offerto是什么意思 offerto的中文翻译、读音、例句


offerto是什么意思 offerto的中文翻译、读音、例句

offerto 是一个动词,意思是“提供”、“供应”、“奉献”、“提议”等。它的词性是过去分词。


1. offerto al pubblico:向公众提供

2. offerto a prezzi vantaggiosi:以优惠的价格提供

3. offerto in vendita:供销售

4. offerto come garanzia:作为担保提供

5. offerto in dotazione:作为标配提供

offerto 的发音拼写为 [o'f:fɛrto]。


1. Abbiamo offerto il nostro aiuto, ma ha rifiutato. (我们提供了帮助,但是他拒绝了。)

2. Il ristorante ha offerto un'ampia scelta di vini. (这家餐厅提供了丰富的葡萄酒选择。)

3. Durante l'incontro, ha offerto molte idee interessanti. (在会议中,他提出了很多有趣的想法。)

4. Il venditore ha offerto uno sconto del 10%. (销售员提供了10%的折扣。)

5. La compagnia ha offerto un'opzione di lavoro flessibile. (公司提供了灵活的工作选择。)

6. Ti offro un caffè? (我请你喝一杯咖啡吗?)

7. Ho offerto la mia casa come luogo di incontro. (我提供了我的家作为会议场所。)


读音:[òu fèng tuō]


1. L'offerto di lavoro era molto allettante. (这份工作的报价非常诱人。)

2. Il proprietario ha offerto di vendere la casa a un prezzo più basso. (房主提供以更低的价格出售房子。)

3. La scuola ha offerto aiuto ai genitori dei bambini con difficoltà di apprendimento. (学校向有学习困难的孩子家长提供帮助。)

4. L'azienda ha offerto ai suoi dipendenti un bonus di fine anno. (公司向员工提供了年终奖金。)




例句:Of course, may I offer my condolences. (may I offer my condolences.)


例句:I can only offer you my friendship. (我只能给你友情 I can only offer you my friendship.)


例句:May I offer you some water? (要喝口水吗? May I offer you some water?)


1. May I offer you some water? (翻译:要喝口水吗? May I offer you some water?)

2. They want you to reconsider their offer. (翻译:他们希望你重新考虑升职提议 They want you to reconsider their offer.)

3. The Emperor is prepared to offer the King his support. (翻译:皇帝愿意支持陛下 The Emperor is prepared to offer the King his support.)

4. But... he made me an offer. (翻译:他向我提议 But... he made me an offer.)

5. 30 really is the most we can offer. (翻译:我最多给到三万每箱 30 really is the most we can offer.)

6. You offer terms. I ask none. (翻译:开出你的条件吧,我没话说了 You offer terms.)

7. You gonna make me an offer? (翻译:You gonna make me an offer?)

8. And this is all you can offer? (翻译:而这就是你能想到的? And this is all you can offer?)

9. The Master will send someone else, but, in the meantime, the Three having failed will offer their own lives in penance. (翻译:the Three having failed will offer their own lives in penance.)

10. She responded with a settlement offer. (翻译:她提出进行和解协商 She responded with a settlement offer.)

11. But what explanation am I to offer Their Majesties? (翻译:我该怎么跟国王 王后交代 But what explanation am I to offer Their Majesties?)

12. I just wanted to offer my support. (翻译:我只是想支持你 I just wanted to offer my support.)

13. Well, then you can have no reason to suppose he made me an offer. (翻译:then you can have no reason to suppose he made me an offer.)

14. Of course you must accept the offer. (翻译:你当然要接受那份工作 Of course you must accept the offer.)

15. You come here to offer me your friendship? (翻译:How dare you? You come here to offer me your friendship?)




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