jokers是什么意思 jokers的中文翻译、读音、例句


jokers是什么意思 jokers的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释:'jokers' 可以指玩笑者,喜欢开玩笑的人,或者是电影、电视节目中幽默搞笑的人物角色。在牌游戏中,“jokers”指的是“小丑牌”,是一种特殊牌。


- He's always cracking jokes and everyone laugh. He's such a joker!

- The joker in that sketch show is hilarious. He's my favourite comedian.

- The deck of cards includes two jokers that can be used as wild cards.

- I can't remember the rules for playing poker with jokers. Can you remind me?

2. 艺术作品:'Jokers' 还是一部由导演 Todd Phillips 执导的电影,于 2019 年上映。该电影讲述了一个深陷犯罪世界的喜剧演员逐渐转变为疯狂的反英雄的故事。


- Have you seen 'Jokers' yet? It won the Academy Award for Best Actor last year.

- I didn't really like the 'Jokers' movie. It was too dark and depressing for me.

- I think Joaquin Pnix's performance in 'Jokers' was amazing. He really nailed the character.

3. 缩写用法:'JKR' 是一种常见的缩写,可以指人名,地名,组织机构等等。


- JKR is the initials of the author who wrote the Harry Potter series.

- JKR is also an abbreviation for the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia.

- The JKR Corporation is a leading manufacturer of consumer electronics in Japan.

4. 网络用语:'jokers' 可以在网络上用作轻松幽默或者调侃的语气词,用于评论或者回复某人的网上发言。


- A: I can't believe it's Monday again. B: Jokers, it's the start of another exciting week!

- A: I failed my math test. B: Jokers, don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll do better next time.

- A: Did you hear about the ridiculous new law they just passed? B: Jokers, what will they think of next?

- A: My boss is such a jerk. B: Jokers, you should quit that job and find something better.



1. Don't take him seriously, he's just a joker.


2. The jokers in the office always make everyone laugh.


3. I can't believe he said that, what a joker!





例句:I merely believe in the law. And I'm not too keen on practical jokers. (我不太相信法律,丹尼尔斯 我也不太喜欢恶作剧)


例句:Some jokers suggest that Mrs Boaron’s family want a share of the gold the colonel is said to be carrying. (有人调侃说Boaron一家看上了传说中卡扎菲携带的金条,也想分一杯羹。)


例句:Look, Mental, these jokers have got a lot of money and it belongs to me! (听着 曼特尔 这帮孙子拿到了一堆钱 而这些钱是我的! 现在!)


例句:What, are you gonna bust your nut to do something 9 million other jokers might do? (翻译:难道你会拼尽老命去做 这种有九百万人可能做到的事?)


jokers一般作为名词使用,如在practical jokers([网络] 实用的小丑)等常见短语中出现较多。

practical jokers[网络] 实用的小丑


1. Look, Mental, these jokers have got a lot of money and it belongs to me! (翻译:听着 曼特尔 这帮孙子拿到了一堆钱 而这些钱是我的! 现在!)

2. What, are you gonna bust your nut to do something 9 million other jokers might do? (翻译:难道你会拼尽老命去做 这种有九百万人可能做到的事?)

3. These Jokers have nothing to lose by helping the Agency, Harvey. (翻译:对这些家伙来说 帮组织做事是只赚不赔的买买)

4. The face CARDS are the Jacks, Queens, Kings, and, of course, the Jokers. (翻译:带脸的牌是杰克、皇后、国王、当然还有鬼。)

5. Keep your eye on these jokers, you never know what they will come up with. (翻译:盯住这些家伙,你永远不知道他们会想出什么来。)

6. ♪ And then sweeping up the jokers that he left behind ♪ (翻译:♪ 然后剔除他留下的 ♪ ♪ 鬼牌 ♪ 编剧:)

7. How long are these Department of Justice jokers gonna be digging through our files? (翻译:的这群小丑在这儿挖我们的资料 到底要挖到什么时候)

8. Some jokers suggest that Mrs Boaron's family want a share of the gold the colonel is said to be carrying. (翻译:有人调侃说Boaron一家看上了传说中卡扎菲携带的金条,也想分一杯羹。)

9. - You already pay these two jokers enough as it is. (翻译:你付给这俩家伙的钱已经够多了 {\3cH202020}You already pay these two jokers enough as it is.)

10. Then all the cards are tossed one at a time face up on the table revealing that all are now Jokers ! (翻译:然后所有卡片是被扔的一次一个面朝上在显露的桌所有现在是说笑话者!)

11. As much as it pains me to say this, you two jokers... (翻译:就像它的痛苦,我这样说,你们两个王牌...)

12. The selected card is slowly sandwiched between the two Jokers and that's when some VERY strange stuff starts to happen. (翻译:选择的卡片慢慢地将夹在中间在二个说笑话者之间,并且那是一些非常奇怪的材料开始发生。)

13. The very next week, a bunch of Jokers in Berlin tried to take me out of circulation. (翻译:就在第二个星期 柏林的几个小想要把掉)

14. A selected card is continuously discovered in between the two Jokers , each time more impossible than the last. (翻译:一张选择的卡片在二个说笑话者之间比持续连续地被发现,每次不可能。)

15. in his expostulation he dropped his cleaner hand perhaps accidentally , perhaps not upon the jokers heart. (翻译:说话时他那只干净手有意无意地落到了那开玩笑的人心口。)






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