rewire是什么意思 rewire的中文翻译、读音、例句


rewire是什么意思 rewire的中文翻译、读音、例句

Rewire is a verb that means to replace wiring in a building or machine or to change the way something works by altering its internal structure or function. Here are five aspects of the meaning of 'rewire' and five example sentences in both Chinese and English.

1. Referring to changing the electrical wiring of a building or machine

- The old house was rewired to bring it up to modern safety standards. (这座老房子被重新布线以符合现代安全标准。)

- The mechanic had to rewire the car's electrical system to fix the problem. (这位机械师不得不重新布线汽车的电气系统以修复问题。)

2. Referring to changing the structure or function of something

- Rewiring our brains to break bad habits takes time and effort. (重构大脑以打习惯需要时间和努力。)

- The design team had to rewire their approach to the project after receiving new information. (在收到新的信息后,设计团队不得不重构他们对项目的方法。)

3. Referring to changes to improve effectiveness or efficiency

- Our company is planning to rewire our marketing strategy to attract more customers. (我们公司计划重新设计我们的营销策略以吸引更多的客户。)

- The coach decided to rewire the team's training schedule to better prepare for the upcoming game. (教练决定重新调整队伍的训练时间表,以更好地为即将到来的比赛做准备。)

4. Referring to changing the configuration of a network or computer system

- The IT department had to rewire the office network after upgrading to a faster internet connection. (在升级到更快的互联网连接后,IT部门不得不重新布线办公室网络。)

- The programmer had to rewire the code to fix a bug in the software. (为了修复软件中的一个错误,程序员不得不重写代码。)

5. Referring to changing the connections or wires within a device or machine

- The electrician had to rewire the faulty light switch in the kitchen. (在厨房里,电工不得不重新布线故障的灯开关。)

- The technician had to rewire the broken power outlet to restore electricity to the room. (技术人员不得不重修坏了的电源插座以恢复室内的电力。)




1. The old house needed to be rewired before we could move in. (这间老房子需要重新布线,我们才能入住。)

2. The company decided to rewire its communication system to improve efficiency. (公司决定改造其通信系统,以提高效率。)

3. He had to rewire the circuit after it shorted out. (电路短路后,他必须重新布线。)




例句:The only way to cure obesity is to radically rewire the relationship between the stomach and the brain. (治疗肥胖的唯一途径是彻底重建胃和大脑的联系。)


例句:This type of communication between objects is very flexible and easy to "rewire". (这种对象间通信的方式非常灵活,并且容易“重新组合”。)


例句:My life's work has been to discover new ways to rewire, to rewrite our experiences with trauma. (我毕生的事业就是研究新的方法去再连接,重写 我们关于创伤的经验)


例句:I can rewire the stereo so we can talk through the speakers. (翻译:我可以重新连接立体声,所以我们可以通过扬声器通话。)


1. My life's work has been to discover new ways to rewire, to rewrite our experiences with trauma. (翻译:我毕生的事业就是研究新的方法去再连接,重写 我们关于创伤的经验)

2. I can rewire the stereo so we can talk through the speakers. (翻译:我可以重新连接立体声,所以我们可以通过扬声器通话。)

3. So, neuroplasticity is the ability of brains to reprogram themselves, and rewire themselves, so we can learn new things. (翻译:神经的可塑性是大脑 重新编程自己的能力, 并且重连它们,这样我们就能够学新东西。)

4. So, remember that the striatum is our autopilot, running our behaviors on habit, and it's possible to rewire, to reprogram that autopilot, but it involves neuroplasticity. (翻译:所以,记住纹状体是我们的自动驾驶仪, 按习惯行事, 并且是有可能重连,重新编程这个自动驾驶仪, 但这涉及到神经可塑性。)

5. I can rewire my camera to it and we can record a message... (翻译:我可以重新连接我的相 我们可以记录的消息,)

6. This type of communication between objects is very flexible and easy to "rewire" . (翻译:这种对象间通信的方式非常灵活,并且容易“重新组合”。)

7. If you can grow new neurons, you might be able to rewire demented brains. (翻译:如果病人能够长出新的神经元,那么就有可能给痴呆的大脑更换设施。)

8. No, and that's why he had Erin Pace rewire it... (翻译:所以他让Erin Pace重新来过...)

9. The only way to cure obesity is to radically rewire the relationship between the stomach and the brain. (翻译:治疗肥胖的唯一途径是彻底重建胃和大脑的联系。)

10. We'd have to have rebuilt it, rewire everything, break the screed. (翻译:我们必须重做 卸下砂浆 敲开地板 我们没时间了)

11. To accomplish this, add a script block to the bottom of each HTML fragment file to rewire that fragment's form submission. (翻译:要完成这个工作,我们要向每个HTML片段文件末尾加上一个脚本块,以便重新布置此片段的表单提交。)

12. Guy on my shift moonlights as an electrician, so he's going to help me rewire. (翻译:我另一个同事还兼职做电工 所以他帮我换电线)

13. - Well:我不认为一个MySpace网页就能让人 调整公司的方向)

14. What you'll have to do is to rewire the laser panel's brain by carefully... (翻译:你要做的就是 小心地把镭射板的核心重新接线...)

15. It looks like it's causing his brain to rewire sections that were previously damaged. (翻译:似乎导致他的大脑开始重新连接 曾经受损的区域)




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