例句:The Robert Hare Checklist. (叫
例句:Big Bopper. Got you, Hare. What's going down? (Big Bopper 收到 Hare 出啥事儿了)
例句:i cannot bear to see a bear bearing down upon a hare . when bare of hair he strips the hare , right there i cry , " forbear ! " (我实在不忍心看着大熊一步一步向野兔逼近。当大熊差不多将野兔所有的毛都拔光时,我大叫:“忍住啊!”)
例句:Yes. As sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion. (翻译:要是麻雀能使怒鹰退却 兔子能把雄狮吓走的话)
1. i cannot bear to see a bear bearing down upon a hare . when bare of hair he strips the hare , right there i cry , " forbear ! " (翻译:我实在不忍心看着大熊一步一步向野兔逼近。当大熊差不多将野兔所有的毛都拔光时,我大叫:“忍住啊!”)
2. Yes. As sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion. (翻译:要是麻雀能使怒鹰退却 兔子能把雄狮吓走的话)
3. Trade in your NS-4 for a bigger, better and brighter future. (翻译:快拿你的NS -4来换一个 更好也更棒的未来)
4. Even a hare can be taught to smoke. (翻译:教兔子抽烟都是可能的 原则上没有学不会的东西)
5. Mr. O'Hare, what we've got for you is something that is going to take O'Hare Air to the next level. (翻译:欧洋气先生 我们为您呈现? 能将欧洋气空气推向 新的高度)
6. The NS-5s wiped out the older robots because they would protect us. (翻译:NS -5干掉了旧型机器人 因为它们会保护我们)
7. Comedians have done it in the way they tell it, but as you're listening your own personal orientations you bring to this joke, so it's funny for different "reasons." (翻译:喜剧演员讲述了一个笑话 - 但听者有自己的lis? ns?)
8. This separation is a setback for Teams Tortoise and Hare. (翻译:这样的分离对于乌龟队与兔子队来说 是个挫败)
9. NS-Two, please advise on your sit rep, over. (翻译:-二, 什么是你的流量,结束了吗? NS -二,请指教 在你坐众议员,结束了。)
10. Trains run from Amsterdam to Zandvoort regularly; visit ns.nl. (翻译:阿姆斯特丹有定时去Zandvoort的火车,时刻表可以在ns . nl查询。)
11. Roger that, NS-One, move to extraction point LZ-Cobra. (翻译:罗杰说,NS -一, 移动到提取点的LZ -眼镜蛇。)
12. AIM: to demonstrate the effect of HCV NS5A expression on vesicular stomatitis virus replication. (翻译:目的:丙型肝炎病毒NS5A的表达对水泡性口炎病毒复制的。)
13. It's only fair when a hare is compared to another hare. (翻译:兔子应该跟兔子比 青蛙应该跟青蛙比 才像话不是吗)
14. In the case of hare, it's an ambiguous sound in English. (翻译:兔子的那个问题, hare在英语里是一个有点含糊的词)
15. This article reviews the active mechanism and peculiarity of HCV NS3 protease inhibitor. (翻译:作者综述了NS3蛋白酶的作用机制和活性特点。)