mania是什么意思 mania的中文翻译、读音、例句


mania是什么意思 mania的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Mania可以表示狂热、狂热症、狂热状态等意思。

2. 词性:名词

3. 词组搭配:maniac(狂热者,疯子),maniacal(疯狂的)

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:英 [ˈmeɪniə],美 [ˈmeɪniə]


1. 他对游戏的狂热让他忘记了时间。

2. 他的狂热行为让他的家人感到担忧。

3. 他患有购物狂热症,已经花光了所有的积蓄。

4. 青少年时期,他患有音乐狂热症,整天听音乐。

5. 他的狂热爱好是收集各种潜水装备。


1. His mania for gaming made him forget time.

2. His manic behavior worried his family.

3. He suffered from shopping mania and spent all his savings.

4. In his age years, he had a mania for music and listened to music all day.

5. His mania hobby is collecting various diving gear.




1. He was experiencing a manic eode and couldn't sleep for days.(他正在经历狂躁症发作,好几天没能入睡。)

2. Her mania for collecting ss had become a problem as she was running out of space to store them.(她对于收集鞋子的狂热已经变成了一个问题,因为她已经没有足够的空间来储存它们了。)




例句:The rising price seems to be fuelling the gold mania in what is, for now, a self-sustaining cycle. (不断上涨的金价似乎正在助长这波黄金热,目前这已经变成了一个自我维系的循环。)


例句:And linked to this crowd mania were examples all around the world -- from the election of a president to the infamous Wikipedia, and everything in between -- on what the power of numbers could achieve. (再跟这些狂热的群众力量联系起来, 我们发现全球到处都是实例-- 像是总统选举啦, 声名狼藉的,以及其间的任何事-- 凭借数量上的优势能够实现的东西。)


例句:However, the researchers noted that most people with bipolar disorder experience hypomania rather than mania. (然而,研究者指出大多数双相障碍患者经历的是轻度躁狂,而不是躁狂。)


例句:While mania is often portrayed as a pleasurable experience, that is not the case for many people with bipolar disorder. (翻译:虽然狂热往往描绘成一个愉快的经验,这是不是与双极症而言对许多人来说。)


mania一般作为名词使用,如在doubting mania([医] 多疑癖, 怀疑性精神病)、epileptic mania([医] 癫痫性躁狂)、gambling mania(赌〔博〕癖,赌迷)等常见短语中出现较多。

doubting mania[医] 多疑癖, 怀疑性精神病
epileptic mania[医] 癫痫性躁狂
gambling mania赌〔博〕癖,赌迷
gesture mania举动狂躁
histrionic mania[医] 演戏状躁狂
hysterical mania[医] 癔病性躁狂, 歇斯底里性躁狂
klep to mania窃盗癖
mania a potu[医] 震颤性谵妄
mania alcoholica[医] 酒毒性躁狂, 酒狂


1. However, the researchers noted that most people with bipolar disorder experience hypomania rather than mania. (翻译:然而,研究者指出大多数双相障碍患者经历的是轻度躁狂,而不是躁狂。)

2. While mania is often portrayed as a pleasurable experience, that is not the case for many people with bipolar disorder. (翻译:虽然狂热往往描绘成一个愉快的经验,这是不是与双极症而言对许多人来说。)

3. Cristina Garmendia, Spain's outgoing science minister, warns that slashing R&D in a fit of deficit mania will harm Spain's prospects. (翻译:西班牙即将离任的科学部长克里斯蒂娜·加门迪亚警示说,削减赤字躁动给研发带来的影响会有阻碍西班牙的发展前景。)

4. Today on UFO Mania, flying saucers and their extraterrestrial pilots." (翻译:今天在幽浮狂热: 飞碟 和他们外星领航员)

5. The shapes can be expressed as mania and destruction; nihility and mystery, which forms a peculiar aesthetical atmosphere in the mean time. (翻译:其主要表现形态为癫狂与毁灭、虚无与神秘,产生了异样的美学氛围。)

6. Painstaking to the point of mania, he often cast his ballets at the last minute, usually after trying out several dancers in each role. (翻译:通常情况下,他是在让几位演员分别饰演每个角色后,才在最后一分钟为他的芭蕾舞剧敲定人选。)

7. Mania may still be alive. Either way, Klara has to know. (翻译:曼妮亚也许还活着,无论如何,克拉萝都要知道)

8. "It is tulip mania," said Mr Golding. (翻译:戈尔丁表示:“这就是郁金香狂热。” )

9. Okay, religious mania: there's rapture, there's weeping, there's visions. (翻译:还有,热。有欢笑,也有泪水。还有梦想。)

10. And I knew that seeing you again, having a laugh, would be a triumph over my illness, that my mania was behind me. (翻译:而且我知道再次见到你, 能够开怀大笑。就是对我病情的一种治愈)

11. We scientists are discouraged from talking and writing about ideas, and what would be called theory in other areas is dismissed as unbased speculation by the facto-mania that grips our subject. (翻译:我们科学家是不让去空谈或空写一些想法的,那些在其他领域会被叫做理论的东西,只是没根据的猜想,不会被掌握我们工作的那些证据狂热症们所接受的。)

12. The mania for dinosaurs began in the late 1800s. (翻译:恐龙热兴起于19世纪晚期。)

13. We called that craze "tulip mania". (翻译:我们称这种狂热为“郁金香狂热”。)

14. But the point is, this mania is so deeply entrenched that well-intentioned people like myself don't even realize that we're part of it. (翻译:但关键是,这种 狂热如此根深蒂固, 以致怀有像我一样好意的人们甚至 没有觉察我们是其中一部分。)

15. All that is needed for a mania to end and for a bubble to burst is the collective realization that the price of the stock, or a tulip, far exceeds its worth. (翻译:狂热的结束以及泡沫的破裂 会发生在 人们集体意识到 股票的价格, 或是郁金香的价格, 远远高于它的价值。)




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