手的浪人汤姆 一位老女人露西妮尔·克雷特 及她的聋哑女儿的生命当中。)

5. We hired Jimbo to take us to the Council so Drifter can talk to the Judges. (翻译:我们雇了吉姆 我们去理事会 所以流浪者可以跟法官。)

6. Driven by champion drifter Rhys Millen and sponsored by Red Bull, the car has taken just nine weeks to put together. (翻译:驱动的冠军流浪汉里斯Millen和赞助的红牛,汽车已不仅仅是九周汇集。)

7. Last week, scientists at several academic institutions used a large optical telescope to check the spectral properties of the drifter. (翻译:上周,几家科研单位的科学家们使用大型光学望远镜检测了这个物体的光谱特性。)

8. For at least part of that time in the company of an as yet unidentified drifter. (翻译:这5个月里,他有很长时间 是和一群没有身份的流浪汉呆在一起)

9. Every once in a blue moon, a college kid or drifter will sneak in through the window for a good night's sleep. (翻译:我们这里偶尔有大学生或是流浪汉 会偷偷从窗户里爬进去睡觉)

10. We started in Paris, which is where we met this drifter. (翻译:我们从巴黎开始 在那里我们遇见了这个混混)

11. No, you don't, because Drifter looks like the hero of the world. (翻译:不你不因为流浪汉 看起来像是全世界的英雄。)

12. He was in the company of some drifter. (翻译:他跟一群流浪汉混迹在一起, 我们在查全境通告时发现了他 [APB:)

13. Look, Cady, maybe you can get away with dog poisoning, beating up on a little drifter like Diane Taylor. (翻译:卡迪你听着 这次虽然让你逃过 毒狗和虐打黛安之罪)

14. I wasn't gonna ask if you wanna smoke meth or kill a drifter. (翻译:我是不是要问,如果你想 抽烟甲基或杀死一个流浪者。)

15. Drifter... get this mangy mutt out of here. (翻译:流浪汉... 把这个肮脏的狗,离开这里。)






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