roseira是什么意思 roseira的中文翻译、读音、例句


roseira是什么意思 roseira的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:roseira是葡萄牙语中的名词,表示玫瑰花的树丛或花园。在英语中,可以将其理解为rose bush或rose garden。


- The roseira in my backyard is blooming beautifully this year.

- She spends every weekend tending to her roseira in the community garden.

- The palace grounds were decorated with roseiras to welcome the visiting dignitaries.

- Their wedding ceremony took place in a picturesque roseira surrounded by lush greenery.

- The children loved to play hide-and-seek among the roseiras in the park.

2. 拼写:正式的葡萄牙语拼写是roseira,由6个字母组成。它的缩写可以是R或Rsa。


- The R in the map stands for roseira, which is a popular sightseeing spot in this city.

- I'm going to visit the Rsa later today to take some photos of the different rose varieties.

- The Rsa is known for its annual rose festival, which attracts visitors from all over the world.

- Can you give me directions to the nearest R? I want to buy some fresh roses for my mom.

- She marked the location of the R on the map with a small circle and the letters Rsa.

3. 发音:roseira的发音类似于[ro-zay-ee-rah],在第一个音节上强调。


- He stumbled over the unciation of roseira, but eventually got it right with some help.

- When she first heard the word roseira, she thought it was a name of a person, not a type of plant.

- The tour guide repeated the name of the roseira several times, so that the visitors could remember it.

- The unciation of roseira varies slightly among different Portuguese-speaking countries.

- Students can practice their Portuguese by listening to songs or watching videos that contain the word roseira.

4. 文化:玫瑰在许多文化中都被视为象征爱情和美丽。在葡萄牙文化中,玫瑰也被用来代表国家和民族的象征。


- The national emblem of Portugal features a coat of arms with five blue shields and a white rose in the center.

- The Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa wrote a famous poem called "O Guardador de Rebanhos" (The Keeper of Flocks), in which he mentions the fragrant roseiras of his childhood.

- The traditional Portuguese folk dance known as the corridinho is often accompanied by live music played on traditional instruments such as the accordion and the guitar, and features dancers twirling among the roseiras.

- The Lisboa Rosa Mundi festival is a popular cultural event that celebrates the history and beauty of roses in Portugal, with a variety of dance and music performances, as well as exhibitions of art and literature inspired by the roseira.

- In Portuguese literature, the roseira is often used as a metaphor for beauty, fragility, and love. For example, in the poem "Rosa Branca" (White Rose) by António Nobre, the poet describes the beauty of a roseira and compares it to the object of his affection.

roseira 的中文翻译是“玫瑰树”,读音为“róu sèi rà”。


1. Minha avó tem uma linda roseira no quintal.


2. As flores da roseira têm um aroma maravilhoso.



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