yasmin是什么意思 yasmin的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

yasmin在英语中代表"避孕药名、【女名】女子名"的意思,其次还有"优思明"的意思,发音是[美 ],yasmin常被用作名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到33个与yasmin相关的释义和例句。

yasmin是什么意思 yasmin的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 名字:Yasmin是一种女性名字,起源于语,意为""。

例句:My friend's name is Yasmin, and she's from Saudi Arabia.(我的朋友叫Yasmin,她来自沙特。)

2. 药品:Yasmin是一种口服避孕药,含有ethinyl estradiol和drospirenone两种活性成分。

例句:My doctor prescribed Yasmin for me to help regulate my periods.(我的医生给我开了Yasmin,帮助调节我的月经。)

3. 缩写词:YASMIN指的是Young Ambitious Successful Millennial In Need,是一种年轻、有抱负、成功的千禧一代的缩写。

例句:Yasmin is the perfect example of a YASMIN - she's only 25 years old and she's already the CEO of her own company.(Yasmin是一个典型的YASMIN的例子 - 她只有25岁,已经是自己公司的CEO了。)

4. 地名:Yasmin是巴基斯坦的一个地名,位于旁遮普省。

例句:My grandparents live in Yasmin, Pakistan, and I visit them every summer.(我的祖父母住在巴基斯坦的Yasmin,我每年夏天都去看他们。)

5. 形容词:Yasmin也可以用来形容某个人或事物,表示其类似于的香味或特点。

例句:The tea smells very yasmin-like, with a hint of floral sweetness.(这种茶的味道像,带有花香的甜味。)

yasmine的中文翻译为“”。读音为[yǎ sī mín]。例句:My friend Yasmin loves to drink jasmine tea.(我的朋友Yasmin喜欢喝茶。)




例句:Yasmin begged to take lessons, too, and started when their teacher decided her hands were big enough. (娅斯敏也央求着要去上钢琴课,当老师认为她的手已足够大时,她也开始学钢琴了。)


例句:Came to America with his wife, Yasmin, and son, Amir, in 2011. (于2011年和妻子亚斯明 Came to America with his wife, Yasmin, 和儿子埃米尔来到美国 and son, Amir, in 2011.)


例句:Yasmin said the piano playing "helps me with the skating, and vice versa. " (娅斯敏说,弹钢琴“对我滑冰有帮助,反过来也一样”。)


例句:The jumps make Yasmin stand out. They also can hurt: She has broken four bones in two and a half years. (翻译:跳跃让娅斯敏脱颖而出,也能致伤:两年半时间里她摔断了四根骨头。)


yasmin一般作为名词使用,如在Yasmin(n. 优思明(避孕药名))等常见短语中出现较多。

Yasminn. 优思明(避孕药名)


1. Yasmin said the piano playing "helps me with the skating, and vice versa. " (翻译:娅斯敏说,弹钢琴“对我滑冰有帮助,反过来也一样”。)

2. The jumps make Yasmin stand out. They also can hurt: She has broken four bones in two and a half years. (翻译:跳跃让娅斯敏脱颖而出,也能致伤:两年半时间里她摔断了四根骨头。)

3. It is reported, Yasmin condoms in large pharmacies in more sales, and the price is much higher than other brands of contraceptives. (翻译:据悉,优思明在大型药店中多有销售,且售价远远高于其他品牌避孕药。)

4. But here's the thing - Yasmin isn't just raising her employees' wages because it's the right thing to do. (翻译:但重要的是,叶思敏不仅仅是因为她认为做了应该做的事而去提高其员工的工资。)

5. He spent the night with your neighbor Yasmin and we brought him here this morning. (翻译:他和你邻居Yasmin一起过的夜 我们今早把他接到这里了)

6. Just because I took pity on Farah and Yasmin, doesn't mean I would ever betray my mother to you. (翻译:我同情Farah和Yasmin 并不意味我会背叛母亲)

7. Yasmin : I suppose so. (翻译:亚斯名:我也这么认为。)

8. Deputy editor Yasmin Congar of the Turkish daily Taraf says that action signalled an end to the army's meddling in the country's politics. (翻译:土耳其日报TARAF副编辑亚斯朋.琼加尔说,这个举动标志着军方插手的时代结束了。)

9. Right. This girl Yasmin is Simone's niece. (翻译:好吧 那个女孩叫Yasmin 是Simone的外甥女)

10. That's a very pretty name. (翻译:{\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}Yasmin Yasmin.)

11. "Two weeks before she turned 3, she got on the ice, and it really has been a love affair since then, " Yasmin's mother said. (翻译:娅斯敏的妈妈说,“还差两个星期不到三岁的时候,她就上了冰,从那时起一直着迷。”)

12. women, children... children just like your niece... just like Yasmin. (翻译:妇女 孩子 和你的外甥女一样的孩子们 和Yasmin一样)

13. Yasmin's been compromised. We need to move now, Axel! (翻译:亚斯敏暴露了 我们现在得走了,阿克塞尔 !)






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