ferrovie是什么意思 ferrovie的中文翻译、读音、例句


ferrovie是什么意思 ferrovie的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:ferrovie是意大利语中表示“铁路”的意思。

2. 词性:ferrovie是一个名词,复数形式为ferrovie。

3. 词组搭配:ferrovie的常用搭配有Ferrovie dello Stato(意大利国家铁路公司)和ferrovie regionali(区域铁路)。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:ferrovie的发音为[fɛ'rɔvje]。


1. La ferrovia ad alta velocità è un grande balzo in avanti per le ferrovie italiane. (The high-speed railway is a great leap forward for Italian railways.)

2. L'incidente ferroviario ha causato la morte di 10 persone. (The railway accident caused the death of 10 people.)

3. La Ferrovia Transiberiana è la più lunga ferrovia del mondo. (The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest railway in the world.)

4. La ferrovia passa attraverso molti paesaggi pittoreschi. (The railway goes through many picturesque landscapes.)

5. L'Italia ha un'ampia rete di ferrovie che collega tutte le prinli città del paese. (Italy has an extensive railway network that connects all the major cities in the country.)


读音:fēi lǔ wǎi


1. 意大利的ferrovie系统十分发达,可以让你快速便捷地穿越整个国家。

Translation: The ferrovie system in Italy is very developed, allowing you to quickly and conveniently travel across the country.

2. 他乘坐ferrovie去了米兰参观博物馆。

Translation: He took the ferrovie to Milan to visit museums.




例句:They look -- maybe they look kind of prehistoric and unfinished, abridged perhaps, but in fact, in fact they are the -- they vie for the top position of the most evolutionarily-derived fish in the sea, right up there with flat fish. (它们看起来,或许它们看起来 有点史前,有点“未完待续”,或者说有点简略, 但事实上,事实上它们—— 是海洋中进化最彻底的鱼类之一, 更彻底的还有比目鱼。)


例句:Experimental Researches on Tension Damage in a Ferro-Magnetic Material Using Barkhausen Noise (用巴克豪森噪声测量铁磁材料拉伸损伤的实验研究)


ferrovie一般作为名词使用,如在Ferrovie([网络] 铁路公司)等常见短语中出现较多。

Ferrovie[网络] 铁路公司


1. Life sometimes gives us pleasant surprises. (翻译:有时候 生活会带给我们美丽的惊喜 La vie nous réserve parfois de jolies surprises.)

2. Dolby + Garniez play "La Vie en Rose" (翻译:Thomas Dolby和Rachelle Garniez)

3. The rabbit head, sway ferro prayer jubilee. (翻译:晃晃兔头,福禄祷禧。)

4. French actress Marion Cotillard won the Oscar for best actress in "la Vie enrose" . (翻译:法国女演员玛丽昂·歌迪亚因玫瑰人生获奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。)

5. Life is always better than death. (翻译:活着便会有意义 La vie vaux toujours mieux que la mort)

6. - It makes me feel like ending my life (翻译:这让我想结束生命 Ça me fait envie de finir ma vie)

7. " Makeup went French as well, to the couple responsible for aging Cotillard from youth to her middle-age death in " La Vie En Rose. (翻译:化妆也给了法国人,是《玫瑰人生》中负责把歌迪亚从年轻画到中年去世的夫妻。)

8. I guess I will just sing a French song. It's called La Vie en Rose (翻译:我想唱一首法国歌La Vie en Rose)

9. Catherine Deneuve la vie en rose baguette Pepe le Peu! (翻译:凯瑟琳德纳芙玫瑰人生 长棍面包臭鼬贝贝! Simon乱说的法语词 分别是法国演员 歌曲 食物和动画角色 Simon!)

10. " French actress Marion Cotillard won the Oscar for best actress for " La Vie en Rose. (翻译:法国女星玛丽昂•歌利亚凭借《玫瑰人生》获得最佳女主角的殊荣。)

11. "What a way to start, " says a clearly excited Ferro. (翻译:耶劳很兴奋地说:“该怎样开始呢? )

12. Life will follow its course. (翻译:生活将遵循轨迹 La vie suivra son cours)

13. They look -- maybe they look kind of prehistoric and unfinished, abridged perhaps, but in fact, in fact they are the -- they vie for the top position of the most evolutionarily-derived fish in the sea, right up there with flat fish. (翻译:它们看起来,或许它们看起来 有点史前,有点“未完待续”,或者说有点简略, 但事实上,事实上它们—— 是海洋中进化最彻底的鱼类之一, 更彻底的还有比目鱼。)

14. The French say: "C'est la vie." (翻译:法国人说道:“这就是生活。” )

15. Guimeng, electric, chromium manganese, ferro-alloys such as ferromanganese products. (翻译:硅锰、硅铁、铬锰、锰铁等铁合金产品。)




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