groups是什么意思 groups的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


groups是什么意思 groups的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 词性


2. 含义


3. 衍生词汇

- Grouping: 名词,表示组织、分类或划分的过程或结果。

- Grouped: 形容词,表示被分组的状态。

- Groupthink: 名词,表示在群体中产生的同一观点和想法,会影响个体的判断和决策。

4. 用法

- 常用短语:in groups, group of, group together, group activity等。

- 在句子中可以作主语、宾语、定语等。

- 与动词搭配时,常用的动词有form, join, split, manage等。

5. 例句

- In the museum, the exhibits are divided into different groups based on their historical periods.

- The students were asked to work in groups to complete the project.

- The company management decided to split the employees into smaller groups to improve productivity.

- This app is designed for people who want to group together to buy things at a lower price.

- The concert tickets were sold out within an hour, so some fans formed a group to get tickets from overseas.

- 在博物馆里,展品被根据历史时期分成不同的组。

- 学生们被要求组成小组完成项目。

- 公司管理层决定将员工分成小组以提高生产力。

- 这个应用程序是为那些想要组队以较低的价格购买物品的人设计的。

- 音乐会门票在一个小时内售罄,因此一些粉丝组了个队从海外购买门票。




1. The students were divided into groups for their research project.(学生们被分成小组进行研究项目。)

2. There are several interest groups lobbying for environmental protection.(有几个利益团体在游说环保。)



1. 学生们被分成小组进行研究项目。

2. 有几个利益团体在游说环保。




例句:The regime fueled the creation of new democracy groups in the country fighting, for his removal. (这倒是激发了国内新的组织的创造性 The regime fueled the creation of new democracy groups in the)


例句:Groups can use sentences that they overhear, but they cannot walk around to look at the charts of other groups. (每个组都可以采用偷听到的句子,但不允许随意走动偷看其他组的句子。)


例句:There were no significant difference between various etiology CHF groups and between "cachectic" and "noncachectic" groups. (不同病因的CHF之间差异无统计学意义,恶病质组及非恶病质组之间差异也无统计学意义。)


例句:This fact means there are some relations between Hakka dialectal groups and Gan dialectal groups. (翻译:这一事实表明:客家方言群与赣方言群在历史上曾有着密切的关联。)


groups一般作为名词、动词使用,如在groups of([网络] 成群的;服务对象包括)、in groups(分组地,成群结队地)、difference in groups([数] 群差)等常见短语中出现较多。

groups of[网络] 成群的;服务对象包括
in groups分组地,成群结队地
difference in groups[数] 群差
different groups不同群体
disadvantaged groups弱势群体; 劣势群体
discussion groupsn. 讨论组\n[网络] 讨论小组;讨论群组;讨论团体
dissociative groups[网络] 隔离群体;分离群体;游离群体
enterprise groups企业集团
Euclidean groupsEuclidean group\n【数学】欧几里得群


1. There were no significant difference between various etiology CHF groups and between "cachectic" and "noncachectic" groups. (翻译:不同病因的CHF之间差异无统计学意义,恶病质组及非恶病质组之间差异也无统计学意义。)

2. This fact means there are some relations between Hakka dialectal groups and Gan dialectal groups. (翻译:这一事实表明:客家方言群与赣方言群在历史上曾有着密切的关联。)

3. But there are a number of groups in India that could be behind the Deccan Mujahideen, including groups from neighboring Pakistan. (翻译:但是在德干军背后可能有印度包括邻邦巴基斯坦的其他集团。)

4. And specifically of groups. (翻译:尤其那些激发对整个群体的仇恨和 不容忍的言论。)

5. Yes, I suppose it is just a couple of terrorist groups. (翻译:对 肯定的 几小股 Yes, I suppose it is just a couple of terrorist groups.)

6. I'm trying to get them to eat a healthy breakfast. (翻译:我买了早餐必备的营养套餐 {\3cH202020}I brought all the essential morning food groups:)

7. And president Joao Goulart was torn between the two groups. (翻译:若昂・古拉特总统在两组之间徘徊。And president Joao Goulart was torn between the two groups.)

8. The levels of AFU and AFP in PHC groups was significant different from other groups. (翻译:原发性肝癌组血清afp水平及AFU活性明显高于其它各疾病组。)

9. The lobby groups do, I know... buy them off, look for weaknesses. (翻译:游说团体的惯用伎俩了 我懂的... 收买他们 The lobby groups do, I know... buy them off,)

10. When the moment came, these groups were ready to guide the revolution. (翻译:these groups were ready to guide the revolution.)

11. [ Piwonski Continues ] sizeable groups of Jews were herded here, groups of 50 to 100 people. (翻译:在1942年三月底左右 数量相当大的一批犹太人 被赶到这里)

12. Get into groups of four, people! (翻译:四人一组选一个题目 Groups of four!)

13. Dolphins live in highly sophisticated social groups. (翻译:Dolphins live in highly sophisticated social groups. 海豚生活在高度复杂的社会群体中)

14. It tested well with focus groups, alright? (翻译:民意反馈结果还挺好的 不是吗? It tested well with focus groups, alright?)

15. And living with it. sowereyouapproachedbythe sowereyouapproachedbythe different groups? Different groups? (翻译:Tyler 所以你今天被不同人接触了吗?)






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