ledig是什么意思 ledig的中文翻译、读音、例句


ledig是什么意思 ledig的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性:ledig 是形容词,意为“未婚的,单身的”;缩写词 LEDIG 可以表示兵役时的状态,意为“未服役”。


- She's still ledig, but she's looking for the right guy. (她还是单身,但正在寻找合适的男人。)

- LEDIG is the equivalent of “unfit for military service.” (LEDIG 相当于“不适合服兵役”。)

2. 同义词:ledig 的同义词可以是 single 或 unmarried。


- I've been single for a year now. (我已经单身一年了。)

- He's 40 and still unmarried. (他 40 岁了,还是未婚。)

3. 反义词:ledig 的反义词是 married。


- After dating for five years, they decided to get married. (约会了五年后,他们决定结婚。)

- She's been happily married for ten years. (她已经幸福地结婚十年了。)

4. 词源:ledig 一词来自古德语“ledic”,意为“空闲的,未被使用的”。


- The room was ledig, so we decided to use it for our meeting. (房间是空闲的,所以我们决定在里面开会。)

- The shop had a lot of ledig space, so they decided to expand the product range. (商店有很多空闲的空间,所以他们决定扩大产品范围。)

5. 文化差异:在德国,ledig 这个单词在民间传统中有一个有趣的含义,即如果一个人 30 岁还未婚,就会被裹上一件彩色的毛毯,被称为“年龄毯子”(Junggesellen- oder Junggesellinnenabschied),意为“单身派对”。这种仪式在英语国家也有,但没有这个具体的名字。


- He's turning 30 next week, so we're planning his ledig party. (他下周就要 30 岁了,所以我们正在计划他的单身派对。)

- She had a great time at her ledig party, but now she's excited to get married. (她在单身派对上玩得很开心,但现在她很期待结婚。)





1. Er ist noch ledig und sucht nach der richtigen Frau.

He is still single and looking for the right woman.

2. Ich bin zurzeit ledig, aber ich hoffe, bald zu heiraten.

I'm currently single but I hope to get married soon.

3. Die Wohnung ist seit drei Monaten ledig.

The apartment has been vacant for three months.




例句:Very funny! But seriously, what's his name? (太好笑了 Ah, très drôle.)


例句:Neither Monday nor Tuesdays, also not Wednesdays. (周一不换 周二不 周三也不 ni le lundi, ni le mardi, ni même le mercredi.)


1. ♪ and if you want me, people, come on get me now ♪ (翻译:♪ I Know you dig the way I switch my style ♪)

2. Certainly, but the samurai kimono is provided: 800 Euros. (翻译:当然贵了 Forcément. 刀和武士服配套出售 Le seppuku... mais le kimono de samouraï est fourni avec.)

3. " Dig boy, dig boy, dig boy To get ahead in the world " (翻译:? Dig boy, dig boy, dig boy To get ahead in the world ?)

4. Avesnes-Le-Sec, France, March 1918 (翻译:Avesnes Le Sec,法国 1918年3月)

5. We do it family style here, so everyone just dig in. (翻译:so everyone just dig in.)

6. - No - Never were - Don't you think I would tell you if I were pregnant? (翻译:- I took my sister to Le Bec Fin.)

7. ¶ and just to dig it all and not to wonder ¶ (翻译:# and just to dig it all and not to wonder #)

8. Planning is not my thing, dig? (翻译:订计划不是我的事 懂不? Planning is not my thing, dig?)

9. You gotta dig and dig and dig until you get to the point where you wish you were dead. (翻译:往下挖,挖,挖, You gotta dig and dig and dig 直到你宁愿 until you get to the point 自己已经死了。)

10. Yes, true enough. "Henri Larchet" sounds like 4-wheel-drive and the Figaro Magazine. (翻译:亨利·拉尔舍 像极了费加罗报的语气 Henri Larchet, ça sent bon le 4x4 et Le Figaro.)

11. Dig it out, dig it out, dig it out, dig it out.! (翻译:挖掘出来,挖掘出来,挖掘出来,挖掘出来。)

12. But I totally dig the buzz. (翻译:就喜欢那感觉 But I totally dig the buzz.)

13. I know a lot about your family. MAN: (翻译:Miss Malfete, this is Francois le Combier.)

14. wheezing as an excuse or grimacing! (翻译:-le, cet imbécile sur son banc!)

15. Time to dig deeper into yours. (翻译:是时候挖进你的大脑更深层了 Time to dig deeper into yours.)




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