例句:This is online map of the address "Shi Niu Miao Xiang Shi Yin Cun , Yanting County, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, China" . (这是地址“中国四川省绵阳市盐亭县石牛庙乡石印村”匹配的在线电子地图。)
例句:Chi Fi Shi Festival, Shadow Theater. (吃袭击节,皮影剧院 Chi Fi Shi Festival, Shadow Theater.)
例句:Can you tell me three differences between a Sunni and a Shi'a? (- And a little bit of a coward?)
例句:The TSU threatened to respond with protest rallies and withdraw its support for the ruling party. (翻译:威胁称,该党将举行并收回对执政党的支持。)
shibetsu一般作为名词使用,如在Shibetsu([地名] 士别〈北海道北部〉 ( 日 ))等常见短语中出现较多。
Shibetsu | [地名] 士别〈北海道北部〉 ( 日 ) |
1. Can you tell me three differences between a Sunni and a Shi'a? (翻译:- And a little bit of a coward?)
2. The TSU threatened to respond with protest rallies and withdraw its support for the ruling party. (翻译:威胁称,该党将举行并收回对执政党的支持。)
3. At the beginning, Shi always interrupts Alan's speaking impatiently , and implies him to tell what Shi wants to hear. (翻译:在阿兰叙述的开始,小史还经常不耐烦地打断他,或者暗示他说一些跟同性性行为有关的黄段子。)
4. These three clay dolls are found on the body of Shi Zilun (翻译:这三个泥偶是从石子伦的尸体上找到的 石子伦一定是知道了一个)
5. Effects of tributyrin on SHI-1 leukemia cells in vitro (翻译:三丁酸酯对白血病细胞株SHI-1体外作用的研究)
6. This is me, Shi Bohan. (翻译:这就是我,史博翰。)
7. High up in the trunk, TSU'TEY and his hunters leap rapidly from spoke to spoke, climbing barely ahead of the fireball. (翻译:高高的树干上,苏泰和他的猎人们从枝条间飞跃而过,勉强跑在火球的前面。)
8. Iraq's population is roughly half Shi'ite. (翻译:人口大约半数是。)
9. You'll stay in the city with Ms. Shi perhaps forever (翻译:你和佘还要在城里呆下去 或许... 呆一辈子)
10. Jake offers the bowl back to Tsu 'tey. (翻译:杰克把碗递回给苏泰。)
11. Tsu 'tey struggles with his emotions. Finally. (翻译:苏泰与他的感情作着斗争。)
12. The sayings of the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-Tsu have been translated into many versions. (翻译:中国古代哲学家老子的谚语已翻译成多种版本。)
13. Mr Su said he would not let the TSU's opposition stop him. (翻译:表示,他不会因为的反对而停下脚步。)
14. This is online map of the address "Bai Sha Zhen Bai Sha Shi Chang , Shanghang County, Longyan Shi, Fujian Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国福建省龙岩市上杭县白砂镇白砂市场”匹配的在线电子地图。)
15. Tsu Te, flying above, sees this and isn't nearly so happy. (翻译:在上空飞行的苏泰看到了这些,一点也不高兴。)