pompey是什么意思 pompey的中文翻译、读音、例句


pompey是什么意思 pompey的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源解析:Pompey这个单词源于罗马共和国时期的一位著名将军Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus,被称为Pompey the Great,他在罗马历史上扮演着重要的角色。Pompey这个单词通常用于指代此人或与他相关的事物。


- Pompey was a prominent military leader during the late Roman Republic.

- The battle of Pharsalus was a turning point for Pompey's career.

- People still visit Pompey's Theatre in Rome today to witness its grandeur.

- I did a research paper on Pompey's influence on Roman politics.

2. 缩写解析:Pompey也可以是某些组织或团体的缩写,例如Portsmouth Football Club(朴茨茅斯足球俱乐部),该俱乐部位于英国朴茨茅斯市,是一支知名的足球俱乐部。


- Pompey won the FA Cup in 2008, which was a historic moment for the club.

- The fans of Pompey are known for their passion and loyalty to the team.

- I've been a supporter of Pompey since I was a kid.

- The manager of Pompey is under a lot of pressure to improve the team's performance.

3. 俚语用法:Pompey也可以用于表示某种情绪或状态,通常用于负面场景下,例如指代恐惧、沮丧、低落等。


- After losing the championship game, the team felt like Pompey.

- I always get a bit Pompey when I have to speak in public.

- The idea of skydiving makes me feel Pompey.

- Seeing my ex with someone else made me feel really Pompey.

4. 地名解析:Pompey也是一些地名的名称,例如美国纽约州的Pompey市,该市位于锡拉丘兹以东,是一个小城镇。


- The population of Pompey has remained steady over the past decade.

- I visited Pompey last summer and was impressed by its natural beauty.

- Pompey is known for its apple orchards and cider mills.

- The town hall of Pompey hosted a community meeting to discuss local issues.




1. Pompey was an important port city in the Roman Empire.


2. The remains of Pompey have been well-preserved and attract many tourists every year.





例句:Pompey has 10 legions... with the support of the Senate, and Caesar is undaunted by these odds. (庞培有10个军团... 有了元老院的支持,恺撒无惧于 双方兵力的悬殊.)


例句:presents him with a gift... the head of Pompey. (托勒密13世献给他一个礼物 -- 庞贝的人头.)


例句:It may fortify your courage to know... that Pompey is at this moment encamped some 20 miles to the west of us... and that the army of Lucullus approaches from the south... by forced night march. (这项消息 应该会提升你们的士气 就是庞贝正在我们西方 二十英哩处扎营 卢卡勒斯的 逐渐自南方接近)


例句:Nale: Pompey, hit every magic store in the city. Buy up every scroll you can find with an arcane spell named "Sending" . (翻译:扫荡城里的每一家魔法商店。买光每一张记着“短讯术”的奥术卷轴。)


pompey一般作为名词使用,如在dodge pompey([俚语]【航海学】逃避工作)、Pompey the Great(na. 庞培\n[网络] 庞培大帝;伟大的庞培;罗马大将庞贝)、pompey the greats(na. 庞培\n[网络] 庞培大帝;伟大的庞培;罗马大将庞贝\n(pompey the great 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

dodge pompey[俚语]【航海学】逃避工作
Pompey the Greatna. 庞培\n[网络] 庞培大帝;伟大的庞培;罗马大将庞贝
pompey the greatsna. 庞培\n[网络] 庞培大帝;伟大的庞培;罗马大将庞贝\n(pompey the great 的复数)


1. It may fortify your courage to know... that Pompey is at this moment encamped some 20 miles to the west of us... and that the army of Lucullus approaches from the south... by forced night march. (翻译:这项消息 应该会提升你们的士气 就是庞贝正在我们西方 二十英哩处扎营 卢卡勒斯的 逐渐自南方接近)

2. Nale: Pompey, hit every magic store in the city. Buy up every scroll you can find with an arcane spell named "Sending" . (翻译:扫荡城里的每一家魔法商店。买光每一张记着“短讯术”的奥术卷轴。)

3. We don't know if Pliny or Pompey or some later person was skeptical of this as effective protection against poison. (翻译:我们不知道普林尼、庞培或是其他人对解药的有效性产生过怀疑。)

4. Inching closer to the city, Vorenus, Pullo and their cavalry come upon a troop of Pompey's new recruits, blocking the road to Rome. (翻译:沃伦诺斯、普罗和他们的骑兵缓慢的向罗马移动,在路上碰到了一队庞培新招募的士兵。)

5. Because Pompey is no deep philosopher. He will take a symbolic loss for a real weakness. (翻译:因为庞贝不是个有城府的人。他会把象征性的损失当作实际的虚弱。)

6. After Pompey was murdered, Cleopatra decided it was important to make friends with Caesar for her safety and that of her country. (翻译:庞培被后,克娄巴特拉决定是重要的是要与凯撒的朋友,她的安全,而她的国家。)

7. "It is just a matter of where he wants to go, " said the Pompey boss. (翻译:“这就得看他愿意去哪了。”庞贝的主教练说。)

8. Grant had been appointed as director of football by Pompey last month and had been awaiting a work permit to get stuck into his role. (翻译:格兰特上个月就有机会成为庞贝的足球总监,他一直都在静静等待他的位置。)

9. Supposedly the Roman General Pompey had discovered some antidote and part of the recipe was that it be taken with a grain of salt. (翻译:据说,罗马将军庞培发现了某种解药,解毒的方法就包括与一撮盐一同服用。)

10. Spartacus has every reason to believe that he has outdistanced... the pursuing armies of Pompey and of Lucullus. (翻译:格斯以为自己 已经领先了罗马 摆脱了庞贝和 卢卡勒斯的追击)

11. Inching closer to the city, Vorenus, Pullo and their cavalry come upon a troop of Pompey's new recruits, blocking the road to Rome. (翻译:沃伦·诺斯、普罗和他们的骑兵缓慢的向罗马移动,在路上碰到了一队庞培新招募的士兵。)

12. Pompey had cleared the Mediterranean of pirates, which is something that our governments can't seem to do. (翻译:庞贝清除了地中海的海盗,这点我们似乎办不到。)

13. Pompey are in the hunt for a new left back and Bridge is top of the wanted list. (翻译:庞贝军团正在寻找一个新的左后卫,而布里吉正是他们的首选目标。)

14. A distracted Pompey dispatches Durio, his top aide, to take care of the gold, loading his vault onto an ox-drawn wagon. (翻译:处于极度混乱中的庞培派出了他最得力的助手杜里奥去将这些金币装在一辆牛车上运走。)




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