tales是什么意思 tales的中文翻译、读音、例句


tales是什么意思 tales的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:"tales"意为故事,传说,传闻等。

2. 词性:"tales"作名词使用,在句子中通常作主语、宾语、定语、表语等。

3. 词组搭配:make up tales(编造故事),tall tales(离奇荒诞的故事),fairy tales(童话故事),old wives' tales(谣言、迷信的传说)等。

4. 短语:tell tales(告密,说闲话),a and bull tale(牛头不对马嘴的故事),a tale of woe(悲惨的故事)等。

5. 发音拼写:音标为 /teɪlz/。


1. He entertained us with tales from his travels.(他用他旅行的故事来娱乐我们。)

2. They enjoyed reading fairy tales before bedtime.(他们很喜欢睡前读童话故事。)

3. The old man would often tell tall tales about his past.(那个老人常常说关于他的过去的离奇荒诞的故事。)

4. Don't listen to any old wives' tales about how to cure a cold.(不要听任何关于如何治疗感冒的迷信传说。)

5. The movie was based on a true tale of survival.(这部电影基于一个真实的生存故事。)



1. She loves reading fairy tales before bedtime. 她喜欢睡前读童话故事。

2. The book is full of fascinating tales of adventure. 这本书里充满了精彩的冒险故事。

3. My grandmother used to tell me tales of her childhood. 我的祖母过去经常讲她童年的故事给我听。




例句:Zhao Gongming is the God of Wealth in Chinese folk tales. (赵公明是中国民间传说的财神。)


例句:Sometimes they bring with them terrible tales of our nation (他们还常常讲一些发生在这儿的一些可怕的事)


例句:He often embellishes the tales of his travels. (他常给他的旅游趣闻添枝加叶。)


例句:There are tales of creation and loss, death and resurrection, and obstacles that must be overcome. (翻译:故事有创造,有失败 有死亡,有复活 还有必须攀越的障碍)


tales一般作为名词使用,如在fairy tales(n. 神话故事,童话,谎言( fairy tale的名词复数 ))、folk tales(n. 民间故事\n[网络] 民间故事集;民间传说;民i司故事)、heroic tales([网络] 英雄的故事)等常见短语中出现较多。

fairy talesn. 神话故事,童话,谎言( fairy tale的名词复数 )
folk talesn. 民间故事\n[网络] 民间故事集;民间传说;民i司故事
heroic tales[网络] 英雄的故事
Jataka Tales[网络] 本生经;本生经故事选;佛陀本生故事
pray a tales请求补足陪审员的缺额;请求陪审员全体出席
tall talesn. 怪谈\n[网络] 天方夜谭;高的故事;吹牛大话
tattle tales[网络] 滥告状的处置;幕后传奇
tell tales揭人隐私, 搬弄是非\n[法] 泄露秘密, 讲他人坏话, 告密
the canterbury tales[电影]坎特伯雷故事


1. He often embellishes the tales of his travels. (翻译:他常给他的旅游趣闻添枝加叶。)

2. There are tales of creation and loss, death and resurrection, and obstacles that must be overcome. (翻译:故事有创造,有失败 有死亡,有复活 还有必须攀越的障碍)

3. Tales of Mystery and imagination by Edgar Allen Poe. (翻译:传说中的神秘lmagination 埃德加爱伦坡。)

4. Well, I too have heard tales of your beauty and grace, but the tales do not do you justice, My Lady. (翻译:我也听闻过你的美貌和优雅 但传闻... 远不足够,)

5. Marco always stood by his tales. (翻译:马可总是坚持他的故事。)

6. This man spun these fairy tales in my office. (翻译:这个人 带着这些天马行空的故事 出现在我的办公室里)

7. I see a propensity for obesity, poverty, a yen for fairy tales. (翻译:我看到了大概 肥胖 贫穷 对神话的依赖 I see a propensity for obesity, poverty, a yen for fairy tales.)

8. My father told so many tales of the Holy Land. (翻译:我父亲和我说过无数关于圣地的传说 My father told so many tales of the Holy Land.)

9. Magdalene is about work - not miracles, not fairy tales. (翻译:抹大拉从良所意味着工作,没有奇迹,没有童话故事。)

10. The Franciscan and his tales are false. (翻译:圣方济会修道士和他的故事都是假的 The Franciscan and his tales are false.)

11. Yeah in fairy tales, you idiot, not real life! (翻译:是的童话,你这, 并不是真实的生活!)

12. Filling his head with tales of sea creatures and magic? (翻译:成天往他脑子里灌输什么 海怪、魔法的奇怪故事)

13. The loquacious cast of the Tales first meet at the Tabard Inn in Southwark. (翻译:这些健谈的讲述者们第一次会面是在 在萨瑟克的塔巴德旅馆。)

14. There are tales of creation and loss, death and resurrection, and obstacles that must be overcome. (翻译:故事有创造,有失败 有死亡,有复活 还有必须攀越的障碍 )

15. And I remember recounting some of the same tales. (翻译:我开始想起你问我的那些事 And I remember recounting some of the same tales.)






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