wide是什么意思 wide的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


wide是什么意思 wide的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. Wide作为形容词时,意思是“广泛的,宽阔的,宽广的”。在这个意义下,Wide通常被用来描述物体或事物的大小,宽度或范围。


- The river is wide and deep.(这条河又宽又深。)

- She has a wide range of interests.(她的兴趣广泛。)

2. Wide还可以作为形容词,表示“广阔的,宽敞的”。在这个意义下,Wide通常被用来描述空间的大小。


- The living room is wide and spacious.(客厅宽敞明亮。)

- The wide-open space made me feel free.(那片开阔的空地让我感到自由。)

3. Wide还可以作为缩写词。WIDE是“Wireless Internet Development Environment(无线互联网开发环境)”的缩写,是一种计算机软件。


- WIDE是网络安全最重要的研究组织之一。(WIDE is one of the most important research organizations in network security.)

4. Wide也可以副词,表示“广泛地,普遍地”。在这个意义下,Wide通常被用来描述某种趋势或行为的普及程度。


- The news spread wide and fast.(这个消息迅速广泛传播。)

- The product is widely available in stores.(这种产品在商店里普遍可得。)


1. The wide road was full of traffic.(宽阔的马路上车辆繁忙。)

2. She has a wide smile on her face.(她张开嘴笑了一笑。)

3. WIDE helps to promote wireless technology development.(WIDE有助于推广无线电技术的发展。)

4. The wide eyes of the child were full of wonder.(孩子的大眼睛充满了惊奇。)

5. The news of the disaster spread wide and quickly.(灾难的消息迅速广泛传播。)




1. The road was wide enough to accommodate multiple lanes of traffic. (这条路宽得足以容纳多条车道。)

2. She opened her arms wide and gave him a big hug. (她张开双臂给了他一个大大的拥抱。)

3. The sky was wide and blue, with puffy white clouds floating lazily across it. (天空广阔而蓝,白色的蓬松云朵悠闲地飘过。)

4. They had a wide variety of desserts to choose from, including cakes, pies, and ice cream. (他们有各种各样的甜点可供选择,包括蛋糕、派和冰淇淋。)

5. The company has a wide range of products, from electronics to home appliances. (该公司拥有从电子产品到家用电器的广泛产品线。)




例句:The super-pod spreads out into a wide hunting line up to a mile across, (The superpod spreads out into a wide hunting line, 大队分散成宽阔的捕猎阵型 up to a mile across 宽度达一英里)


例句:You just need to relax and open wide. (你只需要放松 开大点 You just need to relax and open wide.)


例句:Someone on the science team there was broadcasting wide. (那边有位科研人员把它广播了出来 Someone on the science team there was broadcasting wide.)


例句:What if this triggers a memory that breaks this case wide open? (翻译:假如这能勾起她的记忆 What if this triggers a memory 让案件有突破呢? that breaks this case wide open?)


wide一般作为副词、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在on wide([网络] 在广泛)、to the wide(极度地,完全地)、double wide([网络] 放宽一倍;双宽;双广)等常见短语中出现较多。

on wide[网络] 在广泛
to the wide极度地,完全地
double wide[网络] 放宽一倍;双宽;双广
far and wide到处, 广泛地
go widev. 走偏\n[网络] 用广角拍摄;向外展开
goes wide[网络] 广泛
going wide[网络] 走得很远
gone wide[网络] 走得很远
how wide[网络] 多宽;对宽度提问;问宽度


1. Someone on the science team there was broadcasting wide. (翻译:那边有位科研人员把它广播了出来 Someone on the science team there was broadcasting wide.)

2. What if this triggers a memory that breaks this case wide open? (翻译:假如这能勾起她的记忆 What if this triggers a memory 让案件有突破呢? that breaks this case wide open?)

3. - It is only 2 inches wide. (翻译:- 那里会有一个小台阶! - 外面只有2英寸宽)

4. Don't you dare make jokes. (翻译:咬紧牙关 张大你的鼻孔 Set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide!)

5. Wide is the river of rolling waves (翻译:一条大河波浪宽 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Wide is the river of rolling waves)

6. They ran a pretty wide gamut of occupations and interests. (翻译:这些人的工作职位各异 兴趣爱好广泛 They ran a pretty wide gamut of occupations and interests.)

7. It was a wide-ranging discussion. (翻译:我们谈的范围挺广的 It was a wide -ranging discussion.)

8. ♪ Came a fella born to ride the wide, brown land ♪ (翻译:# Came a fella born to ride the wide, brown land #)

9. Wide awake, I live the dream (翻译:完全清醒 我生活在梦里 Wide awake, I live the dream)

10. Six bodies, chests cracked wide open. (翻译:chests cracked wide open.)

11. Let it be a wide open race. (翻译:大家公平竞争 他们两人都很有资质 Let it be a wide)

12. One line of saline, wide open! (翻译:注射生理盐水 情况危险 One line of saline, wide open!)

13. And eyes open, wide awake. (翻译:睁开眼睛 回归现实 去吧! And eyes open, wide awake.)

14. No one to pull over for swinging wide on a left-hand turn? (翻译:左转弯违规 也没人管吗 {\3cH202020}No one to pull over for swinging wide on a left -hand turn?)

15. The screams on Lung Cheung Road... lead to the case being cracked wide open lead to the case being cracked wide open (翻译:龙翔道上的一声叫喊 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}The screams on Lung Cheung Road... 揭穿了这件 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}lead to the case being cracked wide open 历久不能破获的野狼案 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}lead to the case being cracked wide open)






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