grotto是什么意思 grotto的中文翻译、读音、例句


grotto是什么意思 grotto的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 词释:


2. 用法:

'grotto'可以作为名词使用,用来描述一个岩洞、洞穴或者洞的装饰物。除此之外,'grotto'还可以用来修饰其他的名词,形成诸如'grotto pool'(岩洞水池)、'grotto temple'(岩洞庙宇)等等的新用法。

3. 拓展用途:



1. The hotel's grotto pool was a perfect place to escape the summer heat.(这家酒店的岩洞水池是逃避夏日炎热的绝佳场所。)

2. The grotto was filled with stalactites and stalagmites, creating a fascinating natural wonder.(岩洞里到处是钟乳石和石笋,构成了一个迷人的自然奇观。)

3. The writer found comfort and inspiration in his private grotto, surrounded by books and art.(这位作家在他的私人“岩洞”里找到了安慰和启示,周围是书籍和艺术品。)

4. The grotto temple was a popular pilgrimage site for locals and tourists alike.(这个岩洞庙宇是当地人和游客的热门朝圣地。)

5. Her small office was her own little grotto, a place where she could focus and create.(她的小办公室是她自己的小圣堂,一个可以专注和创造的场所。)




1. The grotto was hidden behind a watell, and it was so beautiful that it took my breath away.(这个小山洞隐藏在瀑布后面,它太美了,让我惊叹不已。)

2. They found a grotto by the sea and decided to have a picnic inside.(他们在海边找到了一个洞穴,决定在里面野餐。)

3. The grotto was filled with stalactites and stalagmites that had formed over thousands of years.(这个洞穴中充满了成千上万年形成的钟乳石和石笋。)




例句:He hid them in a small grotto near to the city of Pylos and covered their tracks. (他把它们隐藏在普洛斯市附近的一个,然后隐藏了它们的痕迹。)


例句:I was a monk at the Grotto Temple 5 years ago a criminal named Sun Ko (三十岁前,是五台山石窟寺的和尚 五年前有个叫孙果的逃犯)


例句:We came to a cobbled footpath that led to the grotto, turned on our flashlights and made our way past moonlit lemon groves and gated villas. (我们到了通往洞穴的鹅石小径,打开手电筒,穿过月光下的柠檬树林和紧闭大门的住宅。)


例句:In Southwest France in the 1940's, playing children discovered Lascaux Grotto, a series of narrow cave chambers that contain huge prehistoric paintings of animals. (翻译:20世纪40年代,在法国西南部,玩耍的孩子们发现了拉斯科洞穴,这是一系列狭窄的洞穴,里面有巨大的史前动物壁画。)


grotto一般作为名词使用,如在Grotto Glacier([地名] 格罗托冰川 ( 南极洲 ))、ice grotto(= ice cave)、Lascaux Grotto([地名] 拉斯科洞穴 ( 法 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Grotto Glacier[地名] 格罗托冰川 ( 南极洲 )
ice grotto= ice cave
Lascaux Grotto[地名] 拉斯科洞穴 ( 法 )
longmen grotto[网络] 洛阳龙门石窟
stalactite grotto钟乳石洞
Santa's grotto[网络] 洞室


1. We came to a cobbled footpath that led to the grotto, turned on our flashlights and made our way past moonlit lemon groves and gated villas. (翻译:我们到了通往洞穴的鹅石小径,打开手电筒,穿过月光下的柠檬树林和紧闭大门的住宅。)

2. In Southwest France in the 1940's, playing children discovered Lascaux Grotto, a series of narrow cave chambers that contain huge prehistoric paintings of animals. (翻译:20世纪40年代,在法国西南部,玩耍的孩子们发现了拉斯科洞穴,这是一系列狭窄的洞穴,里面有巨大的史前动物壁画。)

3. Incense smoke filled a grotto, believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem Friday. (翻译:香烟填补了洞穴,相信是的诞生地,在教堂的星期五在伯利恒。)

4. Carlo in his damp grotto and clowned misery —to use a paradox of expression— waits for you, so get on it ! (翻译:卡洛正在抓耳挠腮地研究悖论式表达 他也期盼与你重聚 所以快来吧)

5. The curious shapes of Grotto Geyser are actually trees entombed and petrified by minerals dissolved in the water. (翻译:洞穴喷泉中奇怪形状的物体 实际上在水中溶解的矿物质 在树木上沉积和钙化而成)

6. It is said to be a grotto. (翻译:人家说它是个石洞。)

7. In a grotto strong with the Force, Anakin experienced a haunting vision of his mother and the dead Sith warrior Darth Maul. (翻译:在一个原力浓厚的洞穴中,阿纳金目睹了令人不安的幻觉,是他的母亲。还有已死的西斯武士达斯·摩尔。)

8. Dazu stone carvings in Dazu county is the main territory Cliff performance figures for the grotto art of customers. (翻译:大足石刻是大足县境内主要表现为摩崖造像的石窟艺术的总称。)

9. The sound of dripping water is always heard in this grotto. (翻译:这个洞穴经常能听到水滴声。)

10. Late afternoon arrive in Patmos and explore the Monastery of St John and the Grotto of Revelations with the optional tour onboard. (翻译:下午抵达帕特莫斯,可以选择参加船上组织的岸上游览,去探索圣约翰修道院。)

11. BANSHEE RIDERS circle and swoop, darkening the sky above the grotto. (翻译:骑着斑溪兽的战士在天空盘旋俯冲,遮天蔽日。)

12. Of the grotto murals in the Western Regions, the patterns are distributed extensively, whether in caitya grotto or in Visvabhn grotto; (翻译:在西域石窟壁画中,图案分布非常广泛,不论是支提窟,还是毗诃罗窟内; )

13. Hence dance scenes were always presented in the grotto frescos and sculptures trying to depict the nirvana of the Buddhist land. (翻译:因而在竭力表现佛国极乐美景的洞窟壁画和雕刻中,就少不了乐舞的场面。)

14. Reluctantly, she let go of his arm. And as she turned to leave, she heard Karen scream from across the grotto. (翻译:她不情愿地松开了他的手臂。当她转身要走时,她听到了凯伦从洞穴那头发出的尖叫。)

15. To get a second opinion on my eyesight, I go to another address in Lourdes Grotto Road. (翻译:为了对我的视力有个正确评价,我前往卢德石窟路的另外一个地址。)




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