terracotta是什么意思 terracotta的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


terracotta是什么意思 terracotta的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 材料:Terracotta通常是由泥土、沙子和其他天然物质混合制成的。它可以在高温下烘烤,以使其硬化和变得耐用。这种材料在很多古老的文化中被广泛使用,如中国、希腊和罗马。


- The terracotta warriors are a world-famous attraction in Xi'an, China.

- The ancient Greeks made many terracotta statues of their gods and goddesses.

2. 历史背景:Terracotta可以追溯到约5,000年前的美索不达米亚,当时人们开始使用这种材料制造陶器。在中国,大约在公元前210年,秦始皇下令建造兵马俑,成千上万的用来保卫他的坟墓,这些兵马俑被制成了极为惟妙惟肖的陶器。


- The terracotta figurines found in Mesopotamia are some of the earliest examples of this kind of art.

- The terracotta soldiers of the Qin Dynasty are a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of ancient Chinese artisans.

3. 用途:除了制作陶器和雕塑之外,Terracotta还可以用于建造建筑物和墓葬。这种材料可以抵御风化和磨损,并且在装饰和建造方面具有灵活性。


- The Terracotta Army is part of a massive burial complex built to protect the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang.

- Many ancient Roman villas were decorated with beautiful terracotta tiles.

4. 艺术价值:Terracotta在许多文化中被视为一种高度艺术形式。从中国的秦始皇兵马俑到希腊的塞浦路斯雕塑,这种材料的艺术价值和影响力都是不容忽视的。


- The terracotta statues of the ancient Greeks are some of the most beautiful examples of their art.

- The terracotta tiles of the Italian Renaissance are prized for their beauty and durability.

5. 现代应用:Terracotta在现代建筑和工艺装饰中仍然得到广泛应用。它被用来制造瓷砖、屋顶瓦片和装饰品等等。


- The terracotta tiles on the roof of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, are a stunning example of modern architecture.

- Many modern artists use terracotta to create unique sculptures and other works of art.


1. Terracotta warriors terrify me.

- 兵马俑吓死我了。

2. The ancient Greeks were famous for their terracotta pottery.

- 古希腊人以他们的陶器而闻名。

3. The terracotta tiles on the roof of the cathedral are beautiful.

- 教堂屋顶上的陶瓦很美。

4. The artist used terracotta to create a stunning sculpture.

- 艺术家用陶土创造了一件惊人的雕塑。

5. The museum has an impressive collection of terracotta artifacts.

- 博物馆拥有令人印象深刻的陶器工艺品收藏。




1. The soldiers wore terracotta uniforms. (士兵们穿着陶瓷制成的。)

2. The terracotta warriors are a symbol of ancient Chinese history. (兵马俑是中国古代历史的象征。)

3. The building was constructed with terracotta tiles. (这座建筑是用陶瓷瓦建造的。)




例句:Razing the Liuhe the Emperor's palace, was the silence of terracotta warriors guard the city, seems to be cold bronze. (扫平的始皇帝的宫阙,被兵马俑拱卫的沉默之城,似乎是青铜色的冷光。)


例句:This is where I crushed the famous terracotta warlords into powder. (就在这儿我把著名的陶瓦军阀们击碎成了粉末)


例句:Terracotta would have then locked access to the reader thanks to the autolock section in tc-config.xml. (Terracotta会根据tc - config . xml中的autolock片段锁定对reader的访问。)


例句:The Xian Terracotta Exhibition is now on at World Wide Plaza... (翻译:令你享受一个自由自在的假期 环球百货大厦 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}We ensure you a wonderful holiday The Xian Terracotta Exhibition)


terracotta一般作为名词使用,如在Terracotta Army([网络] 兵马俑;秦始皇兵马俑;中国西安的兵马俑)、terracotta warriors(n. 兵马俑)等常见短语中出现较多。

Terracotta Army[网络] 兵马俑;秦始皇兵马俑;中国西安的兵马俑
terracotta warriorsn. 兵马俑


1. Terracotta would have then locked access to the reader thanks to the autolock section in tc-config.xml. (翻译:Terracotta会根据tc - config . xml中的autolock片段锁定对reader的访问。)

2. The Xian Terracotta Exhibition is now on at World Wide Plaza... (翻译:令你享受一个自由自在的假期 环球百货大厦 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}We ensure you a wonderful holiday The Xian Terracotta Exhibition)

3. Ithas often been speculated that this was at least partially responsible for many of his later acts such as building the terracotta army. (翻译:人们常常猜测,这是至少部分负责他的许多后来的行为,如建设兵马俑。)

4. Terracotta enables applications to be deployed on multiple JVMs, yet interact with each other as if they were running on the same JVM. (翻译:Terracotta能把应用部署在多个JVM上,但仍然能彼此交互,就像它们运行在同一个JVM上。)

5. In parts dating back to 12th century, the Inn is built of local stone and chestnut wood; bedrooms have original fireplaces, Caunes marble windowsills and terracotta tile floors. (翻译:旅馆内一部分建筑历史可追溯到12世纪,是由当地的石头和栗木建成;卧室内有原始的壁炉Caunes大理石窗台和陶瓷砖地板。)

6. When you have had your fill of Terracotta Warriors, musty palaces and gloomy imperial tombs, submit to Shanghai's debutante charms. (翻译:当你看够了兵马俑,陈腐的宫殿,阴森森的帝王墓,那么就来感受一下上海少女般的迷人魅力吧。)

7. If it weren't for some toiling farmers digging a well back in 1974, the famed Terracotta Warriors may remain buried still. (翻译:如果不是1974年那些衣衫褴褛的农民挖井时的偶然发现,也许著名的兵马俑至今仍然沉睡在大地中。)

8. HRH The Duke of York visits the Terracotta Warriors Museum in Xian, one of the worlds most important archeological discoveries . (翻译:约克公爵参观了西安的兵马俑博物馆一项世界重要的考古发现。)

9. Terracotta Army fan, are you? (翻译:你喜欢兵马俑 对吧? Terracotta Army fan, are you?)

10. Some objects of refined terracotta were decorated with zoomorphic and geometric designs. (翻译:细泥陶上常有彩绘的几何图案或动物形花纹。)

11. After months of waiting, the largest Terracotta Army exhibition outside China opened in London at the British Museum. (翻译:经过了数月的期待,中国境外首次最大型的兵马俑展览在伦敦的大英博物馆开幕了。)

12. Terracotta provides one such solution. (翻译:Terracotta就提供了这样一个解决方案。)

13. It is roofed with terracotta tiles of the Italian imbrex and tegula form. (翻译:它的屋顶铺有意大利筒瓦和手风琴形式的赤陶瓦。)

14. We believe this is an especially valuable effect if you are trying to introduce a completely new concept like Terracotta. (翻译:我们相信在引入像Terracotta这样一种全新概念的时候,开源的影响会特别有价值。)

15. The other, designed by Leslie Green in 1906, is quite different: a distinctive, arched construction covered in rich, oxblood-coloured terracotta tiling. (翻译:另一座则大不相同,由莱斯利?格林于1906年设计,该建筑极具特色,拱形结构,顶部由暗红色的陶瓦覆盖,大气奢华。)






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