epidemics是什么意思 epidemics的中文翻译、读音、例句


epidemics是什么意思 epidemics的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Epidemics是指某种疾病在一个特定的区域或者人群中传播速度加快的现象。

2. 形成原因:疫情爆发的原因可以有很多,例如食品安全问题、环境染、医疗条件落后等等。

3. 预防措施:预防疾病传播的措施包括提高公众健康意识、加生监控、加强医疗系统建设、加强国际合作等等。

4. 举措和影响:当疫情爆发时,和社会应该立即采取相应的措施来控制疫情。疫情不仅会影响受感染人员的健康,还会对社会经济和人们的心理造成困扰。


1. The COVID-19 epidemic has caused a worldwide panic. (新冠疫情已经在全球范围内引起了恐慌。)

2. The government has implemented a number of measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic. (已经采取了一系列措施以防止疫情传播。)

3. Personal hygiene is an effective way to prevent epidemics. (个人卫生是预防疫情的有效途径。)

4. The epidemic has had a significant impact on the global economy. (疫情对全球经济产生了重大影响。)

5. The WHO is calling for international cooperation to fight epidemics. (世界卫生组织呼吁国际社会合作抗击疫情。)


读音:è pí dèmǐcsī


1. The government's quick action helped to prevent the spread of epidemics. (的快速行动有助于防止流行病的传播。)

2. The Black Death was one of the deadliest epidemics in history. (黑死病是历史上死亡率最高的流行病之一。)

3. Vaccinations are an effective way of preventing epidemics. (接种疫苗是预防流行病的有效方式。)




例句:But it's murky, and for Watts, this is a critical flaw, because precision matters when you're trying to explain highly social epidemics . (瓦特却认为这有严重的问题,大规模社会流行需要更严密的解释。)


例句:Like so many epidemics before, the loss of so many lives began with a single microscopic organism. (和之前大多数流行性疾病一样 大量生命的消亡只是从一个微小的单细胞组织开始)


例句:Firstly, the Contingency Department for fires, strikes, air raids, nuclear war, epidemics, food or water poisoning. (首先 有应急科预防火灾 空袭 Firstly, the Contingency Departmentforfires, strikes, air raids, 核战争 瘟疫 食物或饮水染 nuclearwar, epidemics,food or water poisoning.)


例句:RyneLab's global outreach sends researchers around the world to sites of epidemics... (翻译:Ryne实验室将人员外派到世界各地的 传染病疫区...)


epidemics一般作为名词使用,如在on warm epidemics(温疫论)、prevention of epidemics([法] 防疫, 预防瘟疫)等常见短语中出现较多。

on warm epidemics温疫论
prevention of epidemics[法] 防疫, 预防瘟疫


1. Firstly, the Contingency Department for fires, strikes, air raids, nuclear war, epidemics, food or water poisoning. (翻译:首先 有应急科预防火灾 空袭 Firstly, the Contingency Departmentforfires, strikes, air raids, 核战争 瘟疫 食物或饮水染 nuclearwar, epidemics,food or water poisoning.)

2. RyneLab's global outreach sends researchers around the world to sites of epidemics... (翻译:Ryne实验室将人员外派到世界各地的 传染病疫区...)

3. It is also the epicenter of one of the fastest-growing HIV epidemics in the world. (翻译:但是它也是这个世界上, 病蔓延最快的地区之一。)

4. If you just take influenza, you will see peaks at the time where you knew big flu epidemics were killing people around the globe. (翻译:如果你找“流行感冒”这一词 你会看到几个全球范围内 祸害人命的流感高峰)

5. Malaria always resurged and often roared back with a vengeance, causing deadly epidemics in areas where control had almost been achieved. (翻译:疟疾也总是卷土重来并常常以复仇般的态势咆哮而归,在几乎得到控制的地区引发致命疫情。)

6. Steffanie Strathdee is trying to stop the spread of HIV along the U.S.-Mexico border, and prevent epidemics in both countries. (翻译:斯蒂芬妮·斯特·拉斯迪致力于防止病在美国与墨西哥边境传播,从而向两国蔓延。)

7. "Sha tympany" sprang up in Qing dynasty with its range expanding rapidly and became the generic name of epidemics and unknown diseases. (翻译:“痧胀”兴起于清代,范围颇广,基本成为疫病和不明疾病的总称。)

8. So if we want to be able to prevent epidemics like Ebola, we need to take on the risk of investing in vaccine development and in stockpile creation. (翻译:所以如果我们想要预防譬如埃博拉的蔓延, 我们就必须承担风险, 向疫苗研制与物资储备投入资金。)

9. Even so, the surviving records of North America do contain references to deadly epidemics among the indigenous population. (翻译:尽管如此,现存的北美记录确实提到了土著居民中发生的致命流行病。)

10. "We tend to think of epidemics as infectious diseases, but we are now having an epidemic of diabetes worldwide, " she said. (翻译:她说:“我们通常总是把流行病归为感染性疾病,但是现在,糖尿病已经成为全球性的流行病”。)

11. Early accounts and diaries mentioned the epidemics in their accounts of life in the 1500s and 1600s. (翻译:早期的记述和日记中曾提到过16、17世纪生活中的传染病。)

12. There are very few doctors and, quite frankly, these countries do not have the resources that are needed to cope with such epidemics. (翻译:那里缺乏医生 而且老实说,那些国家根本不具备 应对病的 必要物资 )

13. The new vaccine is the result of a deliberate effort to get ahead of these epidemics, at a price affordable in Africa. (翻译:新疫苗是为战胜疫情作出谨慎努力的结果,其价格是非洲所能接受的。)

14. There's going to be more outbreaks, and there's going to be more epidemics. (翻译:往后将会有更多的爆发, 更多的流行病。)

15. We're constantly chasing after the next viral emergency in this perpetual cycle, always trying to extinguish epidemics after they've already started. (翻译:我们一直在追逐下一个 病毒带来的紧急情况, 总是在疫情已经开始蔓延后, 努力消灭它们。)




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