caravan是什么意思 caravan的中文翻译、读音、例句


caravan是什么意思 caravan的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:caravan 可以指一群旅行的商人或旅客,他们一起行进,通常使用马车或车队。也可以指任何类似于移动住宅的大型车辆,例如露营车。此外,在英国,caravan 还指的是可供居住的小型房屋。


词组搭配:caravan park(露营地),caravan site(露营地点),caravan holiday(露营假期),caravan club(露营俱乐部)

短语:一些与 caravan 有关的短语包括:

- Caravan of camels(骆驼车队)

- Caravan of love(爱的车队)

- Caravan to the west(西行车队)

- Caravan road(车队行进的路线)



1. The caravan of merchants traveled through the desert for weeks before reaching their destination.(商人队伍穿越沙漠几周后才到达目的地。)

2. They parked their caravan at the campsite and spent the night under the stars.(他们把露营车停在露营地点,在星空下度过了一晚。)

3. We rented a caravan for our summer vacation and traveled around the countryside.(我们租了一辆露营车,在乡村周围旅行度假。)

4. She joined a caravan club and goes on group trips with other caravan enthusiasts.(她参加了一个露营俱乐部,和其他露营爱好者一起组团旅游。)

5. The caravans on the Silk Road were crucial for trade between the East and the West.(丝绸之路上的驼队对东西方之间的贸易至关重要。)



1. We joined a caravan of camels and travelled across the desert.(我们加入了一支骆驼队,穿过了沙漠。)

2. The caravan unloaded their goods at the market square.(商队在市场广场卸下了他们的货物。)

3. We decided to join a caravan to go on a desert adventure.(我们决定加入一支旅行队去进行沙漠探险。)




例句:Let us retire to the caravan. For our end of the day talk. (让我们向卡莱文致敬,为今天画上完美的句号)


例句:We came through the Khyber with that caravan... doing all sorts of antics to amuse the people. (我们跟着商旅队经过了凯帕 我们尽可能地逗乐他们)


例句:As we were retreating, we came upon a caravan of Zerith women and children. (在撤退的路上 遇到了一辆载满赛利斯妇孺的大篷车)

4.沙漠商队 、大篷车

例句:The donkey caravan is the interstate highway and high-speed internet of its day. (翻译:当年,驴子车队 不仅是洲与洲连系的主要干道 也是那个时代的高速互联网.)


caravan一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dredging caravan([水运] 挖泥船队)、motor caravan([网络] 旅居车;露营车;汽车式住宅)、motorized caravan(敞篷汽车)等常见短语中出现较多。

dredging caravan[水运] 挖泥船队
motor caravan[网络] 旅居车;露营车;汽车式住宅
motorized caravan敞篷汽车
trade caravan商队;商旅
showman's caravan[网络] 展销用大篷车


1. As we were retreating, we came upon a caravan of Zerith women and children. (翻译:在撤退的路上 遇到了一辆载满赛利斯妇孺的大篷车)

2. The donkey caravan is the interstate highway and high-speed internet of its day. (翻译:当年,驴子车队 不仅是洲与洲连系的主要干道 也是那个时代的高速互联网.)

3. Marco Polo traveled by ship and overland by caravan from Italy to China in the 1200s A. (翻译:公元13世纪,马可·波罗乘船,再乘车从陆路,由意大利到中国。)

4. Paul Kellerman has a team ready to move on the caravan just outside of Albuquerque. (翻译:Paul Kellerman会派人 在Albuquerque市郊阻截车队)

5. Wu Xiaozeng knew there was a caravan behind hundreds followed, the owner called Gu Shengxiong. (翻译:吴孝增知道身后几百里有个马帮尾随而来,货主叫古胜雄。)

6. Countless generations of Tuareg warriors ruled this realm, demanding tribute from merchants plying the caravan routes. (翻译:无数代的图阿雷格勇士统治着这片土地,向往来于商队路线上的商人索要贡品。)

7. Just that it's the morning and we're away somewhere in a caravan, and er... (翻译:只是一个早晨,我们乘着拖车 随便哪个地方,然后呃...)

8. They traveled by caravan, town to town, country to country, for six months straight. (翻译:她们坐着大篷车 从一个城镇到另一个城镇 一个国家到另一个国家 持续六个月)

9. This caravan is armed, Reynald. Good. (翻译:-雷纳尔德,商队有武装保护-更好,否则胜之不武 This caravan is armed, Reynald.)

10. It dreamed that it was a beautiful sunny day and that a caravan of foreign Frankish men had come on a pilgrimage to the grave of Homer. (翻译:一群异国人——佛兰克人——来参拜荷马的坟墓。在这些异国人之中有一位歌手;)

11. There were forty camels in the caravan, and the mules were twice forty in number. (翻译:商队有四十匹骆驼,骡子的数量则是骆驼的两倍。)

12. We all know of them, but nevertheless -- the Arabs say, "The dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on." (翻译:对此,我们都很了解,但就像古老的谚语 所说的:“狗会叫吠,但是车队仍在前行。” )

13. A Russian military caravan attacked, satellite component stolen. (翻译:俄队被攻击 · · · 卫星零件被抢走)

14. I believe that there is a caravan of stories in that. (翻译:当然 你准备好走了吗 Derrick是个什么名字)

15. I don't suppose that in your entire caravan you have a cook one half as good as our Rebecca. (翻译:我看在你们商队里... 没有谁比我们的丽贝卡厨艺更好)




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