bowhead是什么意思 bowhead的中文翻译、读音、例句


bowhead是什么意思 bowhead的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 拼写:介绍单词的拼写和音标,让学生掌握正确的发音和拼写方式。

2. 释义:解释单词的含义,让学生理解单词的具体意思和用法。

3. 词源:介绍单词的词源和演变历程,让学生了解单词的来源和变化。

4. 用法:讲解单词的常见搭配和用法,让学生掌握单词在实际语境中的正确应用方式。

5. 例句:提供多个例句,让学生通过实例理解单词的具体用法和含义。


1. The bowhead whale is a species of the baleen whale family.(Bowhead鲸是须鲸科家族的一种。)

2. The Inuit people have hunted the bowhead for thousands of years.(因纽特人已经狩猎Bowhead鲸数千年了。)

3. The bowhead’s thick layer of blubber provides insulation against the cold Arctic waters.(Bowhead的厚厚的脂肪层提供了对寒冷的北极海水的绝缘。)

4. The acoustic signals of the bowhead whale can travel over long distances in the ocean.(Bowhead鲸的声学信号可以在海洋中传播很远的距离。)

5. The bowhead is known for its distinctive, arched jaw that allows it to break through ice.(Bowhead以其独特的拱形下颌而闻名,使其可以穿过冰层。)





1. Bowhead whales have the thickest blubber of any whale species.


2. The annual migration of bowhead whales is one of the longest of any mammal.





例句:Mice and rats reach the end of their lives after just four years, while for the bowhead whale, Earth's longest-lived mammal, death can come after 200. (老鼠们的寿命不过4年。但是对于地球上寿命最长的哺乳动物 弓头鲸来说, 死亡在200年后才会发生。)


例句:One bowhead whale is reported to have been 130 years old when it died. (据报道,一头北极露脊死时已经活了130岁。)


例句:Bowhead whales are one of just a few whales that can live year-round in the Arctic because they have no dorsal fin. (弓头鲸是能在北极常年生活 的少数鲸类之一 这是因为它们没有背鳍)


1. Bowhead whales are one of just a few whales that can live year-round in the Arctic because they have no dorsal fin. (翻译:弓头鲸是能在北极常年生活 的少数鲸类之一 这是因为它们没有背鳍)

2. During the summer, many polar bears gather to rest and feed on hunter-harvested bowhead whale remains near Kaktovik, on Barter Island. (翻译:整个夏季,许多北极熊聚集到巴特岛的卡克托维克附近休憩觅食,因为这里有被捕猎的露脊鲸残骸。)

3. And under 100 percent sea ice in the dead of winter, bowhead whales are singing. (翻译:还有,在严冬季节全冰覆盖下, 弓头鲸在唱歌。)

4. And that water that you see there is the open lead, and through that lead, bowhead whales migrate north each springtime. (翻译:前面,能看到水流的是一条水道, 春天的时候,露脊鲸会通过这样的水道向北方迁徙。)

5. Bowhead skeletons are found on elevated beaches through the Canadian archipelago. (翻译:在贯穿加拿大群岛的升高了的海滩上,人们都能发现北极露脊鲸的骨骼。)

6. And that water that you see there is the open lead, and through that lead, bowhead whales migrate north each springtime. (翻译:前面,能看到水流的是一条水道, 春天的时候,露脊鲸会通过这样的水道向北方迁徙。)

7. It's entirely possible that many of the whales swimming in the Arctic today, especially long-lived species like the bowhead whale that the Inuits say can live two human lives -- it's possible that these whales were alive in 1956, when Jacques Cousteau made his film. (翻译:极有可能, 许多现在在北极游泳的鲸鱼 特别是像弓头鲸这样的长生物种 ——因纽特人说它们的生命有可能是人类的两倍 ——有可能在1956年它们就已经活着了, 即在雅克·库斯托制作这部电影的时候。)

8. Blue, fin, bowhead minke whales, and of course humpback whales. (翻译:他们是蓝鲸 长须鲸 弓头鲸 小须鲸 当然,还有座头鲸 )

9. Now, Arctic whales, like this bowhead, they have no dorsal fin, because they have evolved to live and swim in ice-covered waters, and having something sticking off of your back is not very conducive to migrating through ice, and may, in fact, be excluding animals from the ice. (翻译:现在,住在北极的鲸鱼,像这个弓头鲸, 它们并没有背鳍, 因为它们已进化并适应了在被冰覆盖的水域里游泳和生活, 背后长东西不利于 在冰中移动, 并且事实上,可能无法在冰区生活。)

10. And while your eyes are seeing nothing for kilometers but ice, your ears are telling you that out there are bowhead and beluga whales, walrus and bearded seals. (翻译:当你的眼睛只看到连绵几千米的冰雪, 你的耳朵却在告诉你水底有弓头鲸和白鲸, 海象和髯海豹。)

11. A gray whale's head, unlike the stout bowhead whale, is too soft to break through the ice and it's beginning to take its toll. (翻译:灰鲸的头没有弓头鲸坚硬 破不了冰 伤口愈来愈多)


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