tigress是什么意思 tigress的中文翻译、读音、例句


tigress是什么意思 tigress的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'tigress' 意为母虎,通常用来指一只雌性的老虎。

词性: 'tigress' 是一个名词,表示一种动物。

词组搭配:常见的词组包括 'female tigress' (雌性老虎), 'sae tigress' (凶猛的母虎), 'powerful tigress' (强大的母虎)等。




1. The tigress fiercely protects her cubs from any danger in the jungle. (母虎猛烈保护她的幼崽免受森林中的任何危险。)

2. The zookeeper fed the tigress pieces of raw meat. (动物园管理员给母虎喂原始肉块。)

3. The tigress stalked its prey silently through the tall grass. (母虎悄无声息地在高草中潜行寻找猎物。)

4. The tigress prowled around her territory, marking her territory with her scent. (母虎在她的领地周围游荡,用她的气味标记领地。)

5. When the tigress roared, it could be heard from miles away. (当母虎咆哮时,可以在数英里之外听到它的声音。)

tigress是表示雌虎的英语单词。读音为 /ˈtaɪɡrəs/。


1. The tigress prowled through the jungle in search of food. (这只雌虎在丛林中徘徊寻找食物。)

2. The cubs stayed close to their mother tigress as she led them to a new hunting ground. (这些小虎崽紧跟着母亲雌虎,跟随她前往一个新的狩猎场。)




例句:Po would want us to remain strong. Hard-core. Right, Tigress? (Po希望我们坚强, 坚不可摧, 对吧, Tigress?)


例句:I'm not one of the Furious Five, so... it's actually Tigress you better keep your eyes on. (我不是盖世五侠的 所以... 其实你应该盯着虎妞)


例句:I remained alert while Tigress and Mantis caught some Zs. (没人想看一个老头子倒下 猴哥没准想 别这样 你没那么老)


例句:Amy Chua and I both understand that our job as mothers is to be the type of tigress that each of our different cubs needs. (翻译:蔡美儿和我都明白,为人之母,我们的责任就是根据不同幼崽的实际情况、变成一位适合他们需要的虎妈妈。)


1. I remained alert while Tigress and Mantis caught some Zs. (翻译:没人想看一个老头子倒下 猴哥没准想 别这样 你没那么老)

2. Amy Chua and I both understand that our job as mothers is to be the type of tigress that each of our different cubs needs. (翻译:蔡美儿和我都明白,为人之母,我们的责任就是根据不同幼崽的实际情况、变成一位适合他们需要的虎妈妈。)

3. Tigress tried her best, but she still couldn't control her temper. (翻译:娇虎尽了自己最大的努力,可还是不能控制心气)

4. So it went till the end of the month when even Xiangzi could see that her time had really come. Tigress hardly looked human. (翻译:一直闹到月底,连祥子也看出来,这是真到了时候,她已经不象人样了。)

5. Monkey, Mantis, Orane, Viper, Tigress! (翻译:猴子,螳螂,仙鹤,母蛇,考虑! )

6. A liger is a hybrid cross between a male lion and a tigress. (翻译:狮虎兽是雄性狮子和雌性老虎的后代。)

7. ...It takes a tigress to find a tiger- (翻译:...一只母老虎找到一只老虎- {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}... It takes a tigress to find a tiger-)

8. You were about to point at Tigress and that thing fell in front of her! (翻译:你原来要指的是娇虎 可那个肉团正巧掉下来)

9. And in the case of male tigers, on access to females, a tigress may have a territory of 20 square kilometers, while the territories of males are much larger, covering 60 to 100 kilometers. (翻译:母老虎要有20平方公里的领地 而公老虎的就更加大 达到60到100平方公里)

10. Had Tigress been a son, by now he'd have had grandchildren ; so even as an old widower he wouldn't have been so lonely. (翻译:假若虎妞是个男子,当然早已成了家,有了小孩,即使自己是个老鳏夫,或者也就不这么孤苦伶仃的了。)

11. Tigress in a red jacket, her face powdered and rouged, followed him with her eyes. (翻译:虎妞穿着红袄,脸上抹着与胭脂,眼睛溜着他。)

12. Tigress glared at the old man, returned to her room, locked the door and began to weep shrilly . (翻译:虎姑娘瞪了老头子一眼,回到自己屋中,钟着嗓子哭起来,把屋门从里面锁上。)

13. Whenas god joke on me, I fall in love with a tigress. (翻译:然而世事弄人,我竟会爱上一只老虎,不对! )

14. If the tigress comes in and sees you sleeping again, she will give you a warning letter. (翻译:待会儿那只母老虎回来,看你趴着做梦 又要发警告信给你了)

15. She used to live mostly as a tigress and kept ten or twelve tigers with her. (翻译:她过去大部分时间都像一只母老虎一样生活,与10或12只老虎呆在一起。)






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