dorise是什么意思 dorise的中文翻译、读音、例句


dorise是什么意思 dorise的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:"Five shall die, and from their ashes the Anointed shall rise." (and from their ashes the Anointed shall rise.)


例句:? Rise up and take the power back ? (* Rise up and take the power back * 取得政权)


例句:It is you that will not rise up. (是你不要 是你贪图舒适生活 It is you that will not rise up.)


例句:Trust me, Sheila, that man will always rise above. (翻译:that man will always rise above.)


1. It is you that will not rise up. (翻译:是你不要 是你贪图舒适生活 It is you that will not rise up.)

2. Trust me, Sheila, that man will always rise above. (翻译:that man will always rise above.)

3. Please rise for the bride. (翻译:Please rise for the bride.)

4. Do you need the dead to rise up... turn into a vampire and bite you? (翻译:你是不是要等尸体站起来... 变成僵尸咬你一口,你才相信?)

5. ♫ May the road rise with you May the road rise with you (翻译:别听人家说home house不好 我就住在菲里浦酒店的home house)

6. The upswing in candy sales had led to a rise in cavities which led to a rise in toothpaste sales. (翻译:糖果卖得好 结果蛀牙的人就变多了 The upswing in candy sales had led to a rise in cavities... 牙膏的销售量也随之提升 ...which led to a rise in toothpaste sales.)

7. to ensure they do not rise again as the undead! (翻译:来确保他们不会像活死人那样死而复生 to ensure they do not rise again as the undead!)

8. So what can we do to prevent the return of fascism and the rise of new dictatorships? (翻译:那么,我们该怎样 防止主义卷土重来 以及新的崛起呢? )

9. Emissions of VOCs, in and of themselves, do not necessarily give rise to health or environmental concerns. (翻译:挥发性有机化合物的排放量,其本身并不一定会导致健康或环境问题。)

10. The rise in prices nullified the rise in wages. (翻译:上涨的物价使增加的工资化为乌有。)

11. Sons and daughters of the colonists must rise up, rise up! (翻译:开拓者的儿女们. 必须站起来了! 站起来!)

12. # Oh, and still I rise... # (翻译:# Oh, and still I rise #)

13. I inspired him to rise to my level. (翻译:我激励着他来赶上我的水平。I inspired him to rise to my level.)

14. Not a sunrise... but a galaxy rise. (翻译:不是太阳升起 Not a sunrise... 而是星系的升起 but a galaxy rise.)

15. And if he fails to rise on the third? (翻译:要是他第三日没有复活呢? And if he fails to rise on the third?)




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