detritus是什么意思 detritus的中文翻译、读音、例句


detritus是什么意思 detritus的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:detritus 指的是遗物堆积、碎屑等废物或无用的残余物。



1. detritus deposit 遗留物沉积层

2. organic detritus 有机碎屑

3. detritus feeders 游离生活在底部的生物

4. detritus cycle 残渣循环



1. The beach was littered with detritus from the storm.(海滩上布满了风暴留下的废弃物。)

2. The river was filled with detritus after the flood.(洪水过后,河里充满了遗留物。)

3. The aquarium cleaner ed up all the detritus from the bottom.(水族馆清洁工将底部的所有碎屑吸走。)

4. The detritus from the construction site was properly disposed of.(建筑工地的遗留物得到了妥善处置。)

5. The decayed detritus provided nourishment for the plants.(腐烂的碎屑为植物提供了养分。)

6. The detritus in the ocean can be harmful to marine life.(海洋中的遗留物可能对海洋生物有害。)

7. The detritus of civilization often accumulates in areas.(文明遗物常常在城市地区积累。)




1. The stream was filled with detritus from the recent storm. (这条小溪里堆满了最近风暴带来的碎屑。)

2. We need to clean up the detritus left behind after the party. (派对结束后,我们需要清理留下的垃圾。)

3. The construction site was littered with detritus and debris. (建筑工地上到处都是碎屑和废料。)




例句:A richly varied community flourishes here sustained by the nutrients and detritus in the icy currents that flow around the peak. (一个丰富的物种群落在这里昌盛 得益于洋流持续不断地携带养分从这里流过)


例句:The intermediate and acid seamount which maybe exist , may be the main origin of felsic detritus. (本区可能存在的中酸性熔岩海山是长英质轻碎屑物质的主要源区。)


例句:seston Particulate matter such as plankton, organic detritus and inorganic particles such as silt suspended in seawater. (飘浮物微粒子的物质,例如浮游生物、有机碎屑,或无机粒子例如在海水中漂浮的淤泥。)


例句:There is no guano comparable in fertility with the detritus of a capital. (翻译:任何鸟粪都没有首都的垃圾肥效高。)


detritus一般作为名词使用,如在drift detritus(漂屑)、glacial detritus(冰成岩屑)、incandescent detritus(热岩屑, 白热岩屑)等常见短语中出现较多。

drift detritus漂屑
glacial detritus冰成岩屑
incandescent detritus热岩屑, 白热岩屑
marine detritus海洋碎屑
nonluminous detritus无光岩屑
organic detritus[化] 有机残渣
plant detritus植物性碎层
reef detritus礁屑
talc detritus[矿业] 滑石碎屑


1. seston Particulate matter such as plankton, organic detritus and inorganic particles such as silt suspended in seawater. (翻译:飘浮物微粒子的物质,例如浮游生物、有机碎屑,或无机粒子例如在海水中漂浮的淤泥。)

2. There is no guano comparable in fertility with the detritus of a capital. (翻译:任何鸟粪都没有首都的垃圾肥效高。)

3. Flora of clay desert is similar to that of detritus desert. (翻译:粘土荒漠上的植物和碎石荒漠上的植物相似。)

4. Indeed, with the deaths of so many other animals and with much dead plant material, the food chain based on detritus would have been well-supplied. (翻译:事实上,由于许多其他动物的死亡以及植物的大量枯萎,基于腐殖质的食物链本会得到很好的供应。)

5. No perfectly formed democracy is about to emerge from the detritus of Mr Mubarak's regime. Disorder seems likely to reign for some time. (翻译:穆巴拉克倒台后的瓦砾中不会出现形式完美的政权,混乱将会持续一段时间。)

6. Old leaves, fallen tree branches, and other detritus left over from the winter littered the front yard. (翻译:前院里散落着枯叶、树枝和一些瓦砾,从去年冬天就是这个样子了。)

7. It accepts algae and detritus in one end, and through this beautiful, glamorous set of stomach organs, out the other end comes cleaner water. (翻译:从一端吸入藻类腐屑 再经过它神奇的消化器官 最后从另一端排除的... 却是净化了的水 )

8. Whatever the responsibility, individual or corporate, the detritus is plain to see. (翻译:不管是谁的责任,个人还是企业,惨淡的结果是显而易见的。)

9. The resulting food web is so connected that almost every species is no more than two degrees from detritus, even us humans. (翻译:由于食物网各个环节 如此紧密相连, 以至于食物网中几乎每个物种 同腐质的联系都不超过两个消费级, 甚至我们人类也包括在内。)

10. It accepts algae and detritus in one end, and through this beautiful, glamorous set of stomach organs, out the other end comes cleaner water. (翻译:从一端吸入藻类腐屑 再经过它神奇的消化器官 最后从另一端排除的... 却是净化了的水)

11. I'm going into the ground just the way I am, and there, I invite every microbe and detritus-er and decomposer to have their fill. (翻译:我将以我原本的样子入土为安, 在那儿,我邀请每一个细菌, 碎石, 分解者, 去享用我—— )

12. The researchers detected the bacterial protein in the plant detritus that was washed off the corn fields into streams up to 500 metres away. (翻译:研究人员从玉米地冲入500米之外溪流中的庄稼碎屑中发现了这种细菌蛋白。)

13. Marine snow, detritus from the creatures swarming in the sunlit waters above. (翻译:海雪是海洋表面上的生物产生的小型有机物碎屑)

14. If the roads were going to be blocked with various pieces of burning detritus, as they had the day before, I wanted to know first. (翻译:我想先了解一下,道路是不是还像前几天前那样被许多燃烧物的碎片堵塞。)

15. All detritus is ultimately consumed by microbes and other scavengers, so it actually forms the base of the brown food chain that supports many other organisms, including us. (翻译:所有腐质最终会 被微生物及其他食腐动物吃光, 所以说,腐质事实上是 形成“棕色食物链”的基础, 支撑了许多其他生物的生存, 包括我们。)




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