例句:At the moment it's all good and I'm itching to get back. In fact it's worse than itching, my stomach is turning. (目前看来,一切都很好,我想复出想得心痒痒。实话说,比心痒还难受,想得我胃都快要痉挛了。)
例句:Miss Ly, is there masculine principle in women? (李总 女性身上就没有男性的因素吗? 有啊)
例句:Colourful as the traffic jams may be, I'm itching to get out of Manila. (虽然车流色彩丰富,还是忍不住要离开马尼拉。)
例句:But benzoyl peroxide dries out skin causing itching or allergic reactions. (翻译:但过氧化苯甲酰干出引起皮肤瘙痒或过敏性反应。)
1. Colourful as the traffic jams may be, I'm itching to get out of Manila. (翻译:虽然车流色彩丰富,还是忍不住要离开马尼拉。)
2. But benzoyl peroxide dries out skin causing itching or allergic reactions. (翻译:但过氧化苯甲酰干出引起皮肤瘙痒或过敏性反应。)
3. You might have already heard Ly's legends at Mio. (翻译:大家可能都听说过 李仪龙在美奥时侯的传奇故事)
4. But that hardly means Saharans are itching to stay under Moroccan control. (翻译:不过,这并不表明西撒哈拉人就甘愿受到摩洛哥的统治。)
5. These lesions are often excoriated because of the itching. (翻译:这些损害因为发痒经常被抓破。)
6. The night the Roxy opened they both came itching for a fight (翻译:那次丽霞舞厅新开张 他们两个一见面就说要单挑)
7. I found Lotrimin spray made the itching easier to bear. (翻译:我发现克霉唑喷雾使瘙痒更容易忍受。)
8. This is Tam Ly our resident Tsunami expert. Sent by the Gods. (翻译:她叫李态美,是上天派来的 她是我校的常驻海啸专家)
9. Wel l, we can't real ly rely on the antivenom. (翻译:WEL升,我们不能真正LY依靠抗蛇毒血清。)
10. You're like Fletcher Cristian Just itching to throw bligh overboard. (翻译:你就像Fletcher Christian一样急着把Bligh废掉)
11. The itching was almost more than he could stand. (翻译:他痒得几乎忍不住了。)
12. The crowd was itching for a fight. (翻译:那群人摩拳擦掌地想打架。)
13. Design jsa social-ly conscous activity. (翻译:设计是项关注社会的行为。)
14. "Four search companies have approached us over the past eight weeks, " Bit. ly's Borthwick tells us. (翻译:ly的Borthwick告诉我们说:“在过去八个星期当中,已经有四家公司跟我们联系过。”)
15. Has just been itching to reminisce with us. (翻译:也很想和我们一起回想起当时的场景 has just been itching to reminisce with us.)