prata是什么意思 prata的中文翻译、读音、例句


prata是什么意思 prata的中文翻译、读音、例句

Possible answer:

As an English teacher, here are at least five aspects to explain the word or abbreviation "prata":

1. Meaning: "Prata" is a loanword from Malay, referring to a type of flatbread or pancake that is made from dough consisting of wheat flour, water, and a pinch of salt, and then pan-fried until crispy. It is a popular street food in Singapore, Malaysia, and other Southeast Asian countries, often served with curry or other toppings. In some contexts, "prata" may also be used as a slang term for money, especially in Singapore.

Example: "I had some delicious prata with chicken curry for breakfast at the hawker center in Little India."

2. Pronunciation: "Prata" is ounced as /prɑːtɑː/ or /prɑːtə/ depending on the speaker's accent. The stress is on the first syllable.

Example: "Could you repeat the name of the dish? I'm not sure how to ounce 'prata'."

3. Spelling: "Prata" is spelled with five letters, starting with the letter "p" and ending with "a". It is not capitalized unless it begins a sentence or is used as part of a proper name.

Example: "Don't forget to order some prata when you visit the food court."

4. Usage: "Prata" is most commonly used in informal or casual contexts, such as among friends, family, or food enthusiasts. It may not be well-known or understood by non-native English speakers or those from different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, it is important to provide some explanation or context if using this word with a wider audience.

Example: "I recommend trying the prata and teh tarik at this hidden gem of a cafe. You won't regret it!"

5. Variations: "Prata" may have alternative spellings or regional variations, depending on the country or dialect. For example, in some parts of Malaysia, it is known as "roti canai", while in Indonesia, it is called "martabak". Some places may also offer different flavors or fillings for the prata, such as egg, cheese, banana, or chocolate.

Example: "Have you tried the sweet prata with condensed milk and diced mango? It's my favorite dessert at this prata stall."

Here are five sample sentences that use "prata" in context:

1. "My students were surprised to learn about the origins of prata and how it became a popular street food in Singapore."

2. "Whenever I miss home, I make some prata and dip it in fish curry to remind me of my childhood."

3. ", sir, we don't have any prata left. Would you like to try our nasi lemak or mee goreng instead?"

4. "The prices of durian and prata have gone up due to the shortage of supplies caused by the pandemic."

5. "Could you give me some tips on how to make crispy prata at home? I don't want to burn it again."


读音:pǔ tǎ


1. 在印度餐厅里,我点了一份咖喱鸡搭配印度飞饼。

2. 我第一次尝试做印度飞饼的时候,失败了很多次。




例句:Looks and tastes like Indian naan, roti prata is flipped and turned and flipped again before it's heated over a grill plate. (这种食物看上去尝上去都和印度烤饼及其类似,印度飞饼是经过抛接、翻转、再抛接,然后在烤盘上加热而成的。)


例句:ymliew: Are the questions posed to Maggie just the chicken rice and roti prata types or have more intellectual questions being screened off. (发给玛姬的问题只是鸡饭和印度拉饼之类的问题吗,还是有更理智的问题被筛掉了。)


例句:Looks and tastes like Indian naan, roti prata is flipped and turned and flipped again before it's heated over a grill plate. (这种食物看上去尝上去都和印度烤饼及其类似,印度飞饼是经过抛接、翻转、再抛接,然后在烤盘上加热而成的。)


例句:Soldiers of Capo de Prata! Don't fight! - Drop your weapons! (翻译:卡波德帕嘉的士兵请注意 不要反抗 把武器放下)


prata一般作为名词使用,如在roti prata([网络] 印度煎饼;印度拉饼;印度抛饼)、Lagoa da Prata([地名] 拉戈阿-达普拉塔 ( 巴西 ))、Prata di Pordenone([地名] 普拉塔-迪波尔代诺内 ( 意 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

roti prata[网络] 印度煎饼;印度拉饼;印度抛饼
Lagoa da Prata[地名] 拉戈阿-达普拉塔 ( 巴西 )
Prata di Pordenone[地名] 普拉塔-迪波尔代诺内 ( 意 )


1. Looks and tastes like Indian naan, roti prata is flipped and turned and flipped again before it's heated over a grill plate. (翻译:这种食物看上去尝上去都和印度烤饼及其类似,印度飞饼是经过抛接、翻转、再抛接,然后在烤盘上加热而成的。)

2. Soldiers of Capo de Prata! Don't fight! - Drop your weapons! (翻译:卡波德帕嘉的士兵请注意 不要反抗 把武器放下)

3. I make you an offer: We bring the machine to Cabo de Prata... Directly... (翻译:不如这样 我们直接把机器 送到卡波德帕嘉)

4. Looks like we need a new driver after all to take the machine to Cabo de Prata. (翻译:看来我们得找个司机 帮我们把印钞机 送到卡波德帕嘉)

5. For food you can enjoy roti prata and teh tarik in the side streets. (翻译:食物方面,你可以在横街里享受印度煎饼和拉茶。)




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