shirtless是什么意思 shirtless的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


shirtless是什么意思 shirtless的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

shirless 是一个形容词,表示没有穿衬衫的。常用场景包括游泳或在炎热的天气中活动。例如,他赤膊在海滩上晒太阳。

shirless 可以和以下词组搭配使用:

- shirtless torso:裸上身的躯干。

- shirtless selfie:赤膊自拍。

- shirtless workout:脱衬衫锻炼。

- shirtless protest:赤膊。

shirless 的发音为 /ˈʃɜrtləs/,其中重读音节为第一音节。





1. He was standing in the sun, shirtless and sweating.


2. The shirtless man was arrested for public indecency.





例句:- Ey, I've seen you shirtless too, everything's drooping down. (我看对你军裸的时译好。马, 所有内都在往下坐)


例句:Why go around shirtless with a lady around! (干嘛上衣走来走去 这里有在! 什么)


例句:This is one of the few times where it is acceptable to be shirtless in a public forum. (公共场合能上身的机会可没多少 这是很难得的机会哦)


1. This is one of the few times where it is acceptable to be shirtless in a public forum. (翻译:公共场合能上身的机会可没多少 这是很难得的机会哦)

2. The priest said he needed a shirtless one for the roll call. (翻译:神父说他需要一个光膀子的人来点名 The priest said he needed a shirtless one for the roll call.)

3. The instructor is from Tennessee. Blond, shirtless, and a bit of a yoga rock star. (翻译:教练来自田纳西州,金色头发,赤膊上阵,有点瑜伽摇滚明星的范儿。)

4. Just as Beijing discouraged men from going shirtless during the Olympics, Shanghai wants everyone to wear "proper attire" for the Expo. (翻译:正如北京在奥运会期间要求男性不得赤膊上身那样,上海也希望在世博会期间每个人都穿着“恰当”。)

5. And all of a sudden as I was going down the stairs I noticed that there was a man slumped to the side, shirtless, not moving, and people were just stepping over him -- hundreds and hundreds of people. (翻译:突然,正当我走下时 我注意到有一个人倒在一边 没穿上衣,一动不动,人们从他身上跨过 成百上千的人们从他身上跨过。)

6. The child reaches for the kite, tumbles out the window, bounces off the awning, flying through the air, heading toward certain death, when, miraculously, it is caught by a shirtless Matthew McConaughey. (翻译:小孩伸手想抓风筝 滚出窗外 掉到雨篷 弹出去 飞在空中)

7. And all of a sudden as I was going down the stairs I noticed that there was a man slumped to the side, shirtless, not moving, and people were just stepping over him -- hundreds and hundreds of people. (翻译:突然,正当我走下时 我注意到有一个人倒在一边 没穿上衣,一动不动,人们从他身上跨过 成百上千的人们从他身上跨过。)

8. This time I popped over the edge shirtless, panting, jacked. (翻译:这一次我出现在山顶边缘, 着上身,气喘吁吁而又兴奋。)

9. Well, we've already exhausted every topic that one would normally talk about on a first date and a second date and a third date, and every date, actually, and I've already seen you shirtless. (翻译:我们已经说光了所有应该在 第一次约会说的话题 第二次的也是 第三次的 其实所有的约会话题都说光了 我甚至见过你半裸的样子)

10. The instructor is from Tennessee. Blond, shirtless, and a bit of a yoga rock star. (翻译:教练来自田纳西州,金色头发,赤膊上阵,有点瑜伽摇滚明星的范儿。)

11. They eliminated the shirtless models, so now I have to walk around in this monkey suit. (翻译:他们不再用赤膊迎宾 我要着这件马骝衣周围行)

12. So first, if you are the type, like the shirtless dancing guy that is standing alone, remember the importance of nurturing your first few followers as equals so it's clearly about the movement, not you. (翻译:首先,如果你要有领导的表现欲, 就像那个赤膊男孩的独舞, 记住要重视 你的第一个追随者且需一视同仁, 那么这就很明显得形成了运动,而不是你自己的独秀。)

13. A shirtless little boy getting patted down in Salt Lake City. (翻译:视频上是一个没有穿上衣的小男孩在盐湖城被搜身。)

14. So first, if you are the type, like the shirtless dancing guy that is standing alone, remember the importance of nurturing your first few followers as equals so it's clearly about the movement, not you. (翻译:首先,如果你要有领导的表现欲, 就像那个赤膊男孩的独舞, 记住要重视 你的第一个追随者且需一视同仁, 那么这就很明显得形成了运动,而不是你自己的独秀。)

15. This entire time, your daughter is gonna be growing up watching all these young, shirtless men next door, and we're gonna be watching right back. (翻译:在你女儿长大的过程中 会一直看到上衣的 年轻帅哥 我们也会看过来)


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