takeout是什么意思 takeout的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


takeout是什么意思 takeout的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

As an English teacher, when it comes to the word or abbreviation 'takeout', there are at least five aspects to consider:

1. Definition: 'Takeout' is a word or phrase used to describe food or drink that is prepared at a restaurant but intended to be consumed elsewhere. It can also refer to the act of ordering such food or drink for takeout.

Example sentence: I don't feel like cooking tonight, let's get takeout from that Chinese restaurant we like.

2. Synonyms: 'Takeout' is often used interchangeably with words like 'takeaway' or 'to-go', depending on the dialect.

Example sentence: Can I get that sandwich to-go, please?

3. Usage in popular culture: The term 'takeout' is frequently heard in movies and TV shows when characters order food. It has also become a major part of the food industry due to the rise of delivery and mobile apps.

Example sentence: The popularity of takeout has skyed in recent years thanks to online ordering and delivery services.

4. COVID-19 impact: The pandemic has caused a surge in takeout orders as restaurants closed their dining rooms and shifted to a takeout and delivery model.

Example sentence: I miss going out to eat, but I'm grateful for the options for takeout during these times.

5. Regional variations: While 'takeout' is commonly used in North America, other English-speaking regions have different terms for food that is ordered to be eaten elsewhere.

Example sentence: In the UK, they call it 'takeaway', but it's the same concept as takeout.

English examples:

1. "I'll order takeout from the pizza place down the street for dinner tonight."

2. "Can you grab me a coffee to-go on your way here?"

3. "In this scene, the protagonist is seen eating takeout alone in his apartment."

4. "I've been ordering so much takeout during the pandemic, it's ridiculous."

5. "I was surprised when I visited Australia and they call it 'takeaway' instead of 'takeout'."

Chinese examples:

1. “我今晚晚饭要在这家披萨店点外卖。”

2. “你能路上给我拿杯咖啡吗?”

3. "在这个情节中,主角被看到在他的公寓里单独吃外卖。"

4. “疫情期间我已经点了太多外卖了,太不可思议了。”

5. “当我到澳大利亚旅行时,他们叫做‘takeaway’而不是‘takeout’让我有点惊讶。”




1. I'm too lazy to cook today, let's order takeout for dinner.(我今天太懒了,晚饭我们点外卖吧。)

2. The takeout container was leaking and made a mess in my bag.(外卖盒子漏了,把我的包弄脏了。)

3. She asked the waiter to pack the leftover food in a takeout box.(她让服务员把剩下的食物装在外卖盒里。)




例句:Most of the time, I just buy takeout at Starbucks. (大多数时候,我就喝星巴克的外卖咖啡。)


例句:There is nothing enticing about a fridge that looks like a mini-bar or is filled with half-eaten takeout food. (一个看起来像迷你吧一样或装满了残剩外卖食品的冰箱并没有任何吸引力。)


例句:Will you please make it something other than takeout pizza? (؟ ﺍﺰﺘﻴﺒﻟﺍ ﺐﻠﻃ ﺍﺪﻋ ﺎﻣ ﺀﻲﺷ ﺮﻴﻀﺤﺘﺑ ﺖﻤﻗ ﻼﻫ)


例句:I have takeout in the fridge that I nibble at it when I get the urge. (翻译:我冰箱里一直存着外卖 饿了的时候可以先垫垫饥)


takeout一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在takeout double(【桥牌】(示意搭档叫牌的)技术性加倍[亦作 informatory double])、takeout doubles(takeout double\n【桥牌】(示意搭档叫牌的)技术性加倍[亦作 informatory double])、takeout financing([网络] 外卖融资)等常见短语中出现较多。

takeout double【桥牌】(示意搭档叫牌的)技术性加倍[亦作 informatory double]
takeout doublestakeout double\n【桥牌】(示意搭档叫牌的)技术性加倍[亦作 informatory double]
takeout financing[网络] 外卖融资
takeout food[网络] 外带;外带食物
takeout foods外卖食品\n外带食物
takeout loan[经] 取代贷款, 替出贷款
takeout packaging外带包装
takeout service外卖


1. Will you please make it something other than takeout pizza? (翻译:؟ ﺍﺰﺘﻴﺒﻟﺍ ﺐﻠﻃ ﺍﺪﻋ ﺎﻣ ﺀﻲﺷ ﺮﻴﻀﺤﺘﺑ ﺖﻤﻗ ﻼﻫ)

2. I have takeout in the fridge that I nibble at it when I get the urge. (翻译:我冰箱里一直存着外卖 饿了的时候可以先垫垫饥)

3. Down the block is a decent takeout deli, I can bring my lunch to the park. (翻译:街底有家很棒的熟食外卖店 我可以把午餐带到公园吃)

4. You're already forgoing restaurant takeout and brown-bagging it. (翻译:如果你想放弃从餐厅带外卖或带便当。)

5. You don't own any real Tupperware -- only a cupboard full of used but carefully rinsed margarine tubs, takeout containers, and jam jars. (翻译:你没有真正的储藏食物的盒子---只有一个小食品柜子,里面有很多用过但已经清洗干净的瓶瓶罐罐。)

6. I brought you some takeout. (翻译:我给你带来些外卖。)

7. You think she would get takeout again from her new address? (翻译:你猜他会不会从新地址 继续有规律的叫外卖?)

8. I slept on the floor and I ate takeout, and I asked people to call me and share a story with me about a life-changing moment. (翻译:我睡地板、吃外卖食物 我请别人打电话给我,和我分享故事 关于人生中的转折点 )

9. Uncle Hank and Aunt Marie are bringing takeout but if you're hungry, I could rustle something up. (翻译:Hank叔叔和Marie阿姨会带外卖来 要是你饿了 我能先随便弄点吃的)

10. Eight million fingerprints, a man's belt from Macy's-- size 32-- couple of takeout food containers from a local Chinese restaurant. (翻译:很多的指纹 一条梅西百货的男士皮带 32码 几个当地中餐馆的)

11. Yeah, it was a nice change of pace not eating takeout around a coffee table. (翻译:改变一下生活节奏 不再围着咖啡桌吃外卖也挺好的)

Father, that my son dragged you all the way out here for takeout because these women can't cook. (翻译:教父

13. Don't order takeout. (翻译:不要叫外卖。)

14. Tonight I figure we get a bottle of wine, some takeout, and a few dog treats. (翻译:今晚我想我们来瓶酒,吃点外卖, 然后再给小狗来点就好了。)

15. You order takeout and the deliveryman leaves you with a white plastic bag . (翻译:送外卖的小伙在给你送餐时外面都会套一个白色塑料袋。)




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