keluang是什么意思 keluang的中文翻译、读音、例句


keluang是什么意思 keluang的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The numbers Xiao Ke dialed are not registered. (小可的手机所打出的电话号码 全都断了线索)


例句:Only thing was Hesh-ke had ideas. (只是海斯姬有她的主意 Only thing was Hesh -ke had ideas.)


例句:When she got back to Shanghai found that Yao Ke was being unfaithful He had a love affair with someone (等到她回到上海的时候 发现姚克 感情发生了变化 又和别人好了)


keluang一般作为名词使用,如在Keluang([地名] 居銮 ( 马来 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Keluang[地名] 居銮 ( 马来 )


1. When she got back to Shanghai found that Yao Ke was being unfaithful He had a love affair with someone (翻译:等到她回到上海的时候 发现姚克 感情发生了变化 又和别人好了)

2. [ Laughs ] You know, it looks I i ke, uh... (翻译:[笑] 你知道,它看起来我我科,呃... ...)

3. So Far. Drin Ke Freight Area included all big city and Shanghai anywhere. (翻译:目前,品酒客配送的范围为全国各大城市以及上海市全境。)

4. And try not to poke your camera in the monks' faces at the traditional morning alms-giving in Luang Prabang. (翻译:琅勃拉邦请不要在早晨给化缘的僧侣照相。)

5. Gaetano is a mafia organization "Ke Liang, " the boss, was arrested in 1993 and took over the Salvatore Farina. (翻译:加埃塔诺是组织“科里昂”的老大,是在1993年接替了被捕的萨尔瓦托·里纳。)

6. Drive me to Ke edy Airport, please? (翻译:请送我去肯尼迪。)

7. Friends gone, Zhu Di Mudi only and their dislike of the silly brother Siting Ke stay together. (翻译:好朋友走掉了,朱迪·穆迪只能和自己的看不顺眼的傻乎乎的弟弟斯汀科呆在一起。)

8. Haliotis discus and Bao Bao Si Kong, commonly known as abalone, Bao Ke is in the high-quality varieties, said seafood-tops. (翻译:皱纹盘鲍俗称四孔鲍和鲍鱼,是鲍科中的优质品种,素称海味之冠。)

9. Objective: Assay of indigo in Gan Mao Yian Ke Ling Syrup. (翻译:目的:建立感冒炎咳灵糖浆中靛蓝的含量测定。)

10. In the country our forefathers used to form blood, we do like our children are also entitled ke little fame. (翻译:在我们父亲们用血汗建设的国家中 我们这些当儿子的想沾点光)

11. It was released as part of Peter Szoke's 1987 Hungarian recording "The Unknown Music of Birds," where he records many birds and slows down their pitches to reveal what's underneath. (翻译:这是由Peter Szöke发行的 1987匈牙利专辑中的一个选段 “未知的鸟类音乐“, 他录制了很多鸟的声音 并放慢它们的音高 来展现鸟类声音的本质。)

12. If you want to collect the reward on that girl, remember that Hesh-ke has a knife. (翻译:假如你想要那女孩的赏金,记著海斯姬有刀子 If you want to collect the reward on that girl, remember that Hesh -ke has a knife.)

13. That sou nds I i ke a I ot of fu n. (翻译:这SOU NDS我我科一个我OT福的n。)

14. The tourist attractions of Luang Prabang City and the Palestinian colors Wapu Temple have been included in the World Heritage List. (翻译:琅勃拉邦市、巴色的瓦普寺旅游景点已经被列入世界文化遗产名录。)

15. But everywhere Ke Luner people, children must learn to never say what they are Beverly surname. (翻译:但是到处都是克伦尔的人,孩子们必须学会永远不能说出他们是姓贝弗利。)




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