bnsc是什么意思 bnsc的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


bnsc是什么意思 bnsc的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 定义:BNSC(British National Space Centre)为英国国家空间中心的缩写词,是英国负责监管和推进太空科学研究和应用的机构。


- BNSC is responsible for coordinating UK civil space activities and developing international collaborations in space.(BNSC负责协调英国的民用空间活动,并发展与国际合作伙伴在太空领域的合作。)

- ESA and BNSC have had a long and successful partnership.(欧洲空间局和BNSC有着漫长而成功的合作历史。)

- BNSC works to ensure that the UK remains at the forefront of space science and technology.(BNSC致力于确保英国在太空科学与技术领域始终处于领先地位。)

2. 职责:BNSC负责推进和促进英国在太空科学、技术和商业领域的投资和发展,以及协调英国在欧洲空间局、国际空间站等国际合作项目中的参与。


- BNSC works with industry, academia and government to drive growth in the UK space sector.(BNSC与行业、学术界和合作,推动英国太空领域的增长。)

- BNSC ensures that the UK's space programmes are aligned with national priorities and strategic objectives.(BNSC确保英国的太空计划与国家优先事项和战略目标相一致。)

- BNSC provides support and advice to UK space companies, helping them to access funding and develop new technologies.(BNSC为英国太空公司提供支持和建议,帮助它们获得资金并开发新技术。)

3. 成就:BNSC在太空科学、技术和商业领域取得了许多重要的成就,包括协助英国参与国际空间站建设、推进英国卫星通讯产业发展等。


- BNSC played a key role in the development of the UK's first spaceport, which will be operational by 2022.(BNSC在英国第一个太空港的开发中发挥了关键作用,该太空港将在2022年投入运营。)

- BNSC helped to establish the UK Space Agency, which has accelerated the growth of the UK space sector.(BNSC帮助建立了英国空间局,促进了英国太空领域的增长。)

- BNSC supported the development of the Skynet 5 satellite communication system, which provides vital communications capabilities to the UK military.(BNSC支持了Skynet 5卫星通信系统的开发,为英方提供了至关重要的通信能力。)





例句:And if you want to shift from A to B, the first step is not B. (如果你想从 A 变成 B, 第一步不是 B。)


例句:And then again as Director of Africa Policy for President Clinton with the NSC. (总统时代... 我当非洲政策总监也去过多次)


例句:Today's NSC is overcome by day-to-day crisis management. (如今,美国国家半导体公司正每天穷于应付危机。)


1. Today's NSC is overcome by day-to-day crisis management. (翻译:如今,美国国家半导体公司正每天穷于应付危机。)

2. Before 9/11, I was on an anti-terrorism task force with the NSC. (翻译:前911,我是 关于反恐 任务与NSC力。)

3. Snug as a bug, while we're out here freezin' our b-b-b-beaks off. (翻译:那个家伙舒服的不得了 我们冻的鸟嘴都快掉下来了)

4. Oh, the other reason someone would kill him is, uh... b-b-b-Brixham Lake. (翻译:另一个他被杀的原因是 那个什么 比克瑟姆湖公司)

5. B1/p, B1/b1 , B1/b2, B1/b3, type B2, B2/b... This is the survey done on the spot. There you are. (翻译:B1/B3 户型B2 B2/B 这个是实地考察后的结果)

6. If a = b and b = c it follows that a = c. (翻译:设a = b,b = c,则a = c。)

7. A B2B sale is to an organization. (翻译:B2B销售针对组织。)

8. NSC is seeking that additional proof you asked for, that they're responsible for the bombing. (翻译:国家安委会正在搜集您要的情报 进一步坐实他们的罪责)

9. Anus and mouth and from A to B and from B to C ... Connecting the grafts incisions of the jaw (翻译:把从A到B到C的合嘴相连接 前者的物通过后面的嘴 再由最后面的那个排出...)

10. After 10 years of arduous negotiations, construction of the $800 million New Safe Confinement (NSC) is set to start later this year. (翻译:经过长达十年艰苦卓绝的谈判,造价8亿美元的新型安全封闭建筑预计将于今年年底启动。)

11. An electron in a molecule isn't on just atom A or atom B, but A+ B. (翻译:分子中的电子不是在原子A或B中,是在A和B中 )

12. B.B. King, obviously, and this young man here. (翻译:ぃぶ衡簈ゑゑ 碞琌硂淮)

13. 8% of $15B means $1.2B will go to the needy. (翻译:150亿乘百分之八 就是每年至少有12亿用来扶贫)

14. O/d money, b/ue b/ooded, society sweethearts (翻译:坐拥万贯家财 承袭贵族血统 是上流社会的宠儿)

15. If A equals B, then b equals a... (翻译:- 如果A等于B 那么B等于A - 对称性)


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