diem是什么意思 diem的中文翻译、读音、例句


diem是什么意思 diem的中文翻译、读音、例句

Diem是一个名词,指的是越南历史上的南越总统吴廷琰(Ngô Đình Diệm),他在20世纪50年代和60年代统治了南越。Diem通常在和历史相关的场景中出现,例如越南战争和冷战时期。

除了作为人名之外,Diem还可以词组出现,例如Diem Perdidi,意思是“我已经失去了一切”。Diem Perdidi也是一个常用的引用,通常与悲伤、失落、失败等情感相关。


diem的中文翻译为“日子”,读音为 /diːəm/。


1. I remember the happy diem when we went on vacation together. (我记得我们一起去度假的快乐日子。)

2. He treasured every diem spent with his family. (他珍惜和家人在一起的每一天。)

3. Time flies, and we should cherish each diem. (时间飞逝,我们应该珍惜每一天。)




例句:with Carpe diem Kombucha and mix. Serve it with a slice of lime and a Physalis! (特加和白橙皮,注满森博加混合,饰以一片莱姆。)


例句:He will get $14 000 a year in per diem to help with the higher costs of living in Washington. (他每年将得到14 000元的日补贴,以弥补华盛顿较高的生活费。)


例句:But first, carpe diem, seize the day. It's your time to party, people. (但是首先,及时行乐 这是你们的聚会,各位)


diem一般作为名词使用,如在diem basis(按日租凭)、Diem Giang([地名] 恬江 ( 越 ))、diem perdidi([网络] 浪费时日)等常见短语中出现较多。

diem basis按日租凭
Diem Giang[地名] 恬江 ( 越 )
diem perdidi[网络] 浪费时日
per diem每日\n[经] 每日, 按日
Phat Diem[地名] 发艳 ( 越 )
carpe diem抓住时机(及时行乐);一种鼓吹及时行乐思想的抒情诗,血滤系统;报名王龙飞;及时行乐观
interest per diem[经] 日息
Ngo Dinh Diem吴庭艳(1901~1963),原南越总统(1954~1963)
per diem allowance[经] 每日(旅费)津贴


1. But first, carpe diem, seize the day. It's your time to party, people. (翻译:但是首先,及时行乐 这是你们的聚会,各位)

2. He received a per diem allowance to cover his travel expenses. (翻译:他收到一笔按日计算的差旅费用补贴。)

3. The civil war in Vietnam, and that's what it was, was a political war, and Diem was not a great politician. (翻译:越南内战,就是这样 一场战争,吴廷琰并不是 伟大的家)

4. If that proves impossible, we may have to face the possibility that Diem himself will have to go. (翻译:与他的兄弟 如果证明了可能 我们可能要面对 如果证明了可能 我们可能要面对 各种可能,吴廷琰他自己必须离开)

5. We returned to Washington, and President Diem asked us to come and have a visit before we left. (翻译:我们返回华盛顿,吴廷琰总统邀请我们 离开之前去拜访一次)

6. When the Diem government was established, you didn't have much of a civil service, and you certainly had very little administrative capability out in the provinces. (翻译:建立的时候 没有太多的市政服务 显然有一些)

7. Lodge decided that he alone was going to make the judgment that Diem had to go. (翻译:洛奇决定他一个人要 做出判断,总统必须走)

8. He agreed to pay at specified rates per diem. (翻译:他同意每天按规定的数额付款。)

9. Signor Pastrini replied that he had only two rooms and a parlor on the third floor, which he offered at the low charge of a louis per diem. (翻译:派里尼老板回信说,他只有两间寝室和一间内房,在三楼上,租金很低廉,每天只要一个路易。)

10. He had felt that things were moving a little bit better, but here was just a tremendous protest erupting against the rule of Ngo Dinh Diem. (翻译:他感觉事情已经变化 有点更好,但是这里 大量反抗的斗争)

11. The circle of people that Diem would listen to got narrower and narrower. (翻译:那些说话可以让吴廷琰听进去的人 越来越少了)

12. Let me tell you about carpe diem. (翻译:让我来告诉你及时行乐的重要。)

13. And that was the beginning of the effort to help the Diem government resist the insurgency and the beginning of counter-insurgency. (翻译:那是用力的开始 帮助越南打仗 反击战的开始)

14. By 1963, the weakness of the Diem government was becoming painfully apparent to members of the Kennedy Administration. (翻译:对南越南的 1963年,吴廷琰的脆弱 1963年,吴廷琰的脆弱 变得非常痛苦)

15. Diem understood that Nhu was a liability, but his, his kind of nature was such that he would not be dictated to by the Americans on this subject. (翻译:挔祂踙眭耋挔祂流腔褫蕞 但是他有点自然 他也许不能对美国尽心)






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