patrology是什么意思 patrology的中文翻译、读音、例句


patrology是什么意思 patrology的中文翻译、读音、例句

patrology的意思是"教父学 、教父著作",其次还有"教父学"的意思,发音音标为[patrology],patrology在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到27个与patrology相关的句子。



例句:Would Dr. Ralph O. Khan, please report to surgery. (请Ralph O. Khan医生到外科报到 Ralph O.)


例句:Or was that Lion-O from the Thundercats? (Or was that Lion -O from the Thundercats?)


例句:All of which seems to support the conclusion that o.J. Did it. (都能证明这是O. J. 所为 All of which seems to support the conclusion that o.)


例句:Last night, I was on patrol in the new park (翻译:Last night, I was on patrol in the new park)


1. All of which seems to support the conclusion that o.J. Did it. (翻译:都能证明这是O. J. 所为 All of which seems to support the conclusion that o.)

2. Last night, I was on patrol in the new park (翻译:Last night, I was on patrol in the new park)

3. As our Death Dealers patrol the night so our daylight guards can patrol the day. (翻译:夜里由我们的禁军巡逻 白天则由我们的白昼门卫巡逻)

4. The interesting thing about Paula is she had broken up with O.J. the day of the murders. (翻译:宝拉在案发那天 is she had broken up with O. J. 与O.)

5. The crew was expecting O.J. on the 18th. (翻译:船员在等O·J十八号过去 The crew was expecting O. J.)

6. We would have to check 2O million years' worth of settings in 2O minutes. (翻译:我们必须检查2O亿年的价值 设置 在2O分钟。)

7. You know, when I was in, uh, Vietnam and I was just a few weeks into my tour, Uh, my platoon was out on patrol at night and we ran into an ambush. (翻译:Vietnam my platoon was out on patrol at night)

8. There is no scene unless mall patrol here makes one. (翻译:There is no scene unless small patrol here makes one.)

9. Did she know that O.J. was out there? (翻译:那她知道O·J就在外面么 Did she know that O. J.)

10. ♪ O Lord, in the darkness ♪ (翻译:* O Lord,in the darkness)

11. A.C. Cowlings worships O.J. So much, he bought the identical car. (翻译:A·C·考林斯非常崇拜O·J·辛普森 A. C. Cowlings worships O.)

12. [ Beeps ] Righty-oh, righty-oh. - [Typing] - [ Beeping ] (翻译:好了,好了 O , O , O,破折分2,破折分9)

13. and that cannot be done with all the complaints and interruptions... a o o o a o o vo o (翻译:有抱怨和打扰我还怎么做! 我警告你不要提高嗓门!)

14. I'm his friend, Robert Kardashian. (翻译:不行 先生 No, sir. O·J在等我呢 o.)

15. That comes from the California Highway Patrol. (翻译:上述消息来自加利福尼亚高速巡警 That comes from the California Highway Patrol.)






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