shortland是什么意思 shortland的中文翻译、读音、例句


shortland是什么意思 shortland的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:If we don't pay, 1 0-to-1 we land in jail. (1 0 -to -1 we land in jail.)


例句:In tough times, it too can hunt on land. (it too can hunt on land.)

例句:The Indians burned our town, because we agreed to share the land and then we took it from them. (because we agreed to share the land and then we took it from them.)


1. The Indians burned our town, because we agreed to share the land and then we took it from them. (翻译:because we agreed to share the land and then we took it from them.)

2. Strike Back Legacy Ep.6 subtitle by c2lia (翻译:- 《short change hero》 凸 -,)

3. I think she lives over the trailer park. (翻译:总闷闷不乐的小个子 有条德国牧羊犬 Short and scowly, german shepherd?)

4. - Going to the Promised Land! (翻译:I got chosen! - Going to the Promised Land!)

5. From that man ♪ ♪got a gto from one named joe (翻译:♪And a big piece of land down in Mexico♪)

6. And as you can take of its kind. (翻译:到Emperors land去一趟,越多越好。)

7. All ESWAT Land Mates move now! (翻译:通告所有ESWAT 所有LAND MATE马上出动)

8. Hurry away now, my song Fly to that land of dreams (翻译:Hurry away now, my song Fly to that land of dreams)

9. Somewhere beyond the ocean there is a land (翻译:Somewhere beyond the ocean there is a land)

10. Our land actress is a wurdarary (翻译:女主演是凶手 Our land actress is a wurdarary)

11. * Land where my fathers died (翻译:* Land where my fathers died)

12. And America... is the land of opportunity. (翻译:而美国... 是机遇胜地 And America... is the land of opportunity.)

13. Iraq, land of history, but also land of unspeakable torture! (翻译:,充满历史的土地, Iraq, land of history, but also land 也充满了可耻的虐囚行径。of unspeakable torture!)

14. " Rocking across Texas Rocking to the promised land " (翻译:? Rocking across Texas Rocking to the promised land ?)

15. And the land of the slave? (翻译:物欲横流的地方 And the land of the slave?)




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