korgen是什么意思 korgen的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


korgen是什么意思 korgen的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Remember, in this tournament, you win if he cannot KO you in two rounds (记住这次的游戏规则 你熬过两回合 他打不倒你,就是你赢,知道吗?)


例句:Full-moon parties on Thailand's infamous Ko Pha Ngan. Cocaine and cutting-edge dance music in the clubs of Ibiza. (满月群岛位于泰国臭名远扬的磐牙岛,在伊比沙岛的里充斥着和边缘舞蹈音乐。)


例句:Asan's birthrate is 1.08, much lower even than the low national average, according to Ko Bun-Ja, one of deputies helping organize the event. (据协助组织这次活动的代表 Ko Bun-Ja,牙山市的生育率是1.08,甚至远远低于全国平均水平。)


例句:He represents Ko Shun Advertising. (翻译:the prinl of Ko Shun Advertising)


1. Asan's birthrate is 1.08, much lower even than the low national average, according to Ko Bun-Ja, one of deputies helping organize the event. (翻译:据协助组织这次活动的代表 Ko Bun-Ja,牙山市的生育率是1.08,甚至远远低于全国平均水平。)

2. He represents Ko Shun Advertising. (翻译:the prinl of Ko Shun Advertising)

3. "If Hatton stands toe-to-toe with us, we'll knock him out, " said Roach. (翻译:“如果哈顿敢于和我们硬碰硬,我们就KO他,”罗奇说。)

4. If you take me to the police station, at least I can tell them you didn't kill Ko. (翻译:如果你把我带到警局 起码我可以证明贵利高不是你杀的)

5. He and Fat Ko of Red Honor came to blows over a dinner bill and got killed accidentally by Ko. (翻译:他和我们赤义堂的肥高,为了吃饭争结帐,而打起来 肥高错手打死了他)

6. You lived in sente, filled the ko, and you made me give up go! (翻译:你先手做活,顺便还消了劫,你让我对围棋只有选择放弃!)

7. Since debuting he has won all 8 matches with a cross-counter KO punch. (翻译:出道以来就势如破竹地取得5连胜 全是以交叉拳OK取胜)

8. Until Ms. Ko died of breast cancer in 2004, she was Mr. Kim's de facto first lady and a fierce campaigner for her sons. (翻译:直到Ko夫人在2004年死于乳腺癌,她一直是事实上的,对孩子而言还是一个积极的活动家。)

9. A spy from North Korea, Ko Sun-sook had Alzheimer's and was a problem for the prison (翻译:高申淑是间谍,患上老人痴呆症 成为的问题)

10. At 800 km west above the expected start line: the Knockout Tower we detected an energy reading from a hyperdimensional drive. (翻译:如预期的,西边800公里外 作为起点的KO塔上空 捕捉到超次元动力的能源反应)

11. Listen, Ko Da-Fu born in 1949 5 foot 11 inch tall, no distinctive (翻译:听著呀,高达夫,一九四九年出生 身高五尺十一寸,无特征)

12. Guo Moruo "Yong-marble" Poetry: Ko Ko Jin three towers, to think of Zhenguan years. (翻译:郭沫若有《咏大理石》诗:三塔矜高古,回思贞观年。)

13. Last time, he only used one round to KO his opponent (翻译:他在上一场比赛中 只用了一个回合就打败了对手)

14. But even more interestingly, if we continue decrypting, we'll find this mysterious string, which says O600KO78RUS. (翻译:但是更有趣的是 如果我们继续解密 我们将发现一串奇怪的 叫做O600KO78RUS的代码)

15. And if you actually take a look at the scene picture, you can see that the plate of the Mercedes is O600KO78RUS. (翻译:如果你看下现场的照片 你可以看见奔驰车的车牌 是O600KO78RUS)




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