damper是什么意思 damper的中文翻译、读音、例句


damper是什么意思 damper的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:put a damper on sth (阻碍、扼杀某事的发展);

dampen the spirits (沮丧)

短语:damp in the air (空气潮湿)



1. The engineers installed dampers to reduce the noise produced by the machines. (工程师们安装了减震器来减少机器产生的噪音。)

2. The heavy rain put a damper on our plans to go hiking. (大雨阻碍了我们去远足的计划。)

3. The damp weather made it difficult for us to dry the clothes. (潮湿的天气让我们很难晾干衣服。)

4. The teacher's criticism put a damper on the student's enthusiasm for learning. (老师的批评打击了学生学习的热情。)

5. The mechanic replaced the damper to reduce the vibration of the car engine. (机修工更换了减震器来减少汽车发动机的振动。)




1. The damper on the piano is not working properly, so the sound is too loud.


2. He put a damper on our plans by telling us the weather forecast.


3. The teacher put a damper on the students' enthusiasm by giving them a lot of homework.





例句:The hydraulic damper can close the door automatically by means of torque energy stored when the door is opened. (它可以利用开门时蓄存的扭矩能量,自动将门关闭。)


例句:The hysteretic curve of the damper with concrete ductility column is plumper. (混凝土延性柱耗能器的滞回曲线饱满; )


例句:The friction force is described by a hysteretic model, which is determined by the state of motion of the damper, i. e. stick or slip. (阻尼器摩擦力由黏滞模型描述,由接触面滑动或黏滞状态决定。)


例句:And they'll stand before God and family and some guy her dad once did business with, and they'll vow that nothing -- not abject poverty, not life-threatening illness, not complete and utter misery -- will ever put the tiniest damper on their eternal love and devotion. (翻译:他们在主和家人的见证下 还包括她父亲曾经的生意伙伴 他们发誓,无论何事 无论是一贫如洗 还是身患绝症 抑或是遭遇彻头彻尾的苦难 都丝毫不会影响 他们永恒的爱与忠诚 )


damper一般作为名词使用,如在diode damper(二极管阻尼器)、directional damper(方向阻尼器;偏般阻尼器)、draft damper(气流阀,通风阀)等常见短语中出现较多。

diode damper二极管阻尼器
directional damper方向阻尼器;偏般阻尼器
draft damper气流阀,通风阀
door damper炉门挡板
discharge damper排气调节门
distributing damper配挡板,分流挡板
draught damper通风阀;气流闸
dynamic damper动力阻尼器,消震器
electromagnetic damper电磁阻尼器


1. The friction force is described by a hysteretic model, which is determined by the state of motion of the damper, i. e. stick or slip. (翻译:阻尼器摩擦力由黏滞模型描述,由接触面滑动或黏滞状态决定。)

2. And they'll stand before God and family and some guy her dad once did business with, and they'll vow that nothing -- not abject poverty, not life-threatening illness, not complete and utter misery -- will ever put the tiniest damper on their eternal love and devotion. (翻译:他们在主和家人的见证下 还包括她父亲曾经的生意伙伴 他们发誓,无论何事 无论是一贫如洗 还是身患绝症 抑或是遭遇彻头彻尾的苦难 都丝毫不会影响 他们永恒的爱与忠诚 )

3. it'swhatshetoldme,heput it'swhatshetoldme,heput my name down. My name down. It does put a huge damper (翻译:这也大大地影响了 我和Kelley的关系 因为)

4. A programmable damper ensures a precise readability of the indicating value in case of pulsation or if pressure peaks occur. (翻译:可编程减震器可以保证显示数值的精确性和可读性,防止抖动或压力峰值造成的影响。)

5. The character of the forest changes as we descend, becoming ever darker and damper, favouring different kinds of animals and plants. (翻译:从上到下,森林的特点也在发生改变 越往下就越阴暗潮湿 适合各种不同种类的动植物)

6. Based on the test of turnable damper, the relation between damping of the damper and angle of step-electro motor is developed. (翻译:在可调减振器试验的基础上,建立了可调减振器阻尼与步进电机转角之间的关系。)

7. Putting a damper on your drink-puke-sleep schedule, huh? (翻译:也算调整了一下你的 喝 -吐 -睡的时间表哈)

8. Excuse me for putting a damper on the evening with such trivial matters. (翻译:她的智商 我不知道该如何形容 她也很迷人)

9. Place pre-tensioned coil spring on the vibration damper . (翻译:将预拉紧的螺旋弹簧放置在减震器上。)

10. We have got control problem, yaw damper inoperative. (翻译:我们操作系统故障,偏航阻尼器不工作了。)

11. ZMC Products Co. , Ltd. Professional production of the entire buffer out of 45 slides, 45 buffer slide, slide damper, Door stopper, Door Holder, furniture, concealed hinges, hinge. (翻译:佛山市顺德区制美五金制品有限公司专业生产全拉出45缓冲滑轨、45缓冲滑轨、滑轨阻尼器、门吸、门碰、家具暗铰链,合页。)

12. Suspension of Santana in the replacement of rubber bearings supporting shaft, the general need to remove the damper, remove the coil spring. (翻译:桑塔纳轿车在更换悬架支承轴橡胶轴承时,一般需要拆下减振器,取下螺旋弹簧。)

13. Dad,I just want you to be-- look,let's not put a damper on the upcoming festivities. (翻译:爸 我只是想 -- 别给即将到来的庆祝扫兴)

14. Well, here's another damper. The Padre knows why we're here. (翻译:好吧,现在有一个更令人扫兴的事儿 神父知道我们来这里的原因)

15. It is advisable for you not to put a damper on his enthusiasm to further his studies at Harvard. (翻译:你最好不要对他去哈佛大学深造的热情泼冷水。)




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