downton是什么意思 downton的中文翻译、读音、例句


downton是什么意思 downton的中文翻译、读音、例句

'downton' 并不是一个单独的单词,但通常用来指代英国历史剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)。


词性:Proper noun (专有名词)





1. Have you watched Downton Abbey? It's a great show!(你看过《唐顿庄园》吗?它是一部很棒的剧集!)

2. My favorite character from Downton Abbey is Lady Mary.(我最喜欢《唐顿庄园》中的玛丽女士这个角色。)

3. Downton Abbey is set in the early 20th century.(《唐顿庄园》的故事发生在20世纪初。)

4. The costumes and sets in Downton Abbey are very detailed and beautiful.(《唐顿庄园》中的服装和场景非常详细和美丽。)

5. Downton Abbey won several awards, including Golden Globe and Emmy awards.(《唐顿庄园》赢得了多个奖项,包括金球奖和艾美奖。)

6. I often rewatch eodes of Downton Abbey when I need a break from work.(当我需要从工作中休息时,我经常重新观看《唐顿庄园》的部分剧集。)

7. Many people were sad when Downton Abbey came to an end after six seasons.(《唐顿庄园》结束后,许多人感到很伤心,因为它持续了六季。)



1. The television drama series "Downton Abbey" is set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey in the early 20th century.(电视剧《唐顿庄园》设定在20世纪初期的虚构约克郡乡村庄园达顿庄园。)

2. Downton Abbey is famous for its elegant architecture and lavish interiors, which reflect the lifestyle of the aristocratic Crawley family.(唐顿庄园以其优雅的建筑和豪华的内饰而著名,反映了贵族克劳利家族的生活方式。)

3. Many tourists visit Downton Abbey each year to see the filming locations and explore the history and culture of the English aristocracy.(许多游客每年都会参观唐顿庄园,看看拍摄地点,探索英国贵族的历史和文化。)




例句:Not a lot, really, but these will be my last months at Downton and you have always been my ally. (让帕特莫太太热些汤给搜寻的人喝 {\3cH202020}and ask Mrs Patmore to heat up some soup for the searchers. -托马斯)


downton一般作为名词使用,如在Downton(唐顿)、Downton pump([化] 当通泵; 当通手摇泵)、Downton Castle Sandstone(当唐堡砂岩)等常见短语中出现较多。

Downton pump[化] 当通泵; 当通手摇泵
Downton Castle Sandstone当唐堡砂岩


1. I have to go where I am useful and that place, I'm afraid, is no longer Downton Abbey. (翻译:我得去个自己能发挥作用的地方 而恐怕唐顿庄园已经非我用武之地)

2. You seem to think she can only be happy in some version of Downton Abbey. (翻译:恕我直言 老爷 您似乎认为她只有在 唐顿这样的庄园才会幸福)

3. And don't forget to tune in to the Starving Games after the season finale of "Downton Abbey." (翻译:τぃ璶а秸俱 哀緅笴栏 辽﹗挡挡Ы 箉笵皘 иぃ弧 ǎ)

4. I'll ask them to Downton for Monday at four and this time, it'll be all above board. (翻译:我会请他们周一下午四点来唐顿 而这次必须正大光明地见面)

5. And it makes me miss "Downton Abbey" and its patina of civility. (翻译:它让我怀念起《唐顿庄园》 和里面文明的气息。)

6. The Crawley family and a few of their best loved servants are leaving Downton Abbey behind and heading to Scotland for a break. (翻译:本次圣诞特辑中Crawley家族和一些深受他们宠爱的仆人将离开庄园前往苏格兰度假。)

7. The point is, milord, Mrs Bates would have made Downton notorious. (翻译:-老爷 我要说的是 贝茨太太会令唐顿声名狼藉)

8. We watching Downton Abbey later? Uh, if I get outta here on time. Yeah, we could watch it. (翻译:如果我能早点下班 我们就一起看 否则就等明天)

9. If I hadn't come back to Downton, back to Anna, would you have stuck to our agreement? (翻译

10. I'm planning to spend Christmas at Downton and leave in the new year. (翻译:我可能说了 {\3cH202020}Perhaps I may have done. 您是说了 格兰瑟姆伯爵 {\3cH202020}You did, Lord Grantham.)

11. And — I really would ask that — and then I'd want to know actually what was going on on "Downton Abbey." (翻译:我真的会问这个的 我还会想知道“唐顿庄园”到底发生了什么。)

12. I feel very guilty, since I chivvied you, and now I'm jumping ship, but I can't run Downton as well. (翻译:我很内疚 之前我为此缠着你 现在却又弃你而去 不能同时管理唐顿)

13. Sergeant Barrow will manage the daily running of Downton and I shall be in overall charge. (翻译:巴罗中士会管理唐顿的每日运作 而我是总负责人)

14. Downton Abbey's Lady Mary is now the most in-demand British voice in America, new research has revealed. (翻译:有新研究指出,《唐顿庄园》里大玛丽的声音已经成为在美国最受欢迎的英国声音。)

15. Since 2010 the Carnarvons have been riding the international wave of interest in Highclere as a result of Downton Abbey. (翻译:自2010年《唐顿庄园》开播以来,卡纳文家族的海克利尔古堡引起了世界的关注。)




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